Ceramic braces: How often do they come off?

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Ceramic braces: How often do they come off?

#1 Post by HowlingWolf »

I've only been braced less than 2 weeks and one of the upper brackets came off already. Does this happen often and is it because of something I ate? I'm away at a work conference and won't be back home to tell my ortho for another week and a half. I'm just bummed because since it came off, it feels like there is no more pressure on my teeth whatsoever, which I would take as no teeth will be moving until it gets re-attached.

On a side note though, I had a poking wire (my second one) and spent a few hours yesterday (Saturday) looking for an ortho who could cut it. Thank you very much to Dr Zak in Chelsea, MA for seeing me on such short notice.

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#2 Post by oceanblue »

I have 10 ceramic brackets on my top teeth. I've had them for over a year and none of them have never come off. Also, my ortho bends the ends of my arch wires in towards my teeth so they haven't ever poked me. This probably isn't much help to you! Maybe you could go back to the ortho who helped with your wires and ask him/her to put your bracket back on? You would risk them not putting the bracket back on in the exact place that your other ortho had in mind - but it's something to consider anyway.

Good luck! :lol:
Upper ceramic and lower metal braces
Round #2 - Had braces as a teen for 4 years!
Treatment time: 14 months
Braces on: July 19th, 2006
Bottom braces off: August 29th, 2007
Top braces off: September 19th, 2007
BLWR on bottom and Essix on top!

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#3 Post by HowlingWolf »

oceanblue wrote:Maybe you could go back to the ortho who helped with your wires and ask him/her to put your bracket back on? You would risk them not putting the bracket back on in the exact place that your other ortho had in mind
Thats what I'm afraid of if I had another ortho place the bracket back in a location my regular ortho may not want. I figure it's less than 2 weeks until i can see my home ortho so it shouldn't be too bad. The great thing is since there is no soreness since the bracket came off, I can eat with no pain/soreness. I've been ordering room service non-stop and sampling as many of Boston's fine restaurants as I can on the company's dime. I love business trips!!


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#4 Post by lionfish »

I've never had a ceramic bracket come off on me. In fact, I've had several repositioned and they resisted being separated from my teeth to the last.

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#5 Post by fitchick »

I've had a ceramic brace on my top teeth for about 5 months now, and my 2 front brackets both fell off on my last 2 appointments, thankfully I was in the right place sat in his chair! DG thinks the reason is that my top 2 teeth are veneers. If the same happens this week then he said he'd change the glue that he uses.

Never had a poking wire yet. Well done you on finding Mr Zak!

Jun06 Lower brace on
Aug06 Root Canals completed
Mar07 Upper Brace on
July08 Braces off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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#6 Post by lab117 »

Looks like I have not been as luck as most people. I had 6 ceramic brackets fall off on my bottom. My ortho felt that their may have been a bit of moisture on my teeth when bonded and this prevents the glue from bonding strongly.

I also had a top bracket fall off at the last adjustment. It was replaced immediately. In each case I just waited until the next appointment to have them rebonded... in once case this was 5 weeks.

Miss Smiley
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#7 Post by Miss Smiley »

I've had one fall off and he deemed it due to the amount of pressure as it was my wayward molar. It just came off while I was brushing, it was like instant relief, no pressure. Then I realized what had happened, good thing I was going in for my lower bonding, but my ortho decided to keep it off until the next adjustment.
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
De-banded: 3/04/09 w/ LBR and U&L Essix

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#8 Post by onedayperfect »

only once :) in 6 months but i do eat silly hard foods :oops:

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#9 Post by mikecl »

I've had upper ceramics since May and lowers since July of this year and so far no brackets have come off.

Upper Ceramic Brace - 11 May 2007
1 Extraction and Lower Ceramic Brace - 13 July 2007
2 x Elastics - 9 April 2008

Story so far...
http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... c&start=30

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#10 Post by RahRahLuv »

I haven't had any come off yet, they are pretty sturdy, now I am scared!!!

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#11 Post by RahRahLuv »

I have waited forever to be able to afford braces, I dont want any problems!!

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so true!!

#12 Post by RahRahLuv »

that is why I love this site! lol

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#13 Post by HowlingWolf »

Thanks for the replies folks. I guess I'm not as lucky as others.

A second bracket just came off...one on both sides now....and I haven't even had the braces on 2 weeks!!

Should I try to cut them myself with nail clippers?

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#14 Post by platinum »

Maybe there is something wrong with the glue?

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#15 Post by iBorg »

I am the exception to the rule. I currently have GAC Mystique ceramics and they will be changed to metal at my next appointment. I'm a bit thrilled and disappointed by the need for the change. I don't know how many loose brackets I've had. At one point it seemed like it was once every couple of weeks. At my last appointment when two came off when the powerchains were removed (mid July) the decision was made to switch. Since then I've had two other loose brackets.
I was told in some rare cases there is something in the enamel that causes a problem. I do have one metal in my top arch, which replaced a ceramic and its been there since October or early November. My ortho did say that metal allowed more torque for some movements.
I'll also have a brighter smile.

I guess I won't be able to hide my braces after September 6.

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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