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Joined: Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:41 am


#1 Post by Odessa »

Hello Everyone!!!
I have a question regarding wisdom teeth. I have 5 wisdom teeth and 4 are impacted. I am set to get my braces on Sept 19 (which I am so excited about). I was wondering if anyone here has started treatment before getting them removed? My ortho didn't seem to worried about them. He said that as long as they weren't bothering me now, he can put braces on first. Since they really aren't bothering me I decided to get the ball rolling with my treatment.
Another question I have is -if they remove your wisdom teeth while in braces is it more painful? What would it entail as far as removing wires, adjustments, etc? Thaks!!!!!

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#2 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

I was braced before having my wisdom teeth removed.. I was anxious to get treatment started because my bite/tmj was causing unbearable migraines. Anyway, I don't think having my top wisdoms removed hurt any more with braces than without. I still have my lowers, as I have a sensitivity to anesthesia, and my ortho-dentist say that its not affecting treatment...
Spacers: 08/09/2006


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#3 Post by SandraJones »

Wow, I learn something new here every day ! I didn't know someone could have more than 4 wisdom teeth, so I did a 'net search on "4th molar" and sure enough, some people have 4ths and even 5ths ! They are called "supernumerary" teeth, i.e., more than the usual number.

I think it really depends on where the wisdom teeth are when it comes to deciding whether to get them out first or start the orthodontics treatment and take them out later. If they are not currently in the way, I guess it doesn't matter.

Btw Odessa, when I had my impacted wisdom teeth removed (I only had 3), I had no post-op pain or complications, so I hope you have the same outcome when yours are removed ! :-)
Nov 1960: born
1973 ?: palate expander
1973-1977: braces
Aug 1981: Le Fort I, posterior impaction to correct anterior open bite and class II malocclusion
Aug 2007: braces again to correct various alignment issues and class II malocclusion

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#4 Post by lionfish »

I started treatment with all my wisdom teeth in place (one of them impacted).

6 months into treatment, a lower wisdom tooth was pulled under local. The procedure was completely painless. This tooth hadn't been bracketed/wired, so there was no removal of wires, etc.

Posts: 14
Joined: Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:41 am

#5 Post by Odessa »

I just wanted to say thank you for the replies. Getting my wisdom teeth taken out is probably the part of my treatment that I am dreading the most.

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