frustrated AGAIN with my ortho

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frustrated AGAIN with my ortho

#1 Post by Apple »

My ortho originally told me that I could keep my wisdom teeth ("Yeah, it's no problem. You have plenty of room."). And then he changed his mind ("When are you getting your wisdom teeth removed?"). So, after putting up with his questioning at every adjustment, I finally went to an oral surgeon recommended by my ortho. The surgeon let me know that yes indeed I had enough room for my wisdom teeth, they have fully erupted, and they are coming in straight. The surgeon did say that I should get them removed if I was having problems cleaning around them. Previously I had asked about my wisdom teeth with my dentist, who said that they look great, are clean, and seem to be fine.

Today I had an adjustment with my ortho, who again started his conversation with me by saying “When are you getting your wisdom teeth removed?â€

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#2 Post by SandraJones »

Tell that crabby orthodontist to talk directly to the oral surgeon he recommended you consult ! He shouldn't be getting mad at YOU !

Based on all of the reading I've done, if your wisdom teeth are erupted and coming in straight and they aren't crowding your other teeth, you don't need to have them removed. Don't we have people in this forum with their wisdom teeth ? Mine were sideways, they had to be removed.
Nov 1960: born
1973 ?: palate expander
1973-1977: braces
Aug 1981: Le Fort I, posterior impaction to correct anterior open bite and class II malocclusion
Aug 2007: braces again to correct various alignment issues and class II malocclusion

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#3 Post by L1ittleMissMeeba »

Yuck. Yuck, yuck.

Screw removing the wisdom teeth- like the others said, remove yourself form the Ortho's office and find a new one! (Though I understand this is easier said than done)

The choice to remove them is yours and yours alone.

I had mine removed. You know how people say, "I thought it was bad at the time, but in retrospect it wasn't too horrible" ?? Well- in retrospect it's STILL horrible. Some people have zero problems. I wasn't one of them. Puffy, bruised, sore. Braces are a cake-walk compared to tooth extractions.

Having said that- you have an ORAL SURGEON who told you that you needen't remove 'em. Forget what the ortho said. In less they're getting in the way of your treatment, why go through the pain of having them removed? A dentist & oral surgeon are two different things, in my opinion. If the ortho threatens to stop treatment, maybe he's right- maybe they are going to be a problem. If not- eh, who cares. Tell him to hush up. You're paying him 3-5 grand to fix your teeth, not act like a baby.

Sometimes I feel like theres such an awful stigma associated with 'wisdom teeth.' I doubt there's a hard and fast rule saying they MUST be removed... It's just that lots of people have pain/crowding issues with 'em, so they have them pulled. It doesn't mean that's right for everyone.

Gooood luck!

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#4 Post by QKate »

I really regret having mine removed. I had them out 18 months ago, I am 34 years old. I got them out cause I had bad perio disease- after not going to a dentist for too too long. the periodontist I was seeing at the time (bad dentist) told me to have them removed for better cleaning. The oral surgeon I saw said 3 of them were fully in and straight and fine and didn't need to come out. the perio insisted. At the time I was ignorant and scared of my perio disease so I wanted to follow instructions. Now I wish I had made up my mind for myself, considered it. Now I have four big gaps at the back of my mouth where teeth used to be! even though the Wisdom teeth are the backest teeth, they are still your teeth- and people, in my opinion, urge them out too often withut reason. If you don't need them out, don't do it. Keep all the teeth you have!

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#5 Post by verticaltrailmix »

I personally have to agree with LittleMissMeeba... :? Having your wisdom teeth taken out is AWFUL, not gonna lie :shock: Of course, I had FIVE to take out and it was a little more complicated than most. Mine were impacted, and DEEP. He was worried about how much jaw bone he had to cut away :yikes: It got so bad they almost hospitalized me with morphine. :-((

The ONE piece of advice I would give you is... if you DO get them taken out (which if I were you I would have them out... they may look okay now but they can change FAST, I've heard some nasty horror stories, where there WASN'T supposed to be a problem at all) but if you do decide to get them out, make sure you get them AAAAAAALL out at the same time! That's the one thing I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY glad I did! Because if I would have done them 1 at a time, or even two at a time... I NEVER would have gone back to get the rest done! It CAN be traumatizing :shock:

Good luck my dear... sorry my post wasn't too UPLIFTING lol :? But honesty's the best policy right? lol :D hang in there!

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#6 Post by onedayperfect »

Hope mine dont have to come out! its the one thing I worry about! :(

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#7 Post by eggraid101 »

Hopefully your orthodontist can clarify why he is so insistent that you have them removed. It seems that he was concerned about them, referred you to a specialist for an evaluation and that specialist didn't see a need for treatment. Maybe you can ask the orthodontist to call the oral surgeon to clarify what he had as a concern. It sounds like you may not need to have them removed; a lot of people wish they were in your shoes! :)
Russell Mullen, DDS MS
Leesburg, VA

Remember: your orthodontist knows your dental history and orthodontic condition best. I can guide you toward better orthodontic information than if you were left on your own and hopefully in doing so play a small part in your quest to achieve a beautiful, fully functional smile, but you should consider your orthodontist the best source of information.

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#8 Post by Apple »

Thank you everyone, so much, for your replies and for sharing in my frustration.

I had posted about this in the past, but feel like I need to re-post some of my history with the wisdom teeth...
About 5 years ago my wisdom teeth started coming through. The denist I was seeing at the time said that they were coming in straight and that I had enough room, so I could keep them. Then a year ago, my new dentist suggested I see an orthodonist about my wisdom teeth and my new concerns about my teeth appearing not-as-straight. So, I originally started seeing my orthodontist because I had concerns about my wisdom teeth pushing my teeth forward. He said at our first meeting that I had enough room for my wisdom teeth, they were coming in straight and that I could keep them. I went into braces with no concerns about my wisdom teeth. Had I known that I should have them removed, I would have done it pre-braces.
After I started seeing the ortho, he began asking me about my wisdom teeth, "When are you having your wisdom teeth removed?" I would tell him that he himself said I could keep them, but he wouldn't believe me. So after my ortho asking me about my wisdom teeth for the upteenth time, he gave me a referal and sent me to an oral surgeon.
The oral sugeon agreed that I had enough room, that the teeth were in fully and that they were straight. He said I didn't have to remove them unless I wanted to. He told me that some people opt to have them removed because of cleaning issues, but as long as my dentist said that I was cleaning them well, then there was no need to have them removed. He kept my file and said I could revisit the issue AFTER the braces were off.
So then recently I let my ortho know this and you all know the rest of the story.

My plan right now is to talk to my dentist and make sure that I'm cleaning my wisdom teeth well. I have an appointment in early October. Depending on what she says, I will decide if I should remove my wisdom teeth or not. Then, I will talk to my ortho about his urgency with having them removed after I first talk with my dentist.

The whole thing just stresses me out!

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#9 Post by lionfish »

Would just like to add my 20c worth and this is not intended to take away from the problems you're currently experiencing, apple.

Two of my wisdom teeth erupted fully without any issues for my bite. A third - lower - also erupted fully and at this time I noticed my bite opening up quite substantially (I was 18 at the time). The dentist I was seeing at the time scheduled for me to have it pulled, but I chickened out at the last moment (would have had to go under anaesthetic and was s**t scared). I changed dentists and the next guy said it was OK to keep the tooth which, like all my second molars, eventually ended up with cavities and being filled. I also saw an ortho at this time for the bite problem, but that's another story which I won't go into here.

Like Little Miss Meeba said, I exercised the choice on whether to remove the tooth or not.

Anyway, fast forward to last year. Six months into treatment, my ortho says the offending wisdom tooth has to go otherwise he can't close my bite. This time I really had no choice. I was nervous as all h*ll about having it pulled, but I needn't have been. It was an easy extraction and all over in 10 minutes. The rest is history.

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#10 Post by mcdjean »

There is something to be said for a health professional's responsibility to be emotionally intelligent. To take your feelings seriously and retain the information that you give them especially when it pertains to your treatment. It is always disappointing when you feel like you aren't being listened to. Maybe you could ask them to give you a few extra minutes on the side at your next adjustment so you can address these serious concerns head on.
I would recommend having them removed. There is more of a risk keeping them in than taking them out right? It does hurt, but better to go through it now than later. Only a dentist will know for sure. Good luck.

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#11 Post by DotCat »

I have had similar problem. My orthodontist and my maxfac surgeon could not agree on if I should have my premolar removed or not. It is totally healthy tooth and my orthodontist wanted it removed during my SARPE surgery, just because some idiot dentist removed the other one when I was kid (instead of sending me to jaw widening procedure, gah!) and she wanted both sides to be symetrical.

I am having hard time being between these two. My surgeon is a guy with 40+ years of praxis, basically one of the pioneers here. My orthodontist is young, very skilled, but has subtlety of a falling brick sometimes.

SOmetimes I wish the doctors were getting some sort of training how to deal with us patients more nicely.

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