I am by no means, flaunting what I do or say I have unlocked some code. I am sharing my experience like many others on this site, and negative responses are only coming from people who misunderstand me.jennielee81 wrote:
If you want to second guess your orthodontist's treatment because you seem to feel that you have unlocked some sort of code for tooth movement, that is your choice. Flauting it here is clearly going to draw negative responses and possibly mis-direct newbies.
I do believe my prtho is a highly trained professinoal, but after an incident in the beginig of my treatment, I decided to pay close attention to what is going on. I don't know if any of you remember reading it, but I posted a few months back saying my ortho told me I will most likely be getting 2 extractions. I PERSONALLy felt like I didn't need it, and I am NOT trained in orthodontics, but I DO have a large source of information where I can do research(the same WWW) and I have a braind of my own thatsays sometimes it's okay to double check. Well BECAUSE I asked my ortho to wait and try another method first, and by getting another doctor's opinin, I was able to save both of my teeth and do not need extractions anymore, instead I am close to the end.
So all I am trying to do in my posts, is promote ACTIVE involvement in your treatment so you are not blindly let to do whatever you are told regardless of how you feel about it.
Be more informed and involved is all I'm saying.
Seems like this thread got completely misconstruded and failed to promote the positive message I was trying to convey probably because I clearly didn't state my intentions in the first paragraph of this thread.
So sorries for that, but it's out now.
Thanks for the input, even the misunderstandings and negativity, but I blame inability to express thought and emotion clearly through the written words, was never great at expressive writting.