Do all orthos give you a choice?

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Do all orthos give you a choice?

#1 Post by loyaboya »

Hello everyone!

This is my first post here, but I've been reading the board for a (short) while as I start the process of getting braces. At this point I've been through 2 consultations with one orthodontist. The first was very general and we took some x-rays and impressions, and today I went back to discuss a treatment plan and pricing.

My question is this. I went in with an expectation of what I wanted to get (ceramic on top, metal on the bottom) but I really wasn't given a choice. An assistant showed me a video of Damon braces and then the ortho came in and started talking about what he wanted to happen with my teeth. It was definitely presumed that we were going to go with that style. Is that normal? I asked him if Damons were all that he used and he said yes. An assistant later said that I could let the ortho know if I wanted something in particular, but my point is that he never asked (the whole thing was a bit rushed- thats another issue).

I'm definitely going to get some other consultations (perhaps two more), mainly because he recommended that we extract 4 teeth and I want to see what some other Dr's say. But I'm just wondering if this is along the lines of what I should expect?


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#2 Post by iBorg »

Some orthos only use one system while others use more than one. Mine will normally give you options although if your movement is severe she will encourage all metal and may not give you the options of ceramic.

My bigger concern is the recommendation for extractions. Before I agreed to extractions (beyond wisdom teeth), I'd have at least two other consults to be sure that I'm getting the treatment that will result in the final result I'd be happiest with.

Remember, short of implants, extractions are gone forever. You just might miss them.

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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#3 Post by MsTiaLia »

I would definitely recommend that you visit some other docs. If you're talking about the ortho I think you're talking about, my visit with him was kind of rushed with no questions about what I wanted out of the process! My ortho and I had a conversations about why they rush through visits. He said that the more patients they have in their practice, the more they have to rush to squeeze everybody in. Particularly, when they have offices in multiple cities. They are only in each office certain days of the week and have to fit all of those clients in on those days. When they start out rushing through your visits, it is really hard to slow them down! My dentist actually called my ortho to address some of my concerns!!! I would know what I wanted to ask about, but when I would go in for my adjustment, I'd be with an assistant for most of the time, then he'd fly in and out while my mouth was hanging open with wires all over the place! I never had a real opportunity to ask any questions! Since my dentist has taken a more active role in my ortho treatment, my ortho has slowed down considerably.

Whew...I've said ALL THAT to say, if it feels uncomfortable to you in the consult, keep it moving! There are a BUNCH of orthos in the Triangle!!!

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#4 Post by loyaboya »

Thanks guys!

I'm going to go with your recommendations (and my instincts) and shop around.

Mike- I was also very concerned about the extractions. And thanks to what I've read on this board, I immediately started thinking about getting other opinions. My top teeth are "buck" (sorry, I don't know all the terms yet), I have a big overbite, and my bottom teeth are very crowded. The Dr. said I'm a "borderline" case for extractions. At first he said he wanted to take them out but then I think he saw the look on my face and said that if I wanted we could try treatment for a year and see how things look (my bottom arch is also very narrow). Then he thought about it some more and said he feels they should come out but that I need to think about it and be committed to that decision. So thats where we left things (with me 'thinking about it').

MsTiaLia - thanks so much for your advice! When I go to this new consultation on wednesday I will make a point to mention how rushed and unsure I felt with the last Dr. I consulted with. Maybe that will drop a big enough hint ;)

This board is great, thanks to both of you for your support.

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#5 Post by HotWired22 »

My ortho gave me a choice, he actually kinda said "well we'd do ceramic uppers and metal lowers" and that is what I wanted anyway so I guess his choice was also my own choice. It worked out well. I agree with KK though, you'll know the right ortho when you meet. I went about 3 years ago b/c my dentist would pester me every checkup, but the ortho I met back then just didnt impress me. I'm sure he knew what he was doing but he was not personable at all and not a good chairside manner. Basically said "YOU NEED THIS AND YOU'LL NEED THAT AND YOU'LL HAVE A MOUTHFUL OF ELASTICS FOR TWO YEARS" and was kind of a little mean and "matter of fact". My ortho now is great, he's very friendly and jokes around a lot which goes with my personality. He's very laid back like me :D

So I say hang in there and wait for the right one, like they said it's your teeth and if someone else messes them up you don't get any more :cry:

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#6 Post by Spanner »

I'm a bit apprehensive about my consultation on Wednesday, not because I'm scared of what I need to have done but because I'm not good with people if they aren't good with me. I know that if he comes across incompetent or if I feel rushed, not important enough, or his "chairside manner" as HotWired22 mentioned isn't good then I'll just walk out.

Having anything done to your face such as gettting your teeth fixed can be a life changing experience. There is little going back after it's done not to mention the expense. If you aren't happy with your consultation go elsewhere and get a second or third opinion.

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#7 Post by iBorg »

Take your time. When you find the right person, you'll know it. Let's face it, for most of us this is elective. Waiting a month or two to find the right person will not result in major damage. Waiting a couple of years might be an issue.

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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my former one.

#8 Post by mariahfromchicago »

you may think because of the subject title that I don't have braces anymore. I still do. My orthodontist basically kicked me out of his practice. But he had 2 models, one of clear ceramic braces and another of metal braces. He never asked me which one I wanted.
Oh well, I wanted to leave that (evil) orthodontist. :roll:

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#9 Post by browneyedgrl »

I was a nervous wreck when I when into my consultation. When I met with the coordinator, she asked me what my issues were and she asked me what kind of braces that I would be interested in if I needed them. Ceramic, metal, invisalign, etc. While we were having our conversation I noticed that she was wearing upper ceramics and lower metals and starting talking about wearing braces as an adult, etc. I started to relax having this adult conversation with someone who completely understands what I'm contemplating doing. I did meet with the orthodontist shortly after that and we talked about what my concerns were and he looked around and found somethings that I was completely unaware of and explained/showed me everything. I felt so comfortable b/c I wasn't being pressured throughout the process. He also came highly recommended. He gave me the lowdown of treatment needed and I received a letter two days later specifying what was recommended. The rest is history and I'll begin my second journey on 1/10/08.

Just check out a few more and go with your gut!

Good luck.
Started the journey for the second time on January 10th 2008~Ceramic uppers and metal lowers. Removed on June 2nd 2009.


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#10 Post by LadyJ »

My ortho strongly recommended Damons for me, but he did give me other options. I think I asked about Invisalign off the bat and he warned me that I wasn't a good candidate, but if I really wanted it they would put me in metal brackets for a time and then switch to Invisalign once my teeth were a little more workable.

When I asked about regular ceramic brackets I was told that office didn't use them (only metal). They would have done traditional brackets instead of the Damons if I wanted to, but I liked the Damons. They originally wanted to do all metal Damons, but I asked and they were very accomodating about doing the top front in the clear.
My top teeth are "buck" (sorry, I don't know all the terms yet), I have a big overbite, and my bottom teeth are very crowded. The Dr. said I'm a "borderline" case for extractions.
Then he thought about it some more and said he feels they should come out ...
Your problem sounds similar to mine. (If you want to see pics, click on the WWW button on my post.) I am also "borderline" for extractions with a deep bite, crowded lowers and a narrow arch, but my ortho thinks that I may not end up needing them with his preferred treatment plan.

I was cautioned that I still may need it done, but that we will see how the first part of treatment goes and if my arch rounds out I won't have to. I was comfortable with that.
Braced for the first time on January 17th, 2008!
Planned with OrthoCAD iQ
Damon 3 ("social six") and 3MX brackets
Estimated treatment time: 18-20 months
This is what I'm going for!
Click on WWW to read my braces story.

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#11 Post by JerryW »

I took two months and 4 orthos before I was ready to choose one.
Two offered damons and I did go with those. I thought Damons big selling point was that you didn't have to remove teeth.
Don't go into a rushed office I wouldn't like that kind of place.

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#12 Post by loyaboya »

You guys raise a lot of good points. I guess choosing a doctor is really like entering a relationship! Communication is #1. I've left other types of doctors before because I didn't feel that they were listening to my concerns.

I'll take my time with this one. I was supposed to have a consultation today with a different doctor, but I've come down with a tonsil infection (occurred within hours of my monday visit! Coincidence...?). We'll see how it goes. But its nice to read everyone's stories of their selection process.

Also, yeah, one thing I've definitely learned in my short time reading this board is that "brackets don't move teeth". Thats really important. I guess my preference for upper ceramics was more aesthetically based than anything. But if I meet a doctor that I'm comfortable with that recommends a different style, I'm going to go with their recommendation.

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#13 Post by LateStarter »

Definitely get some other opinions, particularly if you felt rushed with the first ortho you saw. I think it's worth taking a bit of extra time to get the process started if it means you find the ortho that makes you feel completely comfortable with what's going to happen.

My ortho did give me choices with my braces, in terms of whether I wanted metal or clear brackets. As for the brand, he uses Damon and ICE brackets, so there wasn't really any choice there. But from the reading I've done about them, I'm happy to go with that.

It's odd, because when I decided to get braces, I definitely wanted the least visible brackets that I could get (ICE in my ortho's case), but now I've changed my mind, and opted to go the all-metal route (I think - I still have a week to decide ;) ).

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#14 Post by loyaboya »

I just wanted to update everyone!

I did end up getting a second opinion by a Doctor recommended to me by a member of this site (shout out to MsTiaLia!). I greatly preferred this Dr. to the one I'd spoken to before. He seemed more confident and conscientious. He also wants to remove 4 teeth, but he wants to do it after we begin treatment so that its less of a shock to me (I REALLY appreciate that). He encouraged me to ask questions and just was an all around nice person to deal with. His staff was great too. And as a bonus, he quoted me a price that was $1100 cheaper than the other doctor. Oh! AND he offers 6 ceramic brackets for a very small additional fee. Thats exactly what I wanted. So I'm very happy and very excited!

I'm going to start treatment with this orthodontist! I need to get some cavities filled next week and then I'll probably get my spacers put in during the second week of January. I can't believe its all happening so quickly!

Thanks for your help, guys!

Miss Smiley
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#15 Post by Miss Smiley »

Loya - I'm glad you found an ortho that you were comfortble with! Congratulations!
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
De-banded: 3/04/09 w/ LBR and U&L Essix

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