second day in braces

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second day in braces

#1 Post by ekin »

I had my braces put on yesterday. It was definately not an easy thing for me to do, I was filled with anxiety about it and nearly left the office. The ortho's assistant was very kind and helped talk me through it.

I'm sore today and feeling very tired, and even flu like, I'm not sure this is from being so anxious about the whole deal. I'm still second guessing my decison. How long does it take to get used to? Is there anyone out there who felt sort of paniky with them on?

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#2 Post by PARR »

I'm sure there are and they will be along and tell you about their reactions. But the hard part is over. Now just observe good hygiene and follow all the do's : do rinse with warm salt water, do take an otc pain med if needed, eat but chew carefully until you know how it feels etc. Use wax if necessary. You'll be fine and you will start seeing progress.

Miss Smiley
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#3 Post by Miss Smiley »

I think there are many of us on AW who went through the intial "OMG what did I do!" shock. But most of us have returned to normal or actually even excited once the progress started to show.
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
De-banded: 3/04/09 w/ LBR and U&L Essix

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#4 Post by discomom »

The other poster is right about using ibuprofen or tylenol for pain. I found it to be extremely helpful. My worst day was day two, by day three I was eating pretty much anything and just going about my life as usual. Hang in there, it really isn't bad when you get used to it. :)

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#5 Post by HotWired22 »

I'm on day 6 and I can promise you it only gets better. The first night it was wierd and by the second night (i'm embarassed to admit) I nearly had an anxiety attack because I felt like these things were so permanent and I can't just take them off when they bug me. Today is much better though. My front teeth are being most stubborn to ease up as far as pain and pressure. But luckily I only chew on my back teeth. :D But still the pressure is so much less today.

USE SALT WATER RINSES!!! I know you hear that alot on this site but warm salt water a few times a day really does toughen up the inside of your cheeks. I've gone almost all day with NO wax!!! :-* Which is amazing since I figured I'd have to wear wax every day for 2 years. But nope, not the case due to the rinses. :wink:

Hang in there and after your flu symptoms subside my best advise is to KEEP BUSY. Do the normal things you like to do so you're not thinking about it all the time. Work, work out, do your normal hobbies and like jt2lang said, you'll forget they're even in there.


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#6 Post by Lozzie83 »

The others are right. Hang in there and it does get better! I'm on day 7 and I'm nearly able to eat normally again. I've not taken any pain killers for about three days now, and I'm feeling much better about the whole thing!
Like you I was seriously worried that I was not going to cope.. but it WILL all be ok

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#7 Post by ekin »

Thanks you guys, it helps to hear others say it gets better, I'll hang on to that. It's day three now, I'm still sore, my front teeth are the worst but thats where the most movement is happening and I can only touch my back teeth together anyway. I feel somewhat shy opening my mouth in public, I hope that gets better. I'm 39 and my daughter is 13 and we're both in braces. Thankfully there are more women my age in our small town with braces too.

I'm on day 6 and I can promise you it only gets better. The first night it was wierd and by the second night (i'm embarassed to admit) I nearly had an anxiety attack because I felt like these things were so permanent and I can't just take them off when they bug me.

Hotwired22 thank you so much for sharing that, I had the exact same anxiety feeling. Now I don't feel abnormal. I just keep telling myself it's not permanent. And I can't let my hubby and kids down because they support me in this so much.

Again thanks for your support!

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#8 Post by ekin »

I've been in braces now for 2.5 weeks. I feel like I'm gradually getting used to them, but do you get to a point where you're not always thinking about them or always aware of them? Is that normal at first?

This morning when I brushed my teeth I notice a grey colored stuff on my upper front teeth, I'm not sure what it is, I didn't eat or drink anything unusual, is it possible to have a reaction to the brackets?

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#9 Post by mariahfromchicago »

In my case:
It really doesn't hurt my mouth after an adjustment. It only hurts to eat.
- mariah

Miss Smiley
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#10 Post by Miss Smiley »

I'm in month 8 going on 9 and I think it was just last month that I stopped thinking about how braces affects me. Up until last month I would still have certain days where I wished they could be off and I didn't need them anymore. Now, I don't really care, they're just there doing their job ( I just used all of the there's in one sentence! ) and I am no longer annoyed with them. Maybe it's also because my teeth are starting to take on a cleaner and straighter smile line!
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
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Re: second day in braces

#11 Post by danish »

ekin wrote:How long does it take to get used to? Is there anyone out there who felt sort of paniky with them on?
Hi ekin,
I was a nervous wreck the days up to the beginning of the treatment and felt sort of ill. As I was to have teeth extracted as part of the treatment I was quite frankly freaked out over the fact that as soon as treatment started I could not allow myself to have second thoughts but had to complete the whole treatment plan (unless of course I wanted a toothless smile! :lol: ). I was very close to cancelling the whole show. But now almost 3 months into treatment I am glad that I didn't.
Regarding getting used to the brace there are at least 2 aspects. One is the physical and the other is the psychological. People respond differently to braces because people are different. In my experience getting used to the feeling of the brace goes pretty fast. A couple of weeks and I was not bothered with it. I didn't have any physical pain, so painkillers weren't necessary.
The biggest challenge for me was (and partly still is) the psychological aspect. Being a single guy who enjoys to go out,dating etc I must confess that I do not approach strangers and especially women I don't know with the same confidence as before. I know that I shouldn't care but I do and that is the problem.
However, I must also add that after almost 3 months into treatment being braced is no longer the centre of my world. Sometimes I even forget that I have braces (but rarely for more than a few hours!). So over time I guess that one will adapt to the situation.
Documenting your treatment with photos for every adjustment is very encouraging and will help you through your dental journey. Good luck :)

metal braces on: 4 Oct 2007
Tx for: crowding
debonded on: 24 Jun 2009

total treatment time: 629 days

my journey ==> ... highlight=

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#12 Post by islandbabe715 »

It does get better as time goes on. I started out day one, sobbing in the chair as they put them on. I went through weeks of depression from this experience. You could probably say I was one of the worst cases my office has seen. You probably aren't as bad as I am, but from my experience, your time with them on will get better. Try to think about the outcome, try to think about how happy you will be when the entire thing is over with.
As for pain, always keep some advil on the side, and ice cream in the freezer. The best thing you could do for yourself though, is get family and friend support!
All the best!


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#13 Post by ekin »

Thanks for your help guys.

Brandi, how long have you had your braces on? I think I was probably the worst case in my orthos office. I actually went to the bathroom and cried before they braced me, and I experienced anxiety for the next two weeks. On Sunday it will be three weeks for me. I'm not really concerned about the pain, and I feel a bit embarassed about talking in public. My biggest hang up is the feeling of them. I am always aware of them. I wake up and think about them and I hardly go through the day without thinking of them. Does your mouth get to the point where it doesn't always feel them?


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#14 Post by loulou123 »

Hi there

ive had my braces on for nearly 19months now and it really does get much much better, and the time will come when you really dont notice them anymore-i promise :lol:

weve all been there at the beginning when you kinda think to yourself what on earth have i let myself in for, but as each day passes you notice them a little less.

good luck


Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.

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#15 Post by XCrun&ride »

I've had my braces on for just over a month. I'm sort of used to them being in my mouth, however a day doesn't go by where I completely forget about them. Whenever I look into a mirror I have to do a double-take, because I'm not used to seeing them in my mouth! :lol:

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