Newbie at the "What have I done?" stage

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#16 Post by Britlaw »

Bless all of you for your kind words :)

You will be pleased to hear that I am in a more positive state today - and havent cried!! (so I do promise to quit with the groaning emails and try to be more productive lol). I have now mourned my tooth and got a grip but it is upsetting that all my teeth left apart from 2 molars have no fillings and I stand to lose an intact and cavity free tooth.

Dentist phoned me today to make sure I was still pain free. He is such a dear, which is why I switched to him after a friend of mine had her smile patiently rebuilt by him with 8 implants after a road accident. He told me again not to worry and that if when I see him on 21st it looks like curtains for the tooth during ortho he will get a temporary tooth made up ready to put straight on after any extraction. He said it would be like a Maryland bridge but nowhere near as costly, as he would just get a ceramic temp fake tooth made just like a temp crown (but whole lol) but hed get the ortho to treat it like the others and put a bracket and wire (with no lig) on it after bonding it to the tooth next door at the back just like a permanent retainer wire but with a bent wire so he could adjust it as the tooth next door has to be pulled outwards towards lip a little. He said I would just have to eat on the other side.

Yes, the tooth could yet heal but given the distance it has to travel I doubt it, the pressure would tip the root over. Ortho is leaving the bracket and wire on it. As its the last tooth on the first archwire its not moving itself and the wire and bracket offers it stability. He said it is as good as the normal fracture treatment of splinting given its position. I will keep it so long as its pain free and the dentist advises that its not compromising bone reformation or anything - if the tooth dies it can affect bone or something? The appointment on 21st is to test for 'vitality' so I assume that means for signs of dying (I think they call it necrosis - yuk!).

I did say to the ortho when he put the brace on about my clenching and that my bite was in a different place with the teeth extractions and the molar bands on but he said to see how I get on and if necessary he would make me a guard - maybe I should have been more insistent about my teeth clenching earlier, but whats done is done.

I took a pic but cant work out how to upload!
Last edited by Britlaw on Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#17 Post by Britlaw »

Trying this! ... 89.jpg?v=0

Dunno how to show the pic in the post rather than in a new window. Its funny how one a) avoids smiling and b) avoids looking in mirror at oneself smiling - and so forgets what ones smile actually looks like. I took this pic and after I looked at it, it reinforced the fact that WHATEVER HAPPENS - the end result will be better than this!! The tooth I have fractured is the last one you can see on the right (top) of the photo. The dentist did say that its such a little tooth and at the side (will be much further back after ortho) that a good permanent maryland bridge attached to the molar behind after would be fine if for some reason an implant was not possible.

Posting a pic here felt a big deal but I have done it! I will pluck up the courage to show you my gaps lol.

So, to sum up, I am gonna stop worrying and fretting and get back to everyday life!! I have to say, I have no discomfort with the brace at all, no rubbing on inside of mouth etc and only mild ache rather than pain, so I should be grateful for small mercies. I am sure there are those with torn up mouths and pain who would exchange for a temporary larger gap.

Bedtime in the UK, night all :)

P.s. I had tomato soup and shoulda cleaned before taking this pic! soz :oops: I also have a chip on one front incisor but going to wait until ortho finished, then whiten then have restoration the same colour :)

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#18 Post by Britlaw »

Still working out how to put pics in the msg window!


By George I did it!

Getting used to looking at this pic now! I find its good to focus on it to take my mind off my treatment hiccup and the degree of anonymity here removes the fear of others seeing it if you know what I mean.

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#19 Post by EmbraceJCT »

Hi Britlaw,

I don't know that I can offer much in the way of helpful information, but my heart goes out to you and I can offer my support and empathy! I initially clicked on your post because of your subject line - I have been feeling that "what have I done?!" feeling for two weeks now. Getting a perfectly healthy tooth in a visible spot in your mouth removed is kind of a shock to your system. Looking at it in the mirror and pics of it can be almost worse than the procedure of getting it removed! And then to have to deal with a setback like your tooth fracture is just heartbreaking. It sounds like you're feeling better about it and you have an amazingly strong attitude as you're starting to look to the future. But anyone in your position would react the way you did. It's so upsetting.

Best of luck and remember that each day that goes by brings you closer to putting this in your past and living in your future with a beautiful smile.

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#20 Post by lauren321 »

The last 2 days of my life have been one huge "what have I done" moment. I had 2 extractions a few days after christmas and got my braces on 2 days ago. For some reason I was expecting a lot of pain right when I got them on... but that didn't happen until the next morning. The pain from my teeth shifting was bearable... BUT my cheeks and lips feel like they are being shredded from the brackets.

I have ceramic in-ovations on top and metal in-ovations on the bottom. The metal brackets are really bothering my lower lip. I have one small section that is the worst, and I used wax to help my huge sore heal. I have also rinsed with something called peroxyl made by colgate and used oragel to numb the area.

How long do these mouth sores usually last?? The pain from them (especially while eating) is worse then the pressure from shifting teeth :(

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#21 Post by Britlaw »

Hi Lauren, I think we all go to show that the braces thing can be different for different people for different reasons and ups and downs can happen, even in the initial stages. I have had no problems with my brace at all (only had it a week), no pain (teeth just feel funny and 'numb' thats all), no rubbing at all, either with the wire, the brackets or the molar bands (although I wish I could eat properly lol). I just have the major hiccup with having apparently now fractured the root of one of my remaining teeth after all the extractions and its prognosis is poor. If I can keep this tooth for a while I can just have implant process started at the location its supposed to end up in and my end result will be the same - I might just end up with a small gap whilst I wait for the implant after ortho treatment. I was beside myself when I found out (2 days post brace day) but I keep telling myself that some have it a lot worse. Others here told me to focus on the end result and that is good advice. I now look at my teeth pic daily and remind myself that this is going to be so worth it. You have a ripped up mouth and pain which is horrible but this should be very temporary. Some here have to have jaw surgery and all sorts to contend with - as well as the sh*t life brings us all generally!

After my extractions I rinsed with something called Difflam in the UK, which numbs pain locally in the mouth (making things a bit numb). Something like that will help the pain of your sores whilst they heal but I would reserve it for night time, when there is little to distract you from the pain so you get real relief. If you use it during the day as well, it will just feel the same. You are not being a wimp if you stick to soft foods whilst your mouth gets used to the braces. I have never eaten so much soup in my life! Yes, I want to eat pizza again but fish, mash potato, soft steamed veg, yohurt & soft fruit etc will get me there more comfortably. I had to have two large molars out on the top 2 weeks before brace, as the ortho needed 1cm each side and there was no room to pull molars back further. Hence I was eating soft stuff already when the brace went on as chewing was difficult. I think this helped with the brace when it went on so stick to soft foods for a while - you can mash these with your tongue!

I am sure we all feel like we would swap our particular difficulty with someone - will you swap your cut mouth for my fracture? we cant of course, but we can draw strenghth from others who are further along the way (as I have) that things get better and focus on that :)

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#22 Post by lauren321 »

Thank you everyone for your help and suggestions! I'm finding a lot of comfort on this website through reading stories that others have posted. I definitely feel for you and your fractured tooth :(

Yesterday I was getting upset with my whole situation and I just kept trying to visualize myself with a smile I wasn't embarrassed of showing and that cheered me up :) Sometimes (especially when it comes to dental work) it seems like problems come one after another. When you're finally excited about something being corrected, another problem arises. It's hard not to get frustrated and upset when that happens.

Getting braces is one giant step towards feeling better about yourself... I'm finally glad that I did it and I can't wait to monitor my progress. My sores are starting to heal and now I'm so excited about the work going on in my mouth!

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#23 Post by Britlaw »

Well (sorry, been away on business), 3 weeks on, I have had further xrays on my 'supposedly' fractured tooth and the dentist says that he's now not convinced of the fracture - he says root fractures are difficult to diagnose which is why he did nothing in the first place (he would have just splinted it but I was braced and so that was providing support). The wobblyness has gone and so has the pain (it just feels tender like the other braced teeth). He says the line on the xray may be a fracture or a crack or just a common fissure that doesnt extend to the surface. With the now absence of pain and the fact I didnt get any hot/cold reaction even when I had the injury, he's leaning towards the latter. All I can say is...

HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am thankful for small mercies at my age! LOL

My teeth are moving, cant see the difference yet but I can floss where I couldnt before! I have first adjustment on 7th Jan and am booked in for another xray on the dodgy tooth beforehand to check on progress.

I have a question for my ortho but your practical experience may be more relevant. When closing the gaps (yeah, I know I am a way off that!) how much of the closing is the front teeth going back and how much the back molars coming forward? I know that if the ortho wants to control this he/she can with headgear/nance etc. but if you just have power chains, how much do the back main molars come forward? much? or is it mostly the front ones coming back?

Kind regards to all, hope you had a great weekend.

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Hi Britlaw

#24 Post by martinboyce »

Hiya, my names Martin, im 27 and can see many many parallels between your story and mine. Although im not yet braced up i am undergoing my extraction phase of all my 4 molars, big teeth leaving big holes, and i too freqently look in the mirror thinking, oh crap! But having crooked teeth my whole life and wanting a change, finally finally i put the wheels in motion. Up until then id never had a injection, filling nor extraction beyond my childhood years. So getting plenty of it within a few weeks was more of a mental barrier i had to cross. I will be pushing onward with more extractions early feb 8th and 18th, and thats when ill be at my lowest, im not looking forward to chewing without a safe side to chew on. But its all about the bigger picture. The end result. Then ill get my brace, if you see my pic the ortho has his work cut out, but healhty teeth remain with plenty of space to move to i hope he'll do a great job. Ill be continously updating my own posts as i progess and would love to see you in there supporting me as i pass through stages youve passed through, ive read all your posts and despite it all, your walking it.
I cant wait to smile confidnetly, every photo in the last 10 years ive had taken has been closed mouth, i wanna glare people with these badboys at the end!

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#25 Post by Britlaw »

Hi Martin, I am old enuf to be your mother but I will be your UK brace buddy if u'd like! I know how you feel. We were in Mauritius before christmas and my husband with his camera on a beautiful beach said "smile, please.....just this once, in all these years, just let me have one picture of you smiling!!" If you need any more convincing I will send you by PM some pics of my 18 yr olds teeth before and after. He had to wear applicances for almost 5 yrs from 13 -17 in all those important teen years but says he would do it all over again if it was necessary to get what he has now. He only had to have 2 top pre molars out as he was young enough to have his lower jaw realigned with blocks. At 47, that is not possible for me so I had to have more and bigger extractions, and that might be the same for you.

Despite my whinging about my extractions, they are all better now - still gaps but not quite so noticeable as the gum heals. A month into braces (well, the top anyway) I can eat a family bag of walkers red chilli sensations all by myself again :oops: - something I feared wouldnt happen again for years!

If I had one piece of advice I wished I had followed, its not to get obsessed and look at your braced teeth every five seconds! After a month I cant see any difference but my husband can! By the way, I am jealous of your lovely canines...I dont have any on the top :( They grew way up my jaw and they were just taken out when I was a kid - no options given, just whip em out. Yours will look just great when they have the proper partners beside em :)

Re your extractions, you will be fine but leave your sockets alone. My dentist said even if food gets in them leave them alone. Debris (- including bits of tooth in one of mine!) will find its way out. Just use an antibacterial mouthwash (with chlorexsomething or similar) occassionally but dont swish, just roll around mouth.

I have my first adjustment on 7th Feb. I'll post a pic so you can spot the difference!!

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#26 Post by martinboyce »

Hi Britlaw, Thanks for the quick reply. Cool Brace Buddies! hehe.

I have noticed since my extraction that the area where my extration was seems to ache more just as i wake up, i dont know if it has something to do with blood supply laying down but always seems to throb in the early morning, it was a complicated extraction and she was quite rough getting it out and i was even bruised under my jaw where she held on for leverage. I had it out on the 28th and its still aching now. Not a sore pain just a dull throb. The extraction site itself is clean and is closing up nicely, no bleeding or sign of infection. I guess time is the biggest healer in this case.

Eating was always a concern of mine, firstly because of the gaps, cant chew food on large areas of gum! senstive gum at that.
I go to the gym regularly and do weight training, part of that is taking in quite high calories through eating, but then just before xmas i pulled a tendon in my arm and had to give it all a rest, so to avoid piling on the pounds ive had to cut back on my usual diet. since having teeth out ive eaten even less, soup for dinner and something "soft" for lunch. im hoping once the brace is in and my arm is better i can resume eatin properly again.

After getting onto these forums and reading back through all the posts (about 10 pages) it filled me with enthusiasm and encouragement, i got home looked in the mirror and was pumped to be finally sorting it all out. Like you said the wounds of the extractions will heal and then progress can happen.
I have my fitting date now which is the 11th March, which is a bit later than id have like but the ortho has quite a schedule by all accounts but its a good sign that hes a decent ortho.

Where abouts you from Britlaw? i assume your a "Brit" and i im assuming your occupation is "law" related hehe

How much did you pay for your setup, top to toe?

And for the record my mother is older than 47 :lol:

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#27 Post by Britlaw »

Hi Martin, yes I am Britlaw because I am a Brit in the Legal Profession but I chose the nick in an effort to be able to remember it!

Dont worry about your extraction sites. This isnt intended to worry you but my molar that they really struggled to get out the week before christmas (and had to remove some bone at side) still isnt fully healed but its not in the slightest bit sore and I just eat hard food on the other side. I have a big gap each side at the top and a smaller one each side at the bottom and, like I said, I am back to eating crisps - so dont worry! For the first couple of weeks in your braces you might find eating a struggle but you will be back to normal in no time. The one thing you will notice though, is that you wont snack in between meals. Eating a chocolate biscuit just isnt worth having to clean your teeth afterwards!

I live almost on the welsh border in shropshire but I commute most days into central Birmingham, so my orthodontist and dentist are there, as its more convenient. My orthodontic treatment is £3000 inc the assesments and I guess I have spent an extra £500 on the dental work (extractions)so far. I have put aside an extra £1000 to have my teeth whitened and a chip on my front tooth done when the braces are off. So, its not for the poor (which is another debate of course) but I think it will be money well spent. I would spend over 5 times that on a car - and my teeth will last a lot longer. I just wish I had done it earlier and then I would have got better value for money! but bringing up 3 children and then getting them through university at the same time has been a bigger priority - until now :D

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#28 Post by martinboyce »

Hi Britlaw, got my second batch of extractions this week, and even though im with an NHS dentist they wont take out healthy teeth for it, so im left with the full on private charges which are crazy large. I mean stupid money for 15 mins work. So ironically if you look after your teeth it costs you more and sweet eating monsters with a mouth full of rot get theirs for NHS, not sure its the right message.

I am from Leicester myself but also have many ties to birmingham. I have a local ortho whos charging me £800 deposit and im spreading the rest over the course of treatment, totalling £2500 for the braces and roughly £500 for the extractions. I too want a full on hollywood whitening when im done, plus i want my 3 silver fillings replacing with whities for completion.

Where you had your teeth out, at first its a hole isnt it but the sides of the hole, the gum that used to be on the inside and outside of the tooth sorta break down dont they? well mine sorta have, so its not a hole anymore, im assuming thats normal. Your extraction sites, just smooth gum now, rather than a hole?

Its put alot into perspective talking to you as without making you sound really old i thought i myself at 27 was too old, and was it worth it, ive been thinking like that since i was about 24.

Extraction 1 is still aching occasionally but if by thursday it still is aching ill raise it with the dentist, im not sure popping 6 Ibufuren and 6 paracetamol every day is good and im not sure having the same pain in all 4 corners of my mouth is alot of fun. I guess its a case of weathering the storm.

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#29 Post by Britlaw »

Yes, yes...when you first have the teeth out the gaps look horrendous but as they heal the side of the gum comes up so they dont look so sunken and the hole disappears, becoming flat (almost) gum. If you had proper molars out remember that they have 4 big roots and need a big hole to come out of! They wont stay that way. Unless I smile widely or hold my mouth open like a dork in front of people, no-one notices. Believe me, you will be the only one thats bothered by them. Even the one where I lost the bone at the side looks okay now, although once the ortho is all done the dentist is going to do a bone graft to put it back to better protect the tooth that moves into that space. If you get the clear braces like I have, people will even fail to notice them unless you are up close. If you are going to have the metal ones, I have a 27 yr old colleague that has them with funky coloured ligs and they look great - she is an upwardly mobile career lady on about £40k who's about to be promoted again, so her braces arent stopping people from taking her seriously.

NHS dentistry is somewhat like the benefits system in that yes, it does appear to send out the wrong message. However, there are responsible people who genuinely work hard and care but cant afford to have their teeth fixed and thats a shame.

My youngest sons teeth, his were a lot like yours but worse. They are beautiful now - he had extractions and has no gaps now (sorry about small pic)


The gaps worry everyone at the start! Not sure about extraction site pain in the morning. One thing I notice about braced teeth is first thing in the morning they are lovely! there is no pain/ache whatsoever but as day progresses teeth start to ache - its like your teeth saying they are ready for a lie down!

Did you read Danish's blog? He's about your age and his teeth I recall are (or were!) a lot like yours and he's had some amazing progress but admits to ups and downs sometimes. He's probably 6-8 months into treatment now so his progress would be good for you to follow. There is also a chap from Birmingham on here about your age too.

I studied law at Leicester! I also did my masters with De Montfort (not quite the same reputation but they did distance learning which suited me).

Its a small lil world :)

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#30 Post by clairet707 »

Hello brit buddies...

Im 28 almost 29 and I am now coming to the end of my treatment, got my braces on october 2006, without needing extractions as I had all 4 wisdoms out back in 2000. Ive just had surgery on my jaw to correct my profile (and boy if you think extractions are bad think again lol :lol: ) and should be getting the braces off in about 10 - 12 weeks (depending on how I can open my mouth)

Stick with it, you will be fine, I went through the 'what have I done' phase many many times - I just thought of how good Im going to look in my wedding photos in July!!

The hardest part for me was not being able to eat certain foods, my teeth got really sensitive at one point and I couldnt chew any thing hard at all even chopped up small, but I got over it, try sensodyne toothpaste if you have any problems, it worked for me..

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