Ok, I am officially depressed!

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Ok, I am officially depressed!

#1 Post by lindesd »

I have had my braces for two-weeks now and I am seriously regretting this. I guess I thought I would have seen some changes by now, but no such luck. I am having nightmares about my teeth and that there will never be any changes. Therefore, the extraction gaps will never close. Have any of you gotten depressed about your braces? If so, did it get better after you started seeing results? And, when do you start to see results. Also, is there times when orthodontic treatment just doesn't work? I know that I am rambling, but I sure do need some words of encouragement right now. :cry:

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#2 Post by SinOnYourLips »

lindesd, first off, take a DEEP BREATH.

Now, remember - patience is a virtue. Especially when going through an orthodontic treatment, you HAVE to be patient. First two weeks, is way too soon to be judging your treatment. Give it at least 4-6 weeks, I say.

And I am 100% SURE your teeth WILL start moving. So relax and stop having those nightmares, it DOES get better.

I started seeing results within the first month, so just give it a little longer. Also, I've read before, when closing extractions, it's been noted that teeth move about 1mm a month. For some its a little bit slower for some faster, so don't expect your gaps to close completely in a month, but know eventually they will.

What is your estimated treatment time? Just think about that and understand, in that time, everything will get to where it needs to be.

So cheer up and just think about those perfect teeth you WILL have soon :D


Estimated Treatment Time: 12 months to life

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#3 Post by cybersiren »

Don't worry. 2 weeks is still very early for any real changes. My teeth took about 6 months to start changing, but once they did things started happening really fast. I was depressed too and had all kinds of tooth related nightmares and concerns. Talking with my ortho really helped. Now that my teeth are moving, things are going super fast. My original estimate was 20-27 months but it looks like they're going to come off within the next month or so which would put my time at 18 months! I still have to wear a bite positioner for a couple months to finish things off, but my teeth are looking a lot better. There are a few nitpicky things that I am concerned about, but I'm sure that the bite positioner will finish things off nicely. In the meantime I just try not to look in the mirror too much.

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#4 Post by Zuke »

I totally understand how you are feeling, just got my braces and I felt TRAPPED, and wondered what the heck I had done....this was a mistake etc. I even actually had a panic attack!!

All will be fine, I am on day 11 and things are happening, I just cannot see them (ortho said that things are definetly moving).

Look at all the brace stories, look at the pictures and see the progress, that helped me A LOT. I was amazed at all the changes to everyone's teeth just the first month, made me realize why I am on this jouney. I can't wait until my first adjustment, and I am very happy I got them!


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#5 Post by dagwoman »

Looking back on the first few weeks of braces, I realise now that my teeth did move heaps, I just wasn't accustomed to finding and noticing the changes! For example, I posted photos in my braces thread, one of my teeth right after getting braced, and right after the first adjustment, 6 weeks later. At the time,I didn't really notice the difference, but everyone who commented seemed to. Looking back on these two photos, I think it's INSANE that I didn't pick up on the changes at the time!

So while you might think they're not moving, it's highly likely that they are. Just give it a little time :)

PS. You can find these photos by clicking on the "WWW" link below. They're on the first page.

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#6 Post by mariahfromchicago »

Some people's teeth move faster than others. Don't get discouaged! Stick it out! There will be noticeable changes by your first adjustment for sure!!

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Thanks "Z", I feel better.

#7 Post by lindesd »

Zuke wrote:I totally understand how you are feeling, just got my braces and I felt TRAPPED, and wondered what the heck I had done....this was a mistake etc. I even actually had a panic attack!!

All will be fine, I am on day 11 and things are happening, I just cannot see them (ortho said that things are definetly moving).

Look at all the brace stories, look at the pictures and see the progress, that helped me A LOT. I was amazed at all the changes to everyone's teeth just the first month, made me realize why I am on this jouney. I can't wait until my first adjustment, and I am very happy I got them!

Thanks "Z", You hang in there too. I am SO thrilled that I can come here and vent to people that understand the emotional aspects that come with ortho treatment. I certainly hope to be visiting with you in the future.


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#8 Post by breal87 »

lindesd - I hope you feel better about your decision to get braces, it will get better seriously! If you compare your original pics to new pics say in 2-6 months you will def see major improvement!


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#9 Post by starryeyedfairy »

keep your chin up.
its a normal feeling - i felt the exact same way
give it a little more time, and i 100% garuntee you
that you'll feel like it's one of the best decisions you've ever made.

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#10 Post by melliemoo »

I hope things are better for you. I kinda felt the same way. It's so irreversible once you get your teeth extracted. I felt, and still feel to a degree, almost claustrophobic. It's the same feeling you get when your bra is on too tight and you can't wait to take it off when you get home from work! :D OK, the same feeling I get--except I can't take these darn braces off. But I can tell my alignment is changing so just take breath deep and try to relax.

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#11 Post by TEXLADY »

Don't feel bad - I think it is fairly common to have that "what have I done to myself" reaction. You'll get better every single day. I had my mental meltdown last week and am doing better this week - however, I still haven't figured out how to eat anything other than liquids so I am dropping weight and HUNGRY all the time. I have something call turbo bites which is currently preventing any of my teeth from touching and they space between is just big enough that I can't remotely chew anything ...... I'm very depressed about it but making the best of it - baked potato soup for dinner tonight with a heaping class of milk.

Ortho's assistant comment today that my braces were so clean (I just got them last week). I had to smile, probably clean because there isn't a whole lot of food touching them.

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#12 Post by missfashionista »

Hang in there! Don't be discouraged. Have you started a brace story? Like many members have said, once you start taking pictures of your teeth and start a journal, you will start seeing the changes...as you won't really be able to notice changes when you look in the mirror at yourself everyday.

And like Z, whenever I get discouraged, I look at other people's brace stories to see their progress and re-assure myself.

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Re: Ok, I am officially depressed!

#13 Post by danish »

lindesd wrote:I have had my braces for two-weeks now and I am seriously regretting this. I guess I thought I would have seen some changes by now, but no such luck. I am having nightmares about my teeth and that there will never be any changes. Therefore, the extraction gaps will never close. Have any of you gotten depressed about your braces? If so, did it get better after you started seeing results? And, when do you start to see results. Also, is there times when orthodontic treatment just doesn't work? I know that I am rambling, but I sure do need some words of encouragement right now. :cry:
Hi Lindesd,
You are still getting used to the braces. It's a process but take my word for it you WILL get used to it sooner or later. Everybody does. Even the most vain or self-conscious person gets used to wearing the brace. I guess most people with braces at some time speculate if they made the right decision. Spending money, time and effort in something that initially does not look very promising. It's hard to believe that one's mouth and teeth which look like a battle field after extraction is ever going to look ok again. Trust me... it will. It will take some time and it might not always be a walk in the park, but eventually you will reach the goal line. But as soon as you see teeth movement it will get easier. Trust me.

If you don't have a digital cam, save some money and buy one. Your teeth are moving all the time but because you see your teeth everyday you don't notice. If you take pictures on a monthly basis, you will be surprised how much movement you'll see. In my case I saw amazing movement within the first month.

When you feel like you made a mistake by getting braces, try to remember why you made the decision. I have always been embarassed about my crooked teeth. If I hadn't decided to do something about it by getting braces, I would have lived an entire life with that embarrassment. :paperbag: What motivates me is that am taking a responsibility for my own happiness at the moment. As the process due to the teeth extraction is irreversible anyway I try not to look back but always forward. It's not always easy, but forward is the only way.

Godspeed :thumbsup:

metal braces on: 4 Oct 2007
Tx for: crowding
debonded on: 24 Jun 2009

total treatment time: 629 days

my journey ==> http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... highlight=

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#14 Post by iBorg »

My moment was less than 24 hours braced. If my ortho had been open I'd demanded to get these things off. Then I started feeling a bit of pain. I also noticed changes in how my teeth came together for flossing. In about a month I started seeing little signs. Six months in, I was so happy with the results I couldn't contain myself. I'm almost at a yer and a half and I'm still thrilled I did this.

I agree with the previous comment to take pictures. Don't compare what you see in a mirror but rather a current and a starting picture. You'll be amazed in a couple more weeks.

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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#15 Post by speerjo »

Right now you are better off than me. I'm in day 4. My entire mouth is raw and sore. My teeth are hurting also. In short, I'm fairly miserable. Sometime while using my waterpik, I shot a hole in my tongue. I'm only eating soft food. I just workout to make myself concentrate on a different kind of pain. However, I'm not going to quit and I no you won't either. Hope you're feeling better soon!

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