Obsessed with clean teeth?

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Obsessed with clean teeth?

#1 Post by elektro »


I was just wondering if anyone else has found that since getting braces, they have become more obsessive about keeping their teeth clean?

Myself, since I got braces in May last year (just hit 10 and a half months!!) I've become a little obsessive about keeping my teeth clean. I figure that if I'm going to have straight teeth, they need to be perfectly clean too.

I guess I'm lucky in that I'm nearly 21 and I have never had a filling, chipped tooth, or any decay in any of my teeth, because I've always been diligent when it comes to brushing. But since I've had braces, I find that I brush for longer in the morning, often brushing then reapplying toothpaste and brushing again, before using mouthwash.

Same goes for after lunch, after dinner, and if my teeth feel "bad" before bed I'll swirl on some mouthwash just to get that clean feeling. It's almost as though my teeth are little jewels, and I want to keep them polished and looking their best all of the time!

So, does anyone else have this need to keep their teeth clean at all times? (Does it help them move faster if they're clean all the time? I hope so!!)

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#2 Post by roost22 »

not sure about moving faster, but you need to be careful because you CAN brush away enamel.

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#3 Post by Jenna28 »

You're not alone... I, too have become obsessed with keeping my mouth clean. I try to brush gently since I brush four or five times a day. I use my water pik every day as well. I hate how my mouth never feels clean, and I only have uppers right now - I'm not looking forward to when I get lowers as well - I will likely be living in the bathroom!

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#4 Post by JML0090 »

I asked my dentist and ortho about "over brushing" they both assured me that i couldnt do that. They both told me it can only damage your gums if your not careful and that it wont hurt my teeth or enamel at all. If you are using tooth paste and a soft bristle tooth brush i wouldnt worry. Just dont use any other things on your teeth unless you ask your ortho. (i.e. whiting gel ect. my ortho said not to.) Just thought id tell you what my dentist and ortho said.

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#5 Post by beth1966 »

Hi - I don't have braces yet - but I have a question about this very topic.

Though I do have some fillings in my mouth - I am also 42 not 21. :)

I am extremely diligient about brushing and flossing my teeth - not only to reduce the chance of decay but also to avoid gum disease AND to alway want CLEAN, FRESH, NICE SMELLING breath!

Soooo I worry that once I am braced this will be tough to achieve! If I brush thoroughly after every meal will I always have just as nice breath as I do now? And how hard is it to floss? I understand it is a bit more challenging then without braces.

I'm also a nut about flossing because since my teeth have shifted over the past 2 years and altered my bite - it is harder to floss. My dentist said that given the crowding in my mouth decay can hide out between teeth and it isn't easy to dislodge no matter what you do. Another positive for getting my chompers straightened and aligned properly!

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#6 Post by browneyedgrl »

I'm definitely more obsessive. Before I got my braces, I'd only brush 2-3 daily and now it's at least 4-5 times. The thought of brushing my teeth in a public bathroom totally grossed me out. I work in outside sales and I already know where the clean ones are.

I also keep a bottle of water around and swish as well. I keep my cinnomin altoids around too.

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Re: Obsessed with clean teeth?

#7 Post by TigerLily »

elektro wrote:Hey,

I was just wondering if anyone else has found that since getting braces, they have become more obsessive about keeping their teeth clean?...But since I've had braces, I find that I brush for longer in the morning, often brushing then reapplying toothpaste and brushing again, before using mouthwash.
I would say no I haven't got more obsessive...and am not at all. but the behaviour you describe here was what I did pre-braces too. I've always used 2-3 sets of toothpaste in one session as well as brushing with plain water before that. After the 2-3 rounds with toothpaste, I go around again using a toothbrush with mouthwash.

But I think I'm being lax as Im not really brushing during the day, I did have a quick (for me) brush at lunchtime when I first got my braces but these days just rinse out with water.

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#8 Post by purpleteeth »

I didn't have the best of hygene before I started braces, so braces has definately improved mine significantly! I noticed when I first got them, I was literally brushing 5 times a day... now it is closer to 3, depending on what I eat and how often I eat. I don't always brush after I eat because sometimes it isn't possible - but I am always sure to put in fresh elastics.

I do care about keeping my teeth clean, as I have noticed my breath becomes a lot more rank if I don't brush as often. Stuff gets stuck and plaque tends to build up faster during the day. I always carry basic supplies with me and usually I am fine.

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#9 Post by insinu8 »

Do I think you're being obsessive? Not unless you made your own toothbrush holster so you can quick draw at a moments notice ;)

I've gotten a lot more careful about brushing/waterpik use since getting my helices installed. I expect this to increase in a month when I get my upper braces on.



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#10 Post by melliemoo »

I have been more obssessed about keeping my teeth clean. I brush more frequently and floss and use a proxy brush. I normally see a dental hygienist for cleanings every 6 months but I'm planning for 3-4 month intervals.


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#11 Post by Nervous »

I am not doing what I would call "obssessed", but I do like to brush after every meal since I got braced. And since I got braces on, I've started flossing. I never did it before :oops: . I'll still be doing it after braces and it will be so much easier!
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#12 Post by Pyrose »

Before I got my braces on, I was getting more diligent about brushing and flossing. My teeth are crowded and crooked, so food likes to get stuck in places. That's one of my reasons for straightening my teeth: easier to take care of and prevent cavities.

With my braces on now, I'm definitely more obsessed about cleaning them. I always brush them after every meal. Considering the amount of food that gets stuck in my braces, I don't see how I could not do so. Can't stand having gunk stuck there. I need to work up the nerve to try flossing again. My crowded teeth got even more crowded after the spacers were put in and I could not get the floss in at all.
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#13 Post by 4113n »

before braces, i diden't brush my teeth, after ortho told me that my gums were weak and bleeded too easily, started brushing from there... i still brush but im getting lazy again.. only brush for like 30 seconds ><

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#14 Post by dagwoman »

May I ask why you're investing so much into your mouth and dental health if you're not willing to brush properly? There's no point in having straight teeth if they're not clean and healthy!

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#15 Post by Whitters »

I was telling my mom the same thing yesterday..about how often I cleaned my teeth initially when I got braces. I believe that when they're "cleaner" they DO indeed move faster and help with treatment..most obviously cause your gums and stuff are not affected by plaque or anything like that..
During my treatment I was obsessed with cleaning but now i've been slacking off a bit..still brushing after EVERY meal..but I haven't done my 'disclosing tab clean' in a while :(
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