Hi New to braces....

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Hi New to braces....

#1 Post by Raven78 »

Hi my name is Kendra. I am 29 and am getting my first set of braces on April 3rd.

I am nervous and excited all at the same time. I have TMJ and I hope that getting my braces will not hurt to much because my teeth are already senistive from the TMJ.

I have a Class 1 malocclusion
crowding in lower teeth
open bite

So braces and rubber bands for me.
Braced~April 3, 2008
DeBraced~ Feb 10, 2010
Braced for 22 months & 1 week.
Now have clear retainers.

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#2 Post by jenny101101 »

Hi Kendra,

Welcome to AW! and congrats on deciding to get braced! :banana:

I'm 32 and just got my uppers on a month ago. I get my lowers on in 11 days. I was nervous and excited too but these boards have sure helped me A LOT! Starting a "braces story" is a great way to keep track of your progress, too:)

Good luck!
Keep smilin'! :)

Braced for 18 months: Damon 3mx all around with Damon 3's on "social six". Now is Essix retainers for 10 hours/night.

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#3 Post by JerryW »

hi, and welcome.
Yes it is exciting, I'm over 50 and something that I've always wanted to do. You will like reading these posts, I guess it is comforting to know that there are many others out there going through the same things.
On your brace day, eat before you go and plan a lite meal for lunch, lots of soft food items here on the forum. You didn't say, but I worked the same day, but if possible it would be nice to take the day off.
It won't be long before you can eat just about anything.
The only surprize that I had was cleaning after eating, but you do get faster after a little practice.

Where are you from and good luck on your brace day!

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#4 Post by JerryW »

hi, and welcome.
Yes it is exciting, I'm over 50 and something that I've always wanted to do. You will like reading these posts, I guess it is comforting to know that there are many others out there going through the same things.
On your brace day, eat before you go and plan a lite meal for lunch, lots of soft food items here on the forum. You didn't say, but I worked the same day, but if possible it would be nice to take the day off.
It won't be long before you can eat just about anything.
The only surprize that I had was cleaning after eating, but you do get faster after a little practice.

Where are you from and good luck on your brace day!

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Location: South Florida

#5 Post by JerryW »

hi, and welcome.
Yes it is exciting, I'm over 50 and something that I've always wanted to do. You will like reading these posts, I guess it is comforting to know that there are many others out there going through the same things.
On your brace day, eat before you go and plan a lite meal for lunch, lots of soft food items here on the forum. You didn't say, but I worked the same day, but if possible it would be nice to take the day off.
It won't be long before you can eat just about anything.
The only surprize that I had was cleaning after eating, but you do get faster after a little practice.

Where are you from and good luck on your brace day!

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Location: South Florida

#6 Post by JerryW »

Hi Kendra, and welcome.
Yes it is exciting, I'm over 50 and something that I've always wanted to do. You will like reading these posts, I guess it is comforting to know that there are many others out there going through the same things.
On your brace day, eat before you go and plan a lite meal for lunch, lots of soft food items here on the forum. You didn't say, but I worked the same day, but if possible it would be nice to take the day off.
It won't be long before you can eat just about anything.
The only surprize that I had was cleaning after eating, but you do get faster after a little practice.

Where are you from and good luck on your brace day!

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#7 Post by Becca »

Hey Kendra!! Welcome to the forum! I'm 24 with braces and this site really made me feel a lot better by seeing that there's a lot of adults who get braces! I've also learned a lot from reading other people's posts, too, so I'm sure you'll find all kinds of info on here! Do you know what type of braces you'll be getting and how long you'll have to wear them for? Glad to have you here! :D

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#8 Post by Raven78 »

Thanks for the warm welcome..

becca I am getting the metal brackets. I just couldnt handle paying more money out of pocket for the ceramic ones.
That and I dont mind people seeing my braces. Its mainly the girls on my Daughters soccer team.

As far as the length of time any where from 17 months to 25 months.
Braced~April 3, 2008
DeBraced~ Feb 10, 2010
Braced for 22 months & 1 week.
Now have clear retainers.

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#9 Post by Envy »

Yeah save your money i wish i did :D good luck

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Re: Hi New to braces....

#10 Post by beth1966 »

Raven78 wrote:Hi my name is Kendra. I am 29 and am getting my first set of braces on April 3rd.

I am nervous and excited all at the same time. I have TMJ and I hope that getting my braces will not hurt to much because my teeth are already senistive from the TMJ.

I have a Class 1 malocclusion
crowding in lower teeth
open bite

So braces and rubber bands for me.

Hi and WOW - your description sounds just like me!!! Accept my teeth don't really hurt from my TMJ - it was my jaw that hurt, but I am finally pain free so ready to be braced. I have to have a few extractions first and then I am ready to go.

What kind are you getting and how long do they figure your treatment will be?

I too need rubber bands to correct my open bite - and have crowding. But esthetically my teeth aren't bad - had braces as a kid. If it werent for my lousy bite (caused by the TMJ which was a result of STRESS) i would NEVER be getting them. I'm scared - - not really excited other then looking forward to one day being able to make my teeth meet in the front so i can bite into things properly - thin food often slides out now - i also can't chew steak or other chewy foods right- tires my jaw.

Anyway - I am getting clear/ceramic braces - he told me 12-18 months - hopefully it won't be any more then that.

Let's keep in touch about our progress on here.

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#11 Post by beth1966 »

I keep reading about how there is a big savings between metal and ceramic braces - anybody have any idea how much? I was told a couple hundred dollars?

Maybe it depends on the brand your dentist uses and his prices. For instance some orthos might be pricey no matter which you choose.

My ortho quoted me $5100 for everything - no matter how long it takes and that includes all adjustments and retainers after the fact.

I mam going to ask him how much for metal.

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#12 Post by BracesRacer »

IF i remember right it was only a few hundred more for the ceramic. At this point (a year in braces) i pretty much dont care and metal would be fine. I am glad I went with ceramic though it made it easier on me at the start of the treatment. Plus if I stand far enough away from the mirror or whatever you can't even tell I have them. It makes it easier to visualize what it will look like with them off.

+1 for ceramic braces!

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#13 Post by beth1966 »

Thanks - a few hundred is what I thought too. But I will ask my ortho as well.

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