I got my braces removed today and ICK ICK ICK

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I got my braces removed today and ICK ICK ICK

#1 Post by wearetheborg »

Horrible procedure.
First they snapped off the brackets, which feels very jarring when they do it. Then ortho polished off the glue, it was like the surface was being burned and grated at the same time, with a simulatneous really cool flow of air. I could smell the burnt smell quite strong. The cool air made my teeth really sensitive, and the gratiing was like that of a fingernail on a chalkboard, only on my teeth. *Shudders* :shock: I wanted to jump up, and out of the 21st floor window. Image

I still have to get implants, but man, when I looked at the old pics, my teeth now look so horrible. All crooked and gaps everywhere.
It looks no nice now (with two artificial teeth on the retainer). I just wish I had more discipline and been more deligent with cleaning (gum and enamel took a serious hit in the past two years). I hope my dentist does give too bad a judgement on the results. Image

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#2 Post by dagwoman »

I've had a few brackets repositioned (ceramics on top, metal on bottom- ceramics are more annoying to remove) and a few pop off by themselves, but I haven't found that having brackets removed or the glue sanded all that bad. I just relax, brace myself for the jarring bits (like when they pop off the actual bracket), and keep breathing.

If my ortho is doing something that I'm really not enjoying, like when I have some heavy duty IPR, I try to distract myself. I find reciting the alphabet backwards in my head works really well.

It sucks that getting debanded was so unpleasant for you.

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#3 Post by Spidey »

Slightly off-topic, but may I just say that that is the most disturbing "smiley" face I have ever seen...

I don't think I am going to sleep tonight...

Sorry your appointment was unpleasant. Hope you have wonderful results!

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#4 Post by Luella »

Spidey- I concur! That "smiley" face is awful!!!
~ Luella ~
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#5 Post by siennamichele »

I had a glimpse of how it will feel when I had a bracket repositioned during my second visit. I actually dug my nails into the arm of the chair. My teeth are very sensitive. I remember when I had root canal therapy, I wanted to do just what that smiley did... :(

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#6 Post by jenny101101 »

Meryaten wrote: I do think it's important to counter "horror stories" with accounts of better experiences, or everyone's going to be scared.
I was just going to say something along the same line but Meryaten beat me to it...I totally agree! I had two brackets repositioned today(it was my first adjustment) and, except for not really knowing what to expect, it wasn't unpleasant at all. No pain just a little pressure when popping off the brackets. As for the glue being scraped off, the sound is annoying but it takes so little time, it's over before you know it. I guess it depends on the individual but my experience(although not a "full" debonding) surely didn't make me want to jump 21 stories! :shock: :lol:

wearetheborg Sorry to hear you had such an unpleasant experience but are you happy overall with your results? Here's to forgetting about it quickly! :-88
Last edited by jenny101101 on Thu Jun 05, 2008 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Keep smilin'! :)

Braced for 18 months: Damon 3mx all around with Damon 3's on "social six". Now is Essix retainers for 10 hours/night.

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#7 Post by Way Too Old For This »

I have not been fully de-braced yet either, but I do get brackets moved almost everytime I have an adjustment. One day he replaced 11. Also, once I had all of the front ones removed for my daughter's wedding. I don't recall anything horrible about it. I'm not terribly fond of having the glue ground off but I don't dread it either.

I can tell you I would rather have the assistants 'pop' off the bracket than the ortho. When he does it, its a little more jarring.

My teeth are far less sensitive then they were in the beginning of this process.
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#8 Post by MsViola »

Wear: I understand what you mean. I also feel that it is ok to talk about a bad experience. Venting can help relieve the stress. Everyone should know that people react differently to things. What is a "breeze" for some may be "traumatizing" for others.

I have had a few brackets removed/repositioned and it was unpleasant. Especially, the cold air and scraping. I can barely stand hearing the scraping sound when my teeth are cleaned........but I get through it.

By contrast, I have had several root canals with little to no problems and went back to work following them.

I hope things get better.

P.S. - That smiley was pretty awful :D

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#9 Post by MsViola »

I totally agree that we should not be in the business of scaring others. I also believe that it is important to be honest about our experiences. It may help some to know what to expect if they happen to be sensitive to certain things such as noise/temp/pressure.

It seems inappropriate to assume that some people will become panic-stricken over one person's account of an experience, especially since their is a wide range experiences discussed on this board.

Anyway, my goal was to give support and let "wear" know they are not alone.

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#10 Post by MsViola »

I thought this was about a bad debanding experience, not a reason not to get ceramic brackets :shock:

Seriously, this is probably getting way more serious than it needs to be :D

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#11 Post by wearetheborg »

MsViola wrote:I thought this was about a bad debanding experience, not a reason not to get ceramic brackets :shock:

Seriously, this is probably getting way more serious than it needs to be :D
Yeah, I did not mean to scare anybody !! It was an unpleasant experience, just wanted to vent and to give a heads up that the process might suck. Even if I had to undergo the process everytime they readjusted my wires, I'd still suck it up and do it.

That smiley seems to have caused quite a sensation. I quite like the way he revolves the bullet chamber. The details make it ImageImageImage

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#12 Post by MsViola »

Actually, I got the point quite well. The post started out as a person describing a bad experience and probably just wanting some old fashioned "love" and someone to listen to them.

As I said before, maybe the topic had become more serious than originally intended.

1/17/07 - Upper (Clear) & Lower (Metal - self ligatating) Braces
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#13 Post by SherwoodForest »

I had about 8 or so brackets repositioned for the first time this week. That was the most unpleasant visit so far! I have Damon brackets, and the little doors are always so hard to open on the bottom. It takes a lot of pulling to get them open. Then the sanding of the glue was unpleasant...I usually have a high pain tolerance, but I had to ask the ortho to stop a few times! I hope the repositionings are over.

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#14 Post by SherwoodForest »

I had about 8 or so brackets repositioned for the first time this week. That was the most unpleasant visit so far! I have Damon brackets, and the little doors are always so hard to open on the bottom. It takes a lot of pulling to get them open. Then the sanding of the glue was unpleasant...I usually have a high pain tolerance, but I had to ask the ortho to stop a few times! I hope the repositionings are over.

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#15 Post by jenny101101 »

Yes, I have Damon's too and the 'doors' are hard to open. When I went to get my lowers on, my upper wire was supposed to be changed that day but it hurt too much when the assisstant was trying to open them, they had to abort the mission! :lol: I don't think I have a very high pain tolerance though..... :?
Keep smilin'! :)

Braced for 18 months: Damon 3mx all around with Damon 3's on "social six". Now is Essix retainers for 10 hours/night.

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