just a *tiny* rant and a sliver of possibility

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just a *tiny* rant and a sliver of possibility

#1 Post by mandapanda »

My trip to the dentist last week was, to say the least, eventful. I also thought I may have hit a roadblock...

To make a long story very short, it turns out that my wisdom teeth came in years ago without me noticing, which resulted in most of the crowding on my bottom arch and one even took place as a molar when I had one extracted years ago. The dentist wants to pull the remaining 3, plus another tooth that has been the result of an infection that has been on and off for a year now (did not know it was the tooth- thought I was just having issues with my lymphnodes and strep). It wasn't the tooth I was terribly concerned about- this one has a badly done filling though and is the real problem- pull and put an implant, they say. The one I thought would be the problem will need a crown and it won't be likely I'll need a root canal (whew!). Then there's a few fillings here and there and a handful of periodontal treatments needed along the way. They said THEN we can talk about orthodontics. Which had me in tears of course because that was the first visit and I didn't think my mouth was that bad and the dentist and assisstants were chatting over my head saying how bad it was without really addressing me. The dentist even said, "Wow. I looove my job." as he was poking around my mouth and could feel the sarcasm just oozing. I still made an appointment for the next day to get a panoramic x-ray the next day and a cleaning.

I guess the egg and cheese sandwhich I had before that appointment ( :oops: it just sounded good... and I was out and about town pre-appointment) didn't help matters much, but I arrived bright and early the next day for everything and he couldn't stop saying how much better my mouth looked... but still made another snide comment on how much he loved his job and there was still too much jargon thrown about with his assistants without too much involvement in the conversation on my part. At the end of the day I got my full treatment plan pre-braces and it comes to $15000.

$15000!! :shock: Uhm... well... that put a bit of a damper on things, to say the least. My poor boyfriend thought it might have been a mis-print of some sort and my gut was not convinced that there was this much wrong. It just didn't seem right, and usually I'm overly compliant with doctor's orders.

A little research goes a long way though. I found a dental plan online and even though it means switching dentists, I can get most of that treatment at half the cost. Money is the issue here, but even if I could afford it I'd still only trust my mouth to someone who actually loved his job... or could hold back on saying things like that while poking my mouth with sharp objects. There are only 3 to choose from in my area (Fairbanks may be the 2nd biggest city in Alaska, but it's really just a tiny town), but I've heard great things about them from a lot of people. If they'll trust their kid's mouths with them, I'm assuming it must be a decent place. And I also found an orthodontist through a co-worker... she's one of his patients and says he's friendly, very good, and works with your income for a payment plan. So next week I start making phone calls again. Feels like I'm starting over, but maybe this next round I won't feel so out of place in a dentist office and maybe it isn't as bad as it seems...

We shall see. :D

((sorry so long... had to rant to some people that would understand. :D i mostly lurk and research here, and you all are so supportive and awesome.))

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#2 Post by Soworththeeffort »

Sounds like you dodged a bullet. $15K sounds like an unbelievable amount of money for the work you mentioned. It also kind of sounds like the dentist you went to fancies himself to be not just a dentist, but an oral surgeon, endodontist, periodontist, and orthodontist. (Perhaps you have encountered the mythical "SDP" - Super Dental Professional! Strange stuff happens in Alaska, eh? :)

Personally, I don't want anyone doing any specialty work on me if they don't have training in the specialty. That's why I love my dentist - he's extremely nice, is a great communicator, never hurts me, does quality work - and he knows his limits. When I needed a root canal, he referred me to an endodontist (the root canal procedure itself, BTW, does not hurt at all - if you had a painful tooth that needed a crown but no root canal...well, that surprises me); when I needed gum surgery, off to the periodontist....when I wanted braces - brother hooked me up with an orthodontist. And none of them ever behaved the way your dentist did. Thank your parents for the good head you've got on your shoulders, and get another opinion on everything from the second dentist. (Not surprising that given his patient-pleasing attitude, his schedule was so open that he was able to get you in the chair the very next day, huh?) Take care.

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#3 Post by braceasourus »

I feel like you should try to find another ortho. This guy sounds like a real jerk and his staff doesn't sound much nicer. Adult Braces is not an easy road and if your doctor doesn't make you feel comfortable its going to make it so much worse. I have been trying to fin the right ortho for years and i FINALLY just found the right guy who knew exactly what treatment i needed, was so kind (i cried my entire first appointment like a big baby) and he worked with me finantially.

Also $15k sounds wayyy too much. I have to have to have major work done and my stuff is only costing $8k....haha onlyy....

But yeah i would see somone else before you do anything with him

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#4 Post by SharMarali »

Man if he hates his job so much, why doesn't he do something different?!

Seriously, I think if you have to switch dentists under your insurance that's a good thing. This guy sounds like a piece of work.

It's important to feel as comfortable as possible during your appointments, and if you constantly feel like you're being talked AT, ABOUT, and AROUND instead of TO, the couple of years you spend in braces are going to be completely miserable. I'm on the "get a second opinion" bandwagon, and be sure you pick an orthodontist who makes you feel comfortable and free to ask questions. You'll be seeing this person quite more frequently than you see the regular dentist.

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#5 Post by Wobblydeb »

You're doing the right thing. You are going to have to work with whoever you choose for the next couple of years, so they'd better be someone who can treat you with the compassion and respect you deserve as a) an adult and b) a fee paying customer. If you don't feel comfortable asking your orthodontist questions, or that they don't listen to you, the whole experience will be so much more frustrating.

I turned down an experienced orthodontist because she was hopeless at communicating, and I felt that I was being treated like a child by all of the staff. I guess that was most of their clients... :roll:
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#6 Post by rolo »

I had a pre-braces experience like this! My regular dentist who is lovely, referred me to someone for a consultation re possiblity of an implant to take the place of an adult canine that didn't errupt. Basically he sat their moaning about every aspect of my mouth, they were the worst teeth he had ever seen, to the point where I ran straight back to my dentist and burst into tears. Estimate of over £15,000, and they still wouldn't be very good! Anyway after I pulled myself together, I found this site and decided I would like to go for lower ceramics and linguals, looked up orthodontists on the British Orthodontic Society website.

My ortho is lovely, his nurse was so reassuring on the phone, she calmed me down and told me they could get round most things, and promised me they would come up with solutions, not just a long list of problems. At my initial consultation my ortho was reassuring and came up with a plan of action that was much cheaper than an implant, a third of the original estimate. Although they are honest about the issues and if teeth haven't move as much as they would like, I really like that they always find something nice to say, so they will point out the teeth that have move well, or that my brushing is good, extraction gaps have healed well etc and then tell me what we will start working on in future. I leave feeling uplifted and motivated rather than depressed.

So I would keep looking, if you can try to find someone who works regularly with adults, as Wobblydeb says, it would be frustrating to be treated like a child

Anyway I googled

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#7 Post by mandapanda »

Wow- thank you guys! For a while there I was wondering if I was doing the right thing switching dentists and orthos and it seems like I am. :D I didn't realize so many people had a similar expierence. Tomorrow I'm getting the dental plan which can be used 2 days after I submit the application, but I figure to wait until I get the actual card in my hands. It's just a discount plan, but the fees that were posted on the site for this particular area and how much I would actually save in the long run is awesome. My boyfriend and I can still afford to eat!!! :crazy: And the ortho my co-worker was talking about I ended up looking up on the internet and from his site it says his specialty is adult orthordontics. He does work on a lot of the military wives and kids here, and now that I'm more aware of it- there are a lot of adults in braces in Alaska (I work with 4 twentysomething to thirtysomething women in braces). I still have to schedule a visit with both the dentist and the ortho, but I know I'll be better off in the long run. :D

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#8 Post by kirjax »

$15,000 :shock:

wow that is a joke!

second and even third opinions are always a good.


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