Intro and question: When do you get a debanding date?

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Intro and question: When do you get a debanding date?

#1 Post by Andromeda »

Hi everyone, I'm 23 and have been in braces for about 11 months; this is my first time in braces. Typical story - parents couldn't afford braces when I was growing up so I got them as soon as I could pay for them myself. I've been visiting the board since almost the beginning of my journey but never registered: I was pretty content to just surf through others stories for encouragement and answers to questions that had already been discussed but decided it's time to chime in.

Well I first started my journey on the east coast in March 2008 with a sentence of about 18 months, but then that summer I moved to California and had to find a new ortho. The new ortho removed my braces and put different ones on (this time self ligating) in August 2008. At that time, he estimated only another 8 months in braces, which put me at 13 months total instead of 18, yay! (I had a consult with another ortho at the time I moved as well and she also gave me about 8 months left so I am pretty confident in the assessment.)

Anyway so I am getting a little frustrated at the fact that I only should have about 2 months left and at every appointment I ask how I am doing and if I am still on track and the ortho tells me I am, but says he still can't give me a date for debanding. It seems like I should be getting a date soon, no? I've pretty much only ever had the brackets and wires, nothing special like bands or chains or springs, etc. Well last time I went in I got a silver powerchain on the bottom which they said was the strongest they had (I'm not sure why I got it bc I didn't have any gaps and as far as I could tell my bottom teeth are straight. The powerchain never hurt one bit and I hear they are supposed to be killer... wondering if it even did anything. Next appointment is on Feb 10 and I'm supposed to be getting all sorts of things done to the top teeth, which sounds to me like they are moving into the "final stage" because my teeth are straight but my bite is still all messed up.

I was just wondering what some of you thought about my situation. I'm curious how soon before you get your braces off do they tell you a specific date? I should only have 2 months left according to the original estimate by my ortho and he says I'm still on track... but it just seems like I still have so far to go because when I bite I am only hitting in a couple places in the back and almost all of my front teeth on bottom are hitting the back of my front top teeth, which never used to happen. He said he will be starting to fix all that stuff at the next appointment. Do you think it's possible to fix the bite in just 2 months? And why can't he give me a date yet if I'm supposedly so close to done?

Thanks everyone for reading and any comments you may have. I've really enjoyed reading everyone's stories and posts over the last year!

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#2 Post by TumbleDryLow »

I think orthos are reluctant to give a debanding date until they are really, really sure about it. And I think they are only really sure about it when they literally say: "Your next appointment will be a debanding appointment." It sounds like you have some significant work to do on your bite. That could only take two months, but you can never be sure exactly how fast teeth are going to move. You need to keep in mind that when the orthos told you that you only had 8 months left, that was a estimate. (There are some folks on the board who were told their sentence would be 18 months, and three years later they are still in braces.) Never the less, it is very good news that your ortho thinks you are on track, but I'd take the 2 month estimate as just that and not be too disappointed if they are on for 4 more months.

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#3 Post by kirjax »

I got my debanding date today but I knew I'd find out when I'd be getting them off bc at today's appt. I was already scheduled for my retainer impressions. 6 weeks ago I thought I was getting my impressions but my ortho changed his mind and put on powerchains. I too no longer really have gaps but they told me the power chains work to tighten everything together.

I was given an estimation of 20-24 months in braces and when I get my braces removed Feb 23 I will be at 22 months. So I'm getting mine off right within the time frame! But most people I know never get them off by the estimated time. Usually longer. I am sure your ortho isn't keeping them on just to torture you. They must feel their are a few things that can be done before debanding. And your already in the braces mind as well square it away now.


Sentenced: 20-24 months
Braced May 11, 2007
Debraced Feb. 23, 2009
21 months in braces, 17 months in elastic, NO regrets!! Now in Hawley retainers!!

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#4 Post by Andromeda »

Thanks for your comments so far. Kirjax, that is really exciting that you got your debanding date today! Congrats - I'm so envious, hehe!

I understand that a lot of people actually have theirs on longer than estimated and I should consider myself lucky if it is only extended a couple of months. I think the most difficult thing is that my ortho keeps telling me that I AM still on track. I just want to know either way, and if I do need my time extended, then I'd just like to know that as soon as possible so I can stop getting myself so excited. It's literally all I've been thinking of since Christmas! I can't help it...

I'm thinking of telling my ortho that I'm willing to suffer through any kind of pain I need to to get them off faster. I don't know if that would make a difference on what he could do for me, but I really had my heart set on getting them off before my birthday at the end of April, and especially for my 2 year wedding anniversary and husbands birthday, both of which are in May. I know I have to just stick it out til the end, whenever that may be, but a girl can hope...

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#5 Post by krennen »

I, too, wanted to know a debanding date and unfortunately the last little adjustments in bite etc can take a lot longer than anyone can guess. I was originally told about 2 and1/2 years and yesterday I finally got them off after 3 years and 15 days. Yippee. At one point I thought I might die of old age before they came off--Ha Ha.

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#6 Post by Andromeda »

krennen - thanks for your input. I've heard that happens to a lot of people, sadly, sigh. When it was getting close to your 2.5 years that they estimated, did they let you know that your time was going to be extended or did they keep saying it would be soon? I think I could handle it if they need to be on longer but I really would prefer to know now and not have them keep telling me it will be soon....

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#7 Post by EmbraceMe »

As frustrating as it is, just know that the best outcome is that they come off when everything is as perfect as it can get. The fact that they keep telling you that they believe you are on track is encouraging. You don't want them to try and "speed" anything up, as teeth are meant to move slowly so that they have time to take "root" to their new spot on your mouth.

I have been very lucky in that my ortho has always been very straightforward with me. I got my braces on in August 2007, with estimated time of 22-24 months. I had asked my ortho a few months back if it were possible that they would be off by my 40th b-day in March, and he said no. However, on my last visit, he said that everything has been right on track since the beginning, and I am should be out of braces by June. Soooo, I will be postponing my b-day until then, LOL!

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#8 Post by kirjax »

I sometimes why treatment takes so long for some. I truly thought I'd be in braces over the 2 year mark. I can't believe I'm done. Sometimes I wonder if I'm done lol. I mean I look done but it just seemed so quick (and easy)! My only issue is the tiny black triangles I've got in my bottom teeth. I mean u can't see them unless of course I were to physically show someone but it kinda bothers me. I did address it with the ortho and he just said that it would not be worth it to do the IPR bc my teeth are already fairly small and thin to begin with. He said that it was best to just leave it go and it would also keep my midline even. So I guess had I gotten IPR I'd have a few more months in braces to keep tightening the teeth together. But overall I guess I can't complain.

I also NEVER asked when I was getting them off or if I was close. I didn't want to know (for fear of disappointment) so at my last appointment before this previous one I was completely shocked to learn I'd be getting impressions. I said, "impressions for what?" and he's like, "ah for retainers!" and I turn to the assistant and said, "well that means I will get them off soon after?" and she laughed and said, "yep!" So it was all a nice surprise to find out I was getting the early release.

I mean you can look at it this way. An ortho can give you any kind of date for debanding but what happens if that date rolls close and he turns around and says your not ready. Then your majorly disappointed. It's probably best to just not know. That way you can be surprised and happy like me!


Sentenced: 20-24 months
Braced May 11, 2007
Debraced Feb. 23, 2009
21 months in braces, 17 months in elastic, NO regrets!! Now in Hawley retainers!!

MC Squared
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#9 Post by MC Squared »

I was originally given a 24-30 month estimate and got debanded after 32 months. I did start hinting around with my ortho and his assistants once I hit the 28 month mark. He never gave a date up until 4 weeks before I got them off, though. He just kept saying "You're getting closer and closer to the finish line." And then at my last regular appt, he said something like "We'll do the molds for your retainers next time, and then they come off." I honestly thought, right up until this week, he'd change his mind and postpone the debanding. Thankfully, he did not! If you are curious (and who isn't about this kind of thing) I'd just come right out and ask if you are on track with the original estimate. I think that the length of the "final tweaking" is something that really varies ALOT---my teeth seemed completely straight for months, and it turned out my bite still had a ways to go. Good Luck---you will get there!!!

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#10 Post by sdawdy »

I was given 18-22 months in my original treatment plan. I vowed to myself that I would not even ask about how much longer I had until I hit the 2 year mark. In early January at my adjustment, I asked, knowing that there is much more to be done....I just wanted an opinion. My ortho was very nice about answering as I presented it as just wanting an opinion. She advised that since my teeth were so stubborn that I would have a minimum of 9 more months. So, now, I have said to myself that I will not ask about it until I hit my 3 year mark if it lasts that long. Just remember the original time they give is an estimate and not for sure. Some teeth respond well to treatment and others dont (like mine). Also, remember we are all looking for healthy teeth and bites and that is what matters.

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