It's been 4 days now so I think ive got through the worst of getting used to it. I am a very sensitive soul so this has been my detailed experience so far:
(Cost £1800 for top teeth - if your front 4 teeth are 1, 2, 3 & 4: My teeth 1 & 4 very behind 2 & 3)
IA only suitable for moving front 4 teeth upper or lower or both.
If teeth are too crowded you will need to have an 'expander arch' for a couple of weeks first - this you 'adjust' yourself everyday by moving a link. (I didn't have this but had it demonstrated).
Proceedure goes:
1. Assessment/pricing & if you agree - Xrays & photos taken.
2. Impressions/moulds taken - This is fine, but be ready for it. You'll generally have 2 set - The first impression: can only be described as 'bathroom sealant' squidged into an impression mould & held against your teeth until it sets - this is about 4-5 mins. The second impression: the same method but with a much quicker setting & rather 'fluffier' 'bathroom sealant'.
It doesn't hurt at all & you can breathe fine.
3. A couple of weeks later you'll have your IA ready. You may have some 'filing' when it's fitted. This is OK - using mini sandpaper strips to shape the teeth. This doesn't hurt, but your gum may get 'caught' on occasion (like your skin if you have a rough manicure!). it may feel like a lot of filing is going on, but after an average 10 mins it is barely noticeable and the usual amount is only 0.5 - 1mm. Then the IA will be put in & you'll be shown how to take it in & out.
Instantly you will think "oh God! this feels bigger than it looks and I sound rediculous".
Yes speaking really seems quite bad and was my biggest shock. But after recording myself after a lot of winging to my husband, you will see you think you sound worse than you actually do.
The IA is perfectly clear along the front & clips back round your 2 front teeth. It feels a bit bulky but doesn't look it.
The first 48 hours were quite uncomfortable - getting used to the size, not talking, teeth becoming a little achey (not too much though) and cheeks sore as you get used to the metal egdes BUT, I AM getting used to it now and all the above discomfort is not so bad.
I am wearing it at work, but taking it in and out for eating or any chats that will be more than just a 1 or 2 word answer. Also once people are shown it's great engineering & how quick it alters your teeth they are quite impressed. Weraing it in the evenings is no problem as you can be more relaxed. At night it takes a little getting used to and I found putting a little cotton wool around the side where the metal meets the spring helps you not dig it into your cheek.
As the weeks progress ill say how it's all doing. But after the initial discomfort everything seems to be calming down a lot. Roll on my monthly check up & moving teeth!
I think this would suit almost anyone that can deal with a bit of discomfort for a short time but the reward of quick alighnment of the teeth!