Just got braces and front teeth.

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Just got braces and front teeth.

#1 Post by imwiredtoo »

Hello all.

I just got braces 4 days ago - ceramic and only upper at this moment. And I must say they don't hurt that bad, altho they do feel uncomfortable. But I'm worried a bit about my 4 front teeth.. They HURT a lot when I touch them, and they feel sort of numb, or "dead".. I'm not sure if you know what I mean, so I'm really worried about them. Is this OK? 'Cause other teeth feel just OK, but just these 4 teeth, I'm really worried about them. Will they ever feel OK? Is it normal that they feel kind of numb,"wiggly", or I don't even know what word to use. Will I ever be able to take a bite of something, 'cause atm im just flushing all the food down with water trying to avoid any contact with those 4 teeth.


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#2 Post by braceasourus »

hey. I got my braces 4 days ago too! I know exactly what you mean and my front teeth feel like that as well. I'm not sure why exactly but im sure its just how the teeth are reacting to the new pressure. I have to say though the bottoms hurt wayy more. i got both on at the same time so its kinda intense. I am going to say if we both feel this way its probably normal.
good luck :P

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#3 Post by imwiredtoo »


I sure hope it's all OK, 'cause I kind of have a phobia of dead-teeth and teeth falling out. :| They really don't feel that bad, but as I touch them they hurt as hell, and in a way they feel as if they were dead.

Btw. Did you also get your braces this Monday? If so, then we are brace-buddies. :wink:

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#4 Post by braceasourus »

i dont think your teeth will fall out! I have read a lot on here that if your teeth feel loose that means they are starting to move and thats a good thing.

I have that same issue with the pressure. i tried to put wax on my braces and i couldn't bc even that small amount of pressure hurt soooo bad. Does it hurt for you to brush your teeth? because i find it insainly painful...obviously i just deal with the pain though.

I got my braces Tuesday morning!

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#5 Post by imwiredtoo »

It doesn't hurt for me unless I touch it, so brushing my teeth does hurt. That's why I'm worried.. And it's not really even the teeth that hurts - it's kind of numb and "deadish", but when I touch the teeth I feel kinda like inside the gum something hurts.

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#6 Post by dissonance »

I think what you're experiencing is normal. I've had my braces on for a couple months now, and especially at the beginning, the front 4-6 on the top and bottom just felt - well - creepy! I couldn't stand them touching because of the funny feeling. I have an adjustment (my first) on Monday so I wonder if the creepy feeling will come back again?

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#7 Post by jenny101101 »

Yes, that's completely normal. After a few weeks your teeth will feel back to normal.

Your teeth may feel like that again after an adjustment, it just depends on the person. I know after a few of my adjustments, I barely had any pain or numbness but once I started on rectangular wires, my teeth were sensitive for a few days to weeks. Just take tylenol or advil if it gets too uncomfortable.

Good luck to all of you and congrats for getting braced!! :D
Keep smilin'! :)

Braced for 18 months: Damon 3mx all around with Damon 3's on "social six". Now is Essix retainers for 10 hours/night.

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#8 Post by imwiredtoo »

Thanks guys, I sure hope you are right. :roll:

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#9 Post by opera^gal »

I just came back from my first adjustment and feel a bit the same way..as if the feeling is somehow deadened in a few teeth. Everything I've read says this is perfectly normal and from when I first got the train-tracks put on, the feeling does indeed go away with time.
Good luck!
2/2/09: metal braces T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B

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#10 Post by imwiredtoo »

It's the 5th and I can't see anything changing. I'm already thinking that getting braces was a big mistake. I hope it's just temporary and something that not only I go through. Reading how other people get over the pain and teeth numbness in 2-3 days, and some people don't experience it at all, just makes it worse. My orthodontist told me that I'm probably not going to suffer that much, because my teeth aren't too crooked, but hell.. 5 days and my front teeth feel like they are sharp wooden splinters just stuck into my gums. They don't feel like my own teeth anymore.

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#11 Post by Jewles »

Im almost 2 months in and my front teeth top and bottom still hurt! I havent been able to eat anything that hasnt been cut up for soo long :( Pain is good, it means things are moving :)

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#12 Post by Summer73 »

I just got braces on my top the 3rd of March. I have a numb feeling but have never once had any pain or discomfort. I feel a bit of pressure and numbness on the front four teeth as well but that's it. I've not had to take any Tylenol or Advil at all. The only thing that has been somewhat irritating is the sores that have come in my mouth. They're beginning to go away but bought Kanka and that helped a lot. I'm not sure how my lowers will feel when I have those braces placed in 6 weeks.

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#13 Post by imwiredtoo »

Thanks for your replies guys.

It's the 6th day and my 4 front teeth still feel the same. I really hope that the next time I'll post here, I have some positive news. Because at the moment it's just worrying me. I don't know what to expect, maybe I'm just being paranoid and it's all natural that they feel numb, kinda "dead" or I don't have a better word and hurt a lot when you touch them.

Is it possible that they will hurt and be all numb for whole month till I go to see my orthodontist for an adjustment?

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#14 Post by DebbieI »

I have had mine for 5 weeks now. The pain lessened on the front teeth but my bottoms still feel dead. It is a strange feeling. I can finally bit something soft like a muffin with my front teeth. I suppose that means time for the adjustment (which is next week). It is so nice to know that we are not alone in what we feel. There are days I am sorry I did this, then I look at the before photos and even after 5 weeks I see an improvement. Hang in there.

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#15 Post by UGHBRACES »

You have nothing to be worried about, be patient.

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