dental crowns and orthodontics

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dental crowns and orthodontics

#1 Post by terra85 »

Within the last 3 months, I've had 2 root canals and 2 porcelain/tooth-colored crowns. I went to an ortho evaluation today and the assistant who looked at my teeth mentioned that it was possible I'd need to get new crowns after I get braces! Those 2 crowns were $3000 ($1500 a piece) and the thought of having to replace them after I get braces makes me a little, well, mad. I expected the crowns would last 5+ years at least. I don't have thousands of dollars to throw around so I wish my dentist would have told me that maybe I should get permanent crowns after I get braces. I mean, I did let her know that in the near future I was going to get orthodontic work.

So, has anyone ever had to replace crowns after braces? Is there a high chance I will need to replace them?
Age 23. Midline off by 5mm, lots of crowding, and a tooth on top of a tooth.

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#2 Post by kilikena311 »

I am curious about this also because my molar band on the right side is attached to my pretty white crown :(


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#3 Post by HkyGrl s2k »

I have a molar band on one porcelain crown. My orthodontist never mentioned it having to be replaced later.

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#4 Post by Nikkiekoala »

I have several crowns. All of my molars are crowned. I didn't have to have any replaced after braces. Good luck to you.

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#5 Post by Huon »

I needed bands on two teeth with crowns, as the brackets wouldn't stick. That was five years ago and the crowns are still there, with no problems.
I hope it will go as well for you.

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#6 Post by tazzle »

i have crowns and so far had braces on for over a year and never had it mentioned they would need replaced. As far as i understand they do move like teeth but sometimes the brackets come off ( i have one thats off but we are so near surgery ortho leaving it off for now, replace it for surgery as that bits not to be moved at the mo anyway.



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#7 Post by jenjen »

I have one molar crowned, it had a metal bracket attached to it, no problem at all the whole time. He used a different type of bonding liquid but that was it. The only one that popped off was a ceramic at the front! I was worried the whole crown would come off on removal, but nope, it was fine.


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#8 Post by Horton »

i think maybee u all miss the point. it is not becoz of brackets not sticking 2 crowns. it is not becoz of bands making damage to crowns. it is becoz ure crowns were made to bite rite where ure teeths r now and when the teeths r moved 2 a new place then the crowns might not bite rite. u have prcelain crowns and that is much harder than normal teeths so if they do not bite nicely then they will make bad wear on teeths. this then is why maybe they need replaced after braces. but maybe u get lucky like every1 who posted here and it will be ok.

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#9 Post by kristi1003 »

i need a crown too and my orthodontist told me to wait until after braces to get it. i would suggest you get a 2nd opinion or just get braces and hope that you wont have to get them replaced. they could be wrong. hope you make the right decision. good luck!

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#10 Post by marycotter5678 »

My orthodontist told me that she will try her best not to have me have it replaced later on, but that she cannot promise. I needed an additional root canal and crown right before my braces came on and she suggested I put on a temporary crown until braces come off.

I think it is possible that you may need a replacement but it's not inevitable. It's just a possibility.

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#11 Post by terra85 »

I thought I'd mention that the 2 crowns are right next to each other in the top arch, they are both molar teeth (#2 and #3). Not sure if that matters, but I thought I'd add that because maybe crowned molar teeth are more prone to need new crowns after braces? I don't know.
Age 23. Midline off by 5mm, lots of crowding, and a tooth on top of a tooth.

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#12 Post by Sleclerc »

I will be annoyed as well, as when I started my ortho I was in a temporary bridge. My dentist wanted to make sure that my Ortho wanted her to put in the permanent during treatment. My Ortho gave the go ahead, I sure hope I didn't waste all this darn money too:-( Your explanation makes perfect sense though :(

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