Filing of teeth-good/bad?Or rather have teeth extracted?

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Filing of teeth-good/bad?Or rather have teeth extracted?

#1 Post by single&braces »


My dentist have told me I'm at the bottom line 50-50% case of wearing braces. I have put on braces purely for anethestic reason as i felt my fron few teeth are bucking out. Dentist suggested to use conservation method, not to extract teeth and wear braces for 6 months and see how it goes. As I am very against of getting my healthy teeth extracted, he suggested filing ot teeth after 6 months if there are no enough space to push back my front teeth.

Im wondering have anyone use the above method or have their teeth filed? I know although it's only filing minimum of the edge of the teeth but i have friends telling me in a long run, the teeth will be so damaged when you aged as part of the enamel been stripped off but my dentist tell me it's ok as he only stripping the minimum of it as it wouldnt cause sensitivity.

Would you then rather have youe teeth extracted or get your teeth filed if you were in my position? :S


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#2 Post by ellen »

I'm opting for filing my teeth, rather than extracting a healthy tooth. I haven't had the filing yet, though, so I can't tell you whether my teeth are more sensitive.

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