Newly braced...Hi!

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Newly braced...Hi!

#1 Post by ztm134 »

Hi folks,

I'm glad that I found this site...I've been reading it quite a bit in the past week as I was officially braced last Wednesday, 12/2. One guy that I read described it as "the dental equivalent of walking on the moon." So true...not exactly painful, but super awkward and feels bizarre to be sure!

I have struggled with a Class III maloclussion for a long time. I never had any speech problems before I was about 14. Pretty suddenly, I began to have some trouble enunciating certain words a little after the onset of puberty. It took me a few years to make the connection that my jaw started to grow, my underbite got markedly worse, and that was why I was having so much speech trouble. Even though my underbite is significant (I believe my surgeon measured it at 12 mm), it came about somewhat gradually.

Once I made the connection, I mentioned it to my dentist...probably about 4 years ago. She said that I would almost certainly need surgery to correct it. I was okay with that...but then she said braces too! Well, as I am sure is common, it took me some time to come to terms with that.

I went to see a few dentists, even an orthodonist, over the past couple of years to get more info. I wasn't thriled with any of the responses that they gave me. In August of this year, I finally decided that something had to be done. I was moving to Boston at the time, and made an appt to speak with an ortho. After we met, I went through the hoops and had the surgery approved by my health insurance, made the down payment, and had the braces put on. I'll attach a pretty gnarly picture of my bite with the clear braces.

So far, no complaints, although being a 23 year old guy in braces isn't exactly fun. Meh, I've got bigger problems haha.

Has anyone else used Mahoub Rizkallah as an ortho in Somerville MA? I've heard nothing but good things, and he seems pretty confident that he can get me ready for surgery by May 2010. Sounds pretty ambitious to me, but we'll see.


Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:04 am

#2 Post by dub02 »

hey mate,

Are they ceramics you have ? Look great. Well done

Posts: 24
Joined: Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:19 pm

#3 Post by ztm134 »


I'm incredibly surprised by how low profile they are. I have a teenage cousin that had braces like two years ago and they are these big metal things so I was braced (sorry!) for the worst. When I first got them I told my roommate that I had had braces put on, and she asked me from across the room if they were invisalign.

Anyway I don't think they're ceramic, but I'm not sure. They feel like plastic as far as I can tell. I'd imagine that ceramics would feel more....well, like ceramic haha.

I can feel my bite changing already. But I do have a question...I've always disliked my prominent canine teeth. They sort of hang a little lower than my other teeth. Is this something that people think could be corrected with braces? I'm going to mention it to my orthodontist when I go back in for an adjustment in a couple weeks.

Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:04 am

#4 Post by dub02 »

Your canines are nowhere near as bad as mine. I'm getting braced next week and panic, nerves, wonder, excitement..every emotion is starting to kick in!

I'm getting niti wire braces (nickel titanium, Nasa uses it for satellites) and the dentist has suggested against ceramics because there very fragile but if I got anything like yours, i'd be over the moon :lol:

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