Clear or Metal...Is one better?

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Clear or Metal...Is one better?

#1 Post by GeenBug »

I'm about to get braces, but would like to hear people's views on both types. I've read about breakage and staining with clear braces, and one of the Orthodontists I went to for a consultation also mentioned that you've to be careful what you eat with the clear braces as they can easily get stained and discolored, so I've to be careful with things like tea, coffee, pop and other beverages that may stain it. I would like to hear from people who've had clear braces, did you experience any staining or discoloration with them? And for anyone who has had metal braces, what were your experiences? My problem are teeth gaps -a big-ish diastema on top and other gaps on the bottom.

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#2 Post by drrick »

The clear brackets themselves do not stain but the elastics around them do.
Those are changed on a regular basis.

I am sure the pts here will chime in with their experiences.
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#3 Post by TumbleDryLow »

I have clear on my upper six. This brand:
I really like them. As Dr Rick said, the brackets do not stain but the elastic ligatures will, especially if you get the clear ligs, therefore I have never requested those. If you use other discrete colors such as smoke or light gray, the staining will be less pronounced. I do take a certain amount of precautions: I drink my coffee and other staining liquids with a straw, I don't eat curry (no lig is going to stand up to turmeric) and I try to keep any foods that I think may stain the ligs an undesirable color off the front teeth. This may seem like a hassle, but I don't find it to be a big deal at all. If I had it to do all over again I'd still go with the clear brackets. A lot of people do not jump through the hoops I do. They eat whatever, however--come what may and they say that the staining doesn't bother them and that no one notices it anyway.

As for breakage, I did chip a couple of my brackets. It was no big deal--just a tiny bit of the corner. My ortho replaced those brackets eventually.

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#4 Post by UGHBRACES »

I have clear brackets on my upper 4 front teeth. My ortho doesn't use ligatures on them though, they use wire ties instead(i believe thats what they are called anyway) so no staining.

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#5 Post by Bekah »

My orthodontist always puts ceramic on the tops and metal on the bottoms for adults. I went home after the consult and looked at myself talk in the mirror. I noticed that I could see my bottoms when I talked and when I smiled so I figured, "why bother".

I chose all metal for the reasons because you could see the bottoms anyway and because the ceramic looked like they stuck out farther from my teeth. I actually like my braces now! I have gotten a few strange looks but overall I don't think they look bad and I am just used to them I guess!
2 Years 4 months 3 weeks and 4 days in full metal braces!


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#6 Post by rolo »

I have ceramic lowers and tooth coloured ligatures, I don't drink coffee, but a couple of cups of week tea a day and some cola, maybe once a week (yeah, I know not good for the teeth). No tumeric, or red wine, but everything else, rarely any staining. The odd time when it has been a problem, I have managed to get them changed at no extra charge. Go for whatever you prefer the look of, as posted you could always get wire ties smoke coloured ligatures if staining becomes a problem..

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#7 Post by BetterSmile »

I guess I've got what you can call clear braces as well although I haven't seen the name mentioned here before.

Is anyone using the Clarity Braces? They don't need rubber bands (self-ligating) and they match teeth colour. The only thing that can be seen is the wire connecting them...I'm very pleased with them so far. Plus the're meant to move teeth at the same speed as metal braces.

Maybe you can ask your ortho about them?
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#8 Post by browneyedgrl »

I had ceramic uppers on my social eight and the only time I dealt with staining was when I was wearing clear powerchains which was the last nine months of treatment. At at point I was going in for adjustments every four weeks so I did go inbetween and have my chains replaced.

Good luck with your decision.

Started the journey for the second time on January 10th 2008~Ceramic uppers and metal lowers. Removed on June 2nd 2009.


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#9 Post by beakon20 »

I had the same decision about a week ago. I decided to go all metal. The ceramics look good from afar, but if your close to anyone they stand out I think and your not really hiding anything at that point. I decided I would rather go with something smaller since the ceramics tend to be bulkier. Also my ortho was charging more for them and I figured it was not worth the cost.

I have my spacers in now, I get my braces put on next Friday.

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#10 Post by evilnel »

One thing to consider is the level of irritation. This may vary for people but I found the ceramics to be much more cheek-ripping than the metal. I used wax every day for 2 weeks after getting the ceramics on top, but I haven't used any on the bottom (metal)! Maybe it's a location thing, but man, the metals feel so much more comfortable. Of course, there is nothing wrong with wax for a few weeks, it's just an annoyance, nothing serious.

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#11 Post by mwic1985 »

I have clear ceramic on top and metal on the bottom. The clear ones are much nicer when you see yourself in photos as they don't look so obvious. That said, in real life it's pretty obvious when I smile that I have braces. I have avoided curry, but I drink about 4 cups of tea and 1 coffee a day, and I've actually found the lower metal braces to stain more (around the bracket, on the glue) than the ceramics.

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#12 Post by GeenBug »

Thanks guys. I'll be going with the metal. Evilnel, I heard from another girl who had metal braces that they kept stabbing her in the mouth and she went back to the ortho but it didn't make much difference, so I guess you can get that with both types of braces. I hope that doesn't happen with me though :x :-(( :). I guess my other concern has been how I'll look in them but I'm no longer worried about that. I've always thought they were cute and looked cute on the people I've seen in them. But either way, they can't be that bad or look that bad. Well, we'll see how it goes.

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#13 Post by evilnel »

It might depend on the brand. Both of mine (clear and metal) are self-litigating, the tops are Inovation-C, I think, but I don't know what the metal ones are. They really don't look bad, I think they are cute on most people. It's startling at first to see yourself, but you get over it quickly. Good luck to you!

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#14 Post by dub02 »

Literally got braced 2 hours ago..I had the choice between clear and metal..I asked the ortho which works quicker and she advised me metal it is..will defo take some time to get use too but hey I'm 28 i'm no longer in the school playground..will will except me for who i'am and not whats on my teeth

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#15 Post by GeenBug »

That's great dub02, good luck in your journey.

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