Sick & Tired of braces :(

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Sick & Tired of braces :(

#1 Post by Qtgirl »

Hello all. It seems like I've been in braces forever. :shock: When I speak to friends/coworkers about it they are quite shocked that I am STILL in braces. The ortho told me that I would be in braces for no more than two years. I had a front space/gap and slight open bite. More recently while at the ortho office I spoke to a former coworker who pretty much told me that she was fed up with the Ortho. The ortho would promise to fix certain things, yet during the scheduled visit nothing other than band/wire changing would be done. Another coworker who visits this Ortho as well complained of her dissatisfaction as well...then another....and another. I would say that until then, I never made a big deal about it. Of course I wondered when, even asked the Ortho..the response was "soon". Slowly I began to doubt my ortho, because I too was being told that "this will be fixed at the next appointment" and then nothing, even when I asked about it. Another problem is that the receptionist does not quite shedule your appointments sometimes after your visit-which leaves you to call otherwise you will be neglected. After all this, I guess I finally saw the light. I have already paid off for the braces. It just sucks that I feel like I am getting nowhere with this Orthodontist. Recently I got another consult from another Ortho- I didnt know that my Orhto worked there before. Anyways to make a long story short, the Ortho response was to go back to my old Ortho and have 'em finish me. When I left I wondered if it was the fact that I mentioned his colleages name. Regardless, I was quite happy not to go there because the Ortho's questions seem to make me feel as if I was the one in the wrong or its something that I did. For starters, my midline is off- and he mentioned 'no ones gonna notice', I found it odd because I did not mention that was the problem because my old orhto was going to leave as is. My main concern was the front teeth in which my orhto kept promisingto fix and never did (one incisor is pushed forward).

:cry: I have made up my mind not to go back to my Orhtodontist--mainly because I purposely waited to see if the receptionist would call about my appointment...she did 3 months later. Unfortunately I missed it (not on purpose) and called to reschedule, but havent heard from them since. Normally I call for my appointment regardless, however with all these negative stories about my ortho- this simple disregard was the straw that broke the camels back.

OK enough of my rant. Im looking around for another orhto and I've scheduled several appointments. Has anyone left there OLD orthodontist so close in treatment?? If so, does the new orthodontist require to start all over again?? I have yet to contact my Old ortho, but I do plan on doing so once I've found another Ortho. Does anyone think Im wasting my time and should stick with my old ortho? any suggestions welcomed, but Ive truly have had enough!

Steph in Sac
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#2 Post by Steph in Sac »

After 4 years and 7 months, I would also find a new ortho if I were you. I can see if it had been 2 1/2 years and you were just antsy and ready to have them off, but this seems like an excessively long time in my opinion. I would think a new, reputable ortho would take on your case and continue forward with some kind of modified fee.

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#3 Post by Qtgirl »

Thanks Steph, omg I just realized my ticker is still on. Oh wow, geez this year will make me 5 years! :cry: Well I pretty much have one more alternative..invisalign (from a regular dentist) or travel by plane to another Orthodontist...sigh.

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#4 Post by drrick »

Are just your uppers being treated?

What is left to do?
Developer of:
The Powerprox Six Month Braces(R) Technique

Powerprox Six Month Braces(R)on ABC News

Rachel B
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#5 Post by Rachel B »

Oh my god,

I would run away to another orthodontist asap. I can't believe you've been braced for so long. I'm sure if you find a better ortho you'll be free within a year at the most.

Good Luck!!

Rach :roll:

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#6 Post by daffodil »

I would get another orthodontist and just pay extra at this point. Maybe your teeth are to the point where they can be finalized with Invisalign.

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#7 Post by gracey82 »

5 years in braces is ridiculous! Do get consultation from others.

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#8 Post by nuttynat »

It is such a shame that the dr/patient relationship wasn't good.

5 years in braces is such a long time... half a decade in fact! Go get another opinion

If I'm in braces 3 years down the track when it should only be two, I'll be asking questions that's for sure.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out.
8/Jan/10 Wired up, but no place to go
4/May/10 Full upper & lower brackets put on

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#9 Post by Qtgirl »

@gracey82, daffodil: I got 2 other consultation but the Orthos are kinda limited here. The other Ortho worked with her (friend/colleage or whatever)and said just to go back to her and tell her to take it out.

@rachelb: I would have to travel (airplane)to get another Ortho's opinion :( Sadly, there are only 2 Ortho's.

@drrick: I have both uppers and lowers done. The ortho confuses me most of the time-at one appointment I will be told that the front of my teeth needs to be "fixed" and the next I guess she just changes the ligs. I really dont know whats going on, but I've had enough.

@nuttynat: Yeah it is a terrible shame. I am only now finding out that this is something that she has been doing to her patients. At the beginning, there were no signs of this at all-in fact I was told "no more than 2 years"

Well I just wanted to update everyone, but first off thanks so much for the advice. I feel very stupid because my friends told me the same thing about getting another Ortho. I trusted that what the Ortho was doing was right and shouldve listened to what my friends/family told me.

I had an appointment 3 weeks ago, yet when I arrived the door was locked-apparently I received the message late that my appointment had to be re-scheduled b/c the Orho had a seminar. I ended up calling to re-schedule and was able to see the Ortho. To make a long story short-I told her that I want them off and that I am tired of waiting. I dont know if the Orhto was upset or something (or mayb her other patients complained the same thing), but she quickly agreed...put the mold in and called to the assistant to schedule me for retainers. IDK, I kinda felt as if she had an attitude with it because she did not change my ligs/powerchains or anything (which to tell you the truth is in bad shape itself). Frankly, I didnt care either- just wanted to be outta there. The ortho mentioned that she was taking off "all" of them in the summer because she is getting ready to retire soon. So I guess, maybe the Ortho lost her excitement for the job after all. My braces is set to be off on May 11th-- I have no excitement and no care about it at all and thats the sad part.

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#10 Post by Qtgirl »

Just wanted to add that I left my old pic of when I first got my uppers done as my profile that was my teeth at the begining of this 5 year journey :( Sometimes I wish I left it that way.

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