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#1 Post by UGH!NOTAGAIN »

ok so ive noticed that some people's ceramics turn yellow...y..and what do i do to prevent this?

also...when people remove their braces....its like white where the bracket was...n ive heard that its permanent...how do i prevent that also???..

pretty much..how do i prevent my teeth from getting ugly.

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#2 Post by evilnel »

Ceramic brackets don't stain, it's the ligatures or power chains that stain, and you can avoid that by avoiding tea, coffee, wine, curry, and other foods that stain. As for stains around brackets--that's only a concern if you don't keep your teeth properly clean. If you follow the cleaning instructions given by your orthodontist, there shouldn't be a problem.

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no stains for me

#3 Post by jambo532 »

Yeah my ortho said they will only stain if you eat/drink dark stuff in excess.... like dark pop, coffee, curry, blah blah. I have actually been drinking my coffee through a straw ( I don't drink much maybe 2 cups a day) I haven't noticed any stains.

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#4 Post by Snowglobe32 »

My ceramics are self litigating so I don't need to worry about ligs that can stain. Do you have ligs or self litigating brackets?

Once your braces are off, they will buff/polish (or whatever it is called that they do) your teeth and they will look great as long as you practice the proper hygiene needed when wearing braces.

Rachel B
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#5 Post by Rachel B »

I think they make clear damon braces now aswell so you can get completely clear self-ligating which removes the need for ligs. sigh - wish I'd had them! :wink:

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#6 Post by evilnel »

Yeah, I have IN-ovation-C or something like that on top. They're clear and self-litigating. But I have power chains, so it kind of becomes moot. The gray ones don't seem to stain too badly.

Steph in Sac
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#7 Post by Steph in Sac »

I have the clear ICE braces on the bottom. I had clear ligs that stained within 3 days. My husband said it wasn't noticable, but I couldn't stop looking at them. I had to go in for another fix yesterday and had her change them to pearl. They definintely show more, so I'm kind of bummed I chose them. I am going to see if I get used to them and if they do indeed stain less. I'll update in the next couple of weeks. I can get them changed at my next appt in two weeks if I don't like them...

Steph in Sac
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#8 Post by Steph in Sac »

...I should add, they stained from white tea. 1 cup! I thought it'd be fine because it's really light. Obviously not... And, I avoided coffee and red wine--two of my favorites--just to have them stain with white tea. :?

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#9 Post by wycket »

I have Clarity ceramic self-ligating on top, and Damon Q self-ligating on the bottom... so no worries about staining for me! Definitely be sure you're keeping everything clean, and you shouldn't have any issues once the brackets are removed! :-}

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#10 Post by TumbleDryLow »

Use a straw for everything but water. I know. It's weird. Especially when you are drinking red wine. (So uncouth). But it really does work. It was hard for me to get used to at first, but now it seems totally normal. I don't know that I'll ever go back to drinking without a straw since the bonus is that it keeps my front teeth so much whiter.

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