35 and miserable

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35 and miserable

#1 Post by rpnftw »

Hello everyone.I'm a 35 male and I just got these things put on last Tuesday 2/23,and I don't know how much longer I can take it! Its not from pain,its just the fact I have them on,and I'm not use to it.all day long I'm fixated on them it seems.eating just plain feels nasty.even when I drink something they seem to be more pronounced,does the cold liquid have something to do with it? Does any of this make sense?
Also my daughter got hers put on about a month ago,and she's fine with them?
How long does it take to get use to these things? Is there anything I can do to make them more comfortable? I'm thinkin maybe some xanax or something.
Please any advice or commemts welcome thanks.

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#2 Post by appygirl82 »

I am now a month in and really it just takes time to get used to. Don't focus on them to much, just allow yourself to relax and be ok with them. I have started to notice that its becoming more of the norm now...I don't really pay much attention to them other than when I am eating. Eating I agree is a total pain in the butt now....

1 week in and your just now getting to the point where it will start to get better and be more comfortable. Hang in there!

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#3 Post by Bellalalala »

The first week can be just horrible, for me is was really really terrible and gory.

Then bam, it gets better very quickly, and like everyone else, at the end of a month you won't even notice them anymore.

Everyone goes through it, and everyone comes out the other end marveling that something that seemed to awful could be adjusted to so quickly.

In a few weeks, you will be amazed and at how you feel now.

This is one of the few things in life where you can suffer extremely and it will *poof* go away quickly. It's actually amazing.

I notice my invisalign on the top all.the.time, they're not painful, just very present and sometimes extremely annoying.
My lower metal brackets are like they're not even there.

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#4 Post by rpnftw »

Thanks for the replys, I think I just needed to mainly vent.I've been reading through older post and seems it just takes a lil more time to get used to.so I'm sure I can stick it out.
I'm also scheduled for a consult on surgery next thurs. also found out I need to have my 4 wisdom teeth pulled. Can't wiat to hear what the doc has to say next :?

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#5 Post by gracey82 »


I know its unbearable the first few weeks. I think it took me a month to sink in with the fact that there is this horrible train track on my teeth. I'm also so conscious about it all the time! Putting lots wax helps!

I dont really have problem eating, but just the discomfort of it and it constantly make me have cut insdie my mouth, dry lips and also swollen lips at time!

give yourself a month and you ll be used ot it. It become part of my life now!

Steph in Sac
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#6 Post by Steph in Sac »

I got mine on Feb 11 and I am used to every aspect (finally) EXCEPT for eating. I do eat, but it still feels very chaotic. I have lost 8 lbs which is a big perk!! :wink: :lol:

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#7 Post by Kitagirl »

I'm 35 as well and I think it takes time to get used to them...and then for awhile it will hurt again and be a pain and then it will get better. Overall its been not too bad in comparison to how terrible my teeth have been for all these years.

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#8 Post by Pattyb »

I guess everyone is different. I'm almost at the 5 week mark and it's still no picnic for me. The pain has gone way down, but I still wouldn't say I'm used to the them. Kids seem to bounce back real quick but us older folks--I think the older you are the harder it goes.

P.S. I'm 52

Hang in there!


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#9 Post by Lisablueeyes1 »

I have to agree the older we are it's a lot harder! I was braced in th 12 of feb..... And I still have some what of a hard time. Eating is a nightmare and not because of pain, I can't chew,things don't taste the same.... Etc etc... But then I look in the Mirror, and say wow it's gonna look great when I'm done!!! Good luck with your journy!

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