My story started when I was 13 (I am now 36) when I saw an ortho for the first time. I wore braces for abotu 2.5 years through high school, including headgear and elastics along with springs and otehr sorts of things. I wore my retainers religiously for 2 years after I got my braces off. I eventually lost them and never replaced them. Over the years, my wisdom teeth grew in and moved my teeth around a bit in a way that I didn't like.
I hemmed and hawwed about getting braces again and about 6 years ago decided to do it. My husband was totally opposed to the idea, so I just let it go.
2.5 years ago we seperated and eventually divorced, I went right to the ortho and scheduled my treatment. I have been in braces for the last 2 years (no headgaear this time thankfully, but plenty of elastics wear) and will be getting my braces off next Friday for hopefully the last time.
I am so glad I took the step I did and just wish I had done it a lot sooner.
What's the story behind you finally geting braces?
Moderator: bbsadmin
My story..
I've always hated my teeth, ever since I was young. I was blessed with not having FOUR adult teeth. No dentists in the area knew what to do with me. I had retained 3 baby teeth, had gotten two of my wisdom teeth, but the other two were MIA also. My single mom could not even think about affording braces, even if it had been mentioned by one of the several dentists I'd seen.
Over the years, I lost my baby teeth, all but once, which I still proudly have. It's covered up with a ceramic filling but it definitely is decaying to the point where you can see the decay.
Luckily, I have great insurance which covers $1200 toward treatment. Also because my employer offers a flexible spending account, I decided to go for it.
I am 4 months in and am doing great. My baby tooth will need to be extracted, and then all of the spaces closed. However, space will need to be retained where my adult teeth would have been situated. I have an overbite therefore I only have top braces on right now. My bite needs to improve before the bottom ones go on. I have a TPA that my orthodontist made on the spot. It's just a straight wire spanning the roof of my mouth, no bend in the wire. At first, oh my god, it drove me insane. But I don't even notice it anymore! I go back next week for bands on my second molars, an hour long appointment! I think I am keeping my orthodontist on his toes while he figures out what to do with me!
I only regret waiting until I was 34 years old to do something...but it's never too late. I am so glad I did this and I can't wait to see some major moving around in my mouth! I will have nice teeth, FINALLY!
Over the years, I lost my baby teeth, all but once, which I still proudly have. It's covered up with a ceramic filling but it definitely is decaying to the point where you can see the decay.
Luckily, I have great insurance which covers $1200 toward treatment. Also because my employer offers a flexible spending account, I decided to go for it.
I am 4 months in and am doing great. My baby tooth will need to be extracted, and then all of the spaces closed. However, space will need to be retained where my adult teeth would have been situated. I have an overbite therefore I only have top braces on right now. My bite needs to improve before the bottom ones go on. I have a TPA that my orthodontist made on the spot. It's just a straight wire spanning the roof of my mouth, no bend in the wire. At first, oh my god, it drove me insane. But I don't even notice it anymore! I go back next week for bands on my second molars, an hour long appointment! I think I am keeping my orthodontist on his toes while he figures out what to do with me!
I only regret waiting until I was 34 years old to do something...but it's never too late. I am so glad I did this and I can't wait to see some major moving around in my mouth! I will have nice teeth, FINALLY!
Seps: 11/5/09
Top Braces: 11/12/09
TPA: 12/16/09
Bottom: 7/6/10
Top Braces: 11/12/09
TPA: 12/16/09
Bottom: 7/6/10