Today is the big day!

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Today is the big day!

#1 Post by yoginbraces »

In the less than 2 hours I will be getting my braces (ceramic on both top and bottom)!!!!! I am super nervous and excited at the same time. I have been wanting to do this for years but have always been self conscious about wearing braces as an adult. But the truth is I have always been self conscious about my smile too so decided to take the plunge a few months ago when I realized at almost 45 years old this has been on my to-do list for more than half my life and it's time I take care of it.

I will post later about my experience.

Have a good day all!


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#2 Post by Theresa48 »

Good for you!! I'm 48, and can't remember when I haven't thought of getting braces....good luck,hope it all goes well!!!

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psych braces
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#3 Post by psych braces »

yup, 48 here as well. Good luck with your bracing appointment. IFor me Brackets went on last week and completely wired top and bottom today. 2 year sentence. Its funny how our vanity is affected by having crooked teeth, our vanity is again affected when we get the braces on. The idea is then to weigh the vanity issue. I swing toward tolerating the dent to my vanity while in braces over the dent to my vanity with crooked teeth. I have never felt sorry for anyone in braces but I have felt sorry for people with crooked teeth...I'm certain that I've done the right thing.

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#4 Post by braciefacie »

Good to hear :)

I was similar to you in that I kept putting it off, until one day I finally decided to take the plunge - and I have never looked back.

I actually got debraced the other day, and although I've had ups and downs throughout my treatment, the result is definitely worth it!

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#5 Post by yoginbraces »

Thanks everyone for the nice comments. Today's process went smoothly but while brushing for the 1st time today (after lunch) I discovered a very sensitive tooth that sent me thru the roof! I have an appt w/ the ortho tomorrow morning to find out whether there is an underlying nerve/gum issue going on. The pain is pretty severe so I'm more concerned about this tooth than I am the adjustment to braces which has not been bad at all. The most uncomfortable part is chewing and the sensation of the braces behind my lips. Also, my lips seem to get much dryer/chapped.

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#6 Post by Jen8626 »

What you describe sounds all normal to me!! Especially dry lips! I had to carefully brush my teeth they were very sensitive, especially my canines. It will get better in a day or two! :D Congrats on starting your brace journey!

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#7 Post by Tovin »

Congrats on being braced! Hope your appointment reveals no serious underlying cause, and that the sensitivity goes away!

Keep us updated!

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#8 Post by yoginbraces »

Well, I went to the ortho today and he filed the tooth in question (molar) to "relieve pressure" but to no avail...the sensitivity is still there so he thought I should see my dentist. I have an appt w/ the dentist tomorrow morning first thing. I am counting down the hours.

Now for some good news... I actually see movement of my teeth already! Yes, that's right within 24 hours I see movement!!!

Usually I don't see my top teeth when I talk (only my bottom) but now I am beginning to see the top teeth drop below my top lip line and it may sound odd but I almost look like a different person!

There has also been shifting on the bottom row as well, particularly with one tooth that had been rotating.

For anyone contemplating braces please do yourself a favor and do it. Even with this crazy sensitive tooth I have, and the discomfort I am having now from the adjustment period, to see my teeth actually taking shape (albeit only noticable to me I'm sure) is the best gift I have ever given myself...EVER!

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#9 Post by tinkerbelle216 »

congrats yog!! My big day is today!! Very nervous.

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#10 Post by hal2me »

Congratulations yogi!

As painful as the journey may be at times, it is definitely worth it!

Hang in there, things will get better as your mouth and teeth adjust to the braces.

Best of luck to you!

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#11 Post by yoginbraces »

Day three of my braces journey hasn't been very good so far.

I just returned from the dentist and unfortunately I have an exposed root and will most likely need a root canal. The dentist has given me a cream to apply to the area hoping to avoid a root canal but it may or may not work. Also, the pain associated with this tooth has intensified and I just can't seem to psych myself up to brush and floss in the area (I know I have to anyway but it is very difficult).

Btw, my pain issues are not about having braces per se. I do have discomfort but it's normal.

My advise to anyone considering braces, make sure you get a clear picture of what is happening in your mouth (teeth AND gums) and address those issues first before leaping into braces. I have great teeth but apparently my gums aren't so great which the braces exposed.

My concern moving forward is if I'm having issues related to gums/bones on Day One then what happens when my whole mouth (teeth, gums, bones) begins to shift and move...will this present more problems?

I know it will get better eventually but it may get a whole lot worse before then.

Thanks everyone for your support and kind remarks. I really appreciate it.

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#12 Post by yoginbraces »

I should clarify something....

When I say I am having "normal" pain I mean my teeth/gums overall are sore but I consider that to be a normal part of having braces, especially during the adjustment period.

My sensitive tooth on the other hand is on another level altogether. :cry:

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#13 Post by Theresa48 »

Back to the dry lips...I need lip balm on me at all times, still, 2 weeks in...what is the deal with dry lips and braces? (that seems to be the least of your worries at this point...).

I don't think this will ever go away, so I just invested in really good lip balm...

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#14 Post by yoginbraces »

You're right Teresa, dry lips rank very low on my concern list at the moment but it does serve as a nice diversion.

I have a difficult time w/ lip balms in general...they tend to make my lips dryer....even the so-called good ones.

Right now I am using good ol' fashioned vaseline but am open to suggestions if you (or others) know one that works well.

Btw, in addition to dry lips I am always thirsty!! :)

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