Your first impressions when you got braces...

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#16 Post by mikesmile »


I can't recall what my "last meal" was before getting braces, but I can say this: I binged all week on my favorite (now forbidden) goodies. Most notable are popcorn & nuts of all kinds.

My first impression when I felt the brackets (I have metal) for the first time was that they felt sharp to my tongue and while resting against my lips. After the wire and ligs were put on, it felt smoother. When the ortho tech handed me a small mirror to explain the hygiene routine, I was fascinated my how shiny and jewelike they appeared. I thought they looked so cool (still do.) I also thought "Look what you've done to yourself...there's no turning back now!"

Once out of the ortho's office, I couldn't stop sneaking glances in the mirror. I also couldn't stop running my tongue over them, which I'm still in the habit of doing. It's amazing how you can't feel the front surfaces of your teeth any more. I also had the feeling of "having something in my mouth" like you have when there's food stuck in there.

When I did have my first meal, I was so worried I'd hurt or break my braces somehow. After eating, I couldn't believe the "leftovers" caught in them - especially lettuce!

The other notable thing is the feeling of tension/tightness from the wire.

Second Time In Braces - Estimate 12-14 Months

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#17 Post by amyweaver29 »

Hello! I still have my braces on. I have them since 2004.

The first time I had them, I felt like regretting. I kind of told myself that oh this expensive thing is hurting me. I am paying much for something that hurts. Plus, aside from the pain, I couldn't eat solid foods for the first 2 weeks. I am not really a big eater, but when I was told that I'd be going on a soft diet, I suddenly felt missing food.

Now, I am used to the braces, to the pain every time adjustments are done. And, most importantly, I am now eating almost everything, with the braces on!

To sum it up, everything I have gone through and will be going through is worth it.

Regards and God bless,

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#18 Post by berry »

I got my braces a few days ago, and I've had almost no pain, only a slight ache on the first day. When they were first put on it felt big and very weird, it still does a bit now. Although, I feel good with them on, much better than I did without them because I know I'm gonna have nice teeth! They look nice and shiny too. :D


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#19 Post by Skysi »

ok, let me think back

I remember the ceramics feeling chunky, and the metal ones a bit like smooth pebbles.
I had problems closing my lips together because of the extra bulk, felt like i had to put in extra effort to stretch both lips so my mouth was closed.

First thing i tried to eat was a toasted tuna sandwich, omg.. that toast felt like it was as hard as a brick :shock: i had to rip it apart with my fingers and felt like i was swallowing most of it. I think i managed to only eat half of it too. (Makes me sooo glad that i can eat just about anything now :wink: )
on 20th March 2008

got them off 9th November 2011

(3 years 7 months 2 weeks 6 days)

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#20 Post by Theresa48 »

Oh boy, I got my braces 5 days ago, but it seems like a long time ago in some ways!
I was just overwhelmed! I knew I had to do it, but it is such an unknown...I think the build up it very much worse than the reality! It's a relief to just get 'em on, and get on with it!
I cried when I got home...thinking what have I done??? I stopped crying. I laughed alot after that.
I felt pressure, but not bad. I never felt pain. I still don't.
It feels really really really weird, I am getting used to it. My lips stick out for sure, but it kinda looks good?
I ate mashed potatoes, the kind from a box? Deeeelish...I still am eating very soft mashed foods, I eat whatever we are eating, but run it through a food processor...I cannot touch my teeth together because of bumpers they put in, so I am pretty limited...lots of smoothees, and at work I just have a smoothee and yogurt for lunch so I don't have to deal with solid food.

Good luck to you!!! Oh, and don't play with them with your tongue too much, you will rip it up and get sores....

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#21 Post by Huon »

I'm replying because I have some hope that I may be able to assist those who are thinking of going ahead with braces.
It was my second time around; the first being in the1940s. That experience was brutal and I was apprehensive, but my teeth were wearing and I couldn't clean, because of crowding.
I asked my ortho to explain what he was doing, but he didn't, so I had no idea of what I was expecting to see. I had asked for all metals, so I knew about that part, but I wasn't offered a mirror when the braces were on and I raced to the toilet to look in the mirror there. That was when I saw the roller coaster shape of the archwires. I didn't know that teeth were going to be pushed into the jaws, or pulled out. That wasn't attempted previously. In those days, it was all bands and not every tooth got one (thank goodness), so the teeth just shoved one another along the archwires.
I was one of the fortunate ones. I had no pain and walked home to make my usual cheese sandwich for lunch. It was no problem to chew the crust. I didn't alter my diet, except to avoid nuts and as I don't eat sweets, there was no problem there. I grated my carrots and cut apples into bite sized pieces and all was well.
I've now been brace free for 5 years and am still wearing my retainers, so I still have the comfortable bite that I earned while braced.
I hope that helps someone. If you want to know more, just ask.

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#22 Post by psych braces »

Hi Heron,
Thanks for that info. I've heard of how scary the curvy archwire looks when you are first braced. I only have the brackets on this week but will be wired on Monday. Although the wire will be curvy I don't think it can be worse than just a mouth of brackets (this looks very strange). So Heron, I was just "doing the math" and unless 1940 was a typing error, you should be about 75-85 years old. Did I get that right? I think thats amazing! Good for you!

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#23 Post by Zulu Tip »

I just got mine put on a couple days ago. It's been a tough adjustment so far. The cleaning regimen, the limited diet, and I'm constantly playing with them and looking in the mirror - and not cause I'm good lookin :)

With all that said - I feel SO HAPPY that I decided to get them. Someone earlier in the post mentioned that "they will be good for your soul even if they aren't good for your mouth" - I couldn't agree more. Strangely, I feel empowered now - not sure what that's all about, but I like it!

Good luck to you!
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#24 Post by sweetembraceable »

Don't you wish there was a trial run? To test them out, try before you buy. They're custom made so it's impossible but I wish. I'm gathering the courage (and the moolah) to do it. Whew!

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#25 Post by LC'sTeefs »

When you catch your tongue on one of your brackets or a wire, and it won't do it too often anymore. I still do it every once in a while, and then I remember why I should't....ouch!!

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#26 Post by Huon »

Hi, Psych Braces.
No, it wasn't a typo. I was 70 when my braces went on. The family thought I was mad, but my dentist's encouragement pushed me over the hump and I went ahead. I've had approving comments from dentists since then about the state of my teeth and I'm sure thst I made the right decision.
As I walked home, I had a feelkng of relief that at last I had taken the plunge and gone ahead.
Although I had full metals, it was over twelve months before some people noticed and these were ones that I saw and talked to, almost every day. Of course, it's easier for a man than for a woman, as we don't show our teeth as much.

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#27 Post by Theresa48 »

Congrats!!! That first day is a very big deal...!!!!!

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#28 Post by yoginbraces »

I just returned from the ortho and my first thought was THEY'RE HUGE!!! Granted, I did opt for ceramic (which are larger than metal) and I already have large teeth and a large mouth so now my mouth looks ENORMOUS! Also, I smile differently. My lips now feel the friction from my teeth/braces so it alters my smile a bit. I haven't eaten my first meal yet. I want to but am panicked about brushing/flossing for the first time at the office. And last but not least, I have absolutely no pain at all. Frankly, I wish I felt a slight amount of pressure b/c I would know they are working. Right now all I feel are the brackets inside of my mouth. I can't wait for the *pain* to begin. :)

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#29 Post by evilnel »

How did it go, pink frost?

When I first got them on, I was like 'well, good thing I never showed my teeth intentionally before!' I have ceramics on top but I was still really self-conscious about them. That last all of a week. By the time the week was up I didn't care and neither did anybody else. It took that long to adjust to talking/eating/feeling them there, but now it just feels like nothing is out of order. I think it is actually going to feel really strange when they're off! At least for a bit. I think it looks so weird yet awesome when the wire isn't in. It'll probably be weird for a few days, but take some ibuprofen and enjoy your new grill. You'll get used to it faster than you think.

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#30 Post by KatieGee »

I just got the top row put in this morning and must admit that I panicked a little. They felt very foreign in my mouth (and I only have one row in so far) and I could not imagine having this feeling of weirdness for the next 18-20 months. I have ceramic brackets and although I can close my mouth, my upper lip definitely protrudes now (plus I have an overbite). I go through moments of agitation where I feel like ripping them out but I think that's because I'm a control freak and I feel like have somehow lost control of my teeth. I have also developed a bad habit, in the short 5 hours since the braces have been on, of curling my upper lip over my teeth and the brackets, and then baring my teeth, to release some of the discomfort. Kind of like a monkey! It's not painful or anything like that, it just feels weird.

Having said that, I am so happy they are finally in!! Hope you have a great braces experience!

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