Can't decide which orth to choose

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Location: Perth, Australia

#16 Post by Jewles »

What did the other two orthos say? did they suggest herbst or extractions or something else?

Posts: 27
Joined: Wed Feb 24, 2010 11:00 am
Location: Dallas, TX

#17 Post by symphonix »

Jewles wrote:What did the other two orthos say? did they suggest herbst or extractions or something else?
One wants to use Carriere Distalizer and the other only wants to use elastics.

I've made my decision between the two. I literally decided by a coin toss and I am going with ortho #1.

Posts: 27
Joined: Wed Feb 24, 2010 11:00 am
Location: Dallas, TX

#18 Post by symphonix »

I went with Ortho #1 and just got braced today. I am not sure if I made the right decision. Keep thinking what if I chose the wrong doc and won't get the results I want.


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