is it worth getting a professional teeth clean prior braces?

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is it worth getting a professional teeth clean prior braces?

#1 Post by horriblebite »

I'm considering getting my teeth professionally cleaned at the dentist a week or so before getting my spacers as although my intentions are good, i know once the braces go on dental hygene will be trickier so I'd like to remove any stains and make sure teeth as as clean as possible.

However I'm just wondering what exactly constitutes a professional clean at the dentist, is it the same thng they give you on routine visits and not much more than I can do with my sonicare tooth brush or is it really worth having?

Very grateful for any advice.

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#2 Post by yoginbraces »

I had my teeth cleaned just before getting braces but it was a regular appt for me; not a special cleaning. Also, as far as hygiene after getting braced, I have become far more meticulous than ever before (and I was fairly meticulous before braces). Now I've become dental product junkie. And although the process of brushing and flossing is a little trickier once you develop a system you might surprise yourself and keep things much cleaner than ever. In the beginning it might seem tedious but once you get the hang of it it becomes kind of therapeutic.

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#3 Post by sauerkraut »

What my dentist calls a professional cleaning is more like a sandblasting :lol:. It involves a jetspray thing with baking soda, for which you have to wear goggles and a plastic bib. It's more than the routine cleaining, definitely more thorough than anything you could do at home, and well worth doing before you get your braces.

Congrats on the brace day by the way. Which ortho did you go with in the end?
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#4 Post by drrick »

Yes it is def smart to get a cleaning and exam before your braces go on.

Far more is accomplished than with your sonicare. Also cavities, gum disease and other pathology can be spotted before they become a big problem.
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The Powerprox Six Month Braces(R) Technique

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#5 Post by UGHBRACES »

Yes get a cleaning. You should have them cleaned professionally twice a year..

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#6 Post by hal2me »

Definitely get them cleaned and examined before the braces come on. That way your dentist can keep track of the health of your teeth and mouth during the process.

Best of luck on your braces journey!

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#7 Post by Snowglobe32 »

Not only do I recommend getting your teeth cleaned beforehand, I think it is a good idea keep your dentist and your ortho on the same page so to speak regarding your dental plans.

They way I see it, if the ortho and dentist are kept up to date on my dental care, it is better for me. My ortho and dentist have spoken periodically throughout my treatment time.

Another tip, if your dental providers offices are close by, I highly recommend when it is time to get your teeth cleaned, 3-4 times a year, that you go to the ortho, have the wires removed, go to the dentist for the cleaning and then go back to the ortho for adjustments... all in the same day.

Good luck.

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#8 Post by LAJaw »

YES get a cleaning right beforehand. I asked separately both my orthodontist & periodontist (required some gum grafts before bracing) whether I should get a cleaning right before and they both said "Of course" while giving me a funny look like I was an idiot for even thinking otherwise. My ortho even recommended that I increase the frequency of my cleanings to once every 3-4 months while braced instead of the traditional 6 month period. A little prevention goes a long way.
Uppers braced April 15, 2010.
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#9 Post by yj207 »

It was expected of me to get my teeth cleaned before braces were put on so I would definitely get them cleaned. Once those braces are on, it will be harder to get them cleaned. Good luck!
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#10 Post by catgyrl »

LAJaw wrote:YES get a cleaning right beforehand. I asked separately both my orthodontist & periodontist (required some gum grafts before bracing) whether I should get a cleaning right before and they both said "Of course" while giving me a funny look like I was an idiot for even thinking otherwise. My ortho even recommended that I increase the frequency of my cleanings to once every 3-4 months while braced instead of the traditional 6 month period. A little prevention goes a long way.
It's so funny how different our orthodontists' advice can be. I called mine to ask if I needed to get a professional cleaning prior to getting braced, and was told "Well, we don't require it, but you can if you want." I guess because I'd just had one 2 months prior, she figured I was okay.

I always find it curious when they recommend increasing cleaning frequencies. They must know that most people's dental insurance only covers 2 cleanings per year.

I will say... my teeth have been cleaner in the past 3 months than they have in my ENTIRE LIFE. That's pretty sad, huh?

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#11 Post by Snowglobe32 »

catgyrl wrote:

I always find it curious when they recommend increasing cleaning frequencies. They must know that most people's dental insurance only covers 2 cleanings per year.
Yes, most insurance only covers 2 per calendar year. Once I hit that limit, I have to pay $85 dollars for a cleaning. I guess just another perk of having braces. I was thinking the other day, not only am I paying an arm and two legs for these braces, how much have I spent on other stuff?? Extra cleaning, a waterpik, SonicCare, replacement heads for the SoniCare, how many of those darn proxy brushes have I bought, toothpaste, mouthwash, dental floss...I could go on and on. Oh, forgot about retainers (when the time comes), I bet this adventure will cost me between 8k-10k when I am done. That is why I call my braces, my diamonds.

I actually just had a cleaning on Tuesday. I had a powerchain for 8 weeks and when they took it off, it was ugly underneath. Even before being braced, I was so meticulous with my dental habits, it just seems harder and harder with braces now. I would get a cleaning every month if I could.

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#12 Post by HHKiwi »

Yep definitely recommend getting a thorough professional clean. Mine took 2 hours over 2 appointments with a wonderful hygenist who numbed the sensitive areas with gel while she water blasted, scraped and polished and I got to watch an interesting documentary on Salmon fishing - haha! I'll be seeing her every 4 months. Im spending all this money so I just want to make sure my teeth and gums are in tip top shape.

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#13 Post by alimommy1 »

Yes, get a professional cleaning :D that way you can be sure that anything under the gumline is cleaned and that you don't have any areas that need to be watched. My first time in braces after some movement had been accomplished, my ortho discovered a cavity that had been hidden - NOT something I was happy about but at least I was able to have the wire taken off to have it fixed and go right back and get my wire/ligs replaced. I *think* I had an extra cleaning the first year, I probably did pay for it but it was worth it. It's also nice to get stains off and any little jagged or chipped edges smoothed.

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