Few Thoughts and Questions...

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#16 Post by Donna »

My ortho put my braces on as well, and does all the adjustment work himself (with his assistant handing him things, like others have said).

As for the braces making your mouth area protrude more, I would imagine that as your teeth are pulled back, this would become less pronounced.

As for other facial changes, I have noticed that my cheekbones are sharper, especially on one side of my face. This might also be from losing a bit of weight, I'm not sure. Your face might change a little, but probably for the better. Extractions seem to potentially cause more dramatic facial changes (though not for everyone).

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#17 Post by avy »

My ortho does everything... the assistant just hands her stuff and somehow diciphers the orthos commands :D

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#18 Post by Meemoo »

My ortho does the lot - the assistant is just for passing things to him lol.

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#19 Post by yoginbraces »

On the day I was braced the assistant put in my molar bands first, then placed glue on my teeth and then the ortho came over and placed the brackets on my teeth one by one. Afterwards the assistant put in my wires followed by the ligs and that was it.

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#20 Post by blindboarder2008 »

the dental hygenist usually do the work while the ortho is checking other patients and he will come back to check on the hygenist who are working on my teeth/braces as well. On a few rare occasions the ortho will actually do the work (adjustments). For retainer checks the ortho is always the one that does the checking.
Braced: March 19th 2008
Impacted wisdom teeth extraction surgery: June 20th 2008 1pm (13 hours of fasting)
Jaw surgery (upper and lower)Lefort 1 with Madable Advancement: June 2nd 2009 @8am!!!! 1 surgery down 2 surgeries to go!!
debrace day: jan 18th 2010!!!! *has 2 fixed retainers and an essix retainer for night time now!

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#21 Post by GeenBug »

Hi everyone (waves). The protrusion has gone down. My mouth isn't as forward as it was before, so it seems it'll go down even more as the weeks go by...I hope. I'm now getting a bit more comfortable with the braces. It feels like they're kinda receding inwards so I don't feel them as much as before and they're no longer pushing against the inside of my cheeks or lips. The second and third day were the worst and I totally forgot about the wax and didn't start using it till a few days ago. My teeth and gums have been sensitive for the past two days tho. And I noticed on the inner corners of my lower gums...on the left and right side, they're white and I've noticed that since about the third day after getting the braces. I don't have any white spots on my teeth...because I know that's a sign of decay and I think I've been doing a good job of cleaning them, and I got them cleaned the day before getting the braces as well. I've never had teeth decay before and don't think I could've developed it in one day, hmmm. And my gums aren't swollen, just the teeth tenderness and the inner corner of my lower gums being white I've noticed. The teeth tenderness's probably because they're moving and the pressure the braces are putting on them, I'm just not sure about the gum whiteness tho. Or maybe it's nothing to worry about?

Braced: June 24, 2010.

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#22 Post by bracesrox »

Great thread! My orthodontist placed all of my railroad tracks and wires. I have teflon white wire ties on top which the orthodontist has to tie every adjustment but the assistant does the ligs after that. I've seen my orthodontist check every patient in the office while waiting. He cuts the wires then lets the assistant complete the process.
Radiance clear uppers and metal lowers
1st of 3 consultations = 3/11/10
Records & Such = 4/21/10
Upper Brace Day = 5/11/10
Lower Brace Day = 7/01/10

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#23 Post by itsabouttime22 »

For me also- the assistant did all the work and put on the brackets but the ortho then placed them where she wanted them. I haven't had an adjustment yet but I'm sure the assistant will do most of the work.

For those of you whose face has changed due to extractions- how major was the change. I had two baby molars extracted on the bottom and I have a full face which I love- I would hate for it to change too much!

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#24 Post by Margie »

Yes, my orthodontist put on my braces, his assistant handed him the brackets and any tools he needed. Whenever I go for adjustments the orthodontist comes in and checks everything out and then tells his assistant what to do and then she does it. The last time I went he took out my wire and put a bend in it, but normally his assistant does all the work.

I don’t think that braces changed my face at all, I had one extraction, but it was on an impacted tooth so that wouldn’t have made a difference to my facial structure at all.

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