they're on- and I'm devestated :(

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they're on- and I'm devestated :(

#1 Post by itsabouttime22 »

I know it's my own fault for being ignorant I guess- but all along when my dentist said I would be getting clear braces on top- I thought that meant everything would be clear. So after it was all said and done I look in the mirror and only the brackets are clear- the wire is metal, and there is also a little middle tab on the front of each bracket- so they don't look very clear at all! I am so upset I've been crying ever since I got home. I know a few people who have clear everything on their uppers and it looks fine but I look terrible! I should have gotten metal braces it wouldn't look any different! I'm assuming nothing can be done- is there a such thing as clear wires? I had low confidence before this experience and now I have no confidence- its gonna be a long 20 months. And to think I was going to sign up for an online dating service soon- not now! Sorry for the rant- I am just so upset and it feels better to write it down. Thanks for listening :)

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#2 Post by Leyfy »


Have a look at the pictures on my blog - are the braces the same as mine? I have clear brackets and a metal wire. If so, honestly, people don't notice them AT ALL. I work with teenagers and its taken some of them nearly 6 weeks to notice I have braces in!!!

Also, if you are talking about the coloured 'dot' they use to place them as being visible on the ceramic brace then they come off when you brush, they are just there to help the ortho get the placement right.

I've had mine 7 weeks now and I can see such a difference in my front teeth - I love them. Hang in there, its worth it, honest :D

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#3 Post by footpounds »

I don't believe there is such a thing as a clear wire. But regarding your braces, I believe there are 2 things you will soon discover about them:

1) people generally don't even notice you are wearing braces

2) if they do happen to notice, they don't care

You will be'll see! :)

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#4 Post by bluegirl »

I know how you feel. I definitely felt the same way at first. I avoided family gatherings, friends, and the mirror for the first couple of weeks! I have clear braces on the top and metal on the bottom. I wasn't prepared for how huge they would look on my small teeth. I still hate the look of them and it's been over 10 months. I'm not quite as paranoid/embarassed by them anymore. I think time helps. I don't think I'm ever going to love them but I can deal with them for 2 years. I figured - 2 years of ugly braces or a lifetime of hating my teeth? I picked 2 years w/braces.

Hang in there. Each day gets a little easier.
Braces (uppers & lowers) on: 8/3/09
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#5 Post by Bekah »

I have full metal. First, let me tell you that people rarely say anything about my braces. When they do, they usually say something about liking them! My boss actually got braces this month and goes to the same ortho that I have. She has ceramic braces. I see them, but I think only because she asked me lots of questions before they were put on!

I am almost positive that they look worse for you and that everyone else thinks they look great!!! keep your head up. I promise you will feel better in a few weeks!
2 Years 4 months 3 weeks and 4 days in full metal braces!


Click on "WWW" for my braces story!

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#6 Post by yoginbraces »

I have ceramic also (with a metal wire) and while I don't LOVE the way they look and, sometimes the way they feel, I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact that I have them and that I can already see my teeth shifting.

My only regret is I wish I had done this years ago.

Hang in there and as the previous poster said give yourself 2 weeks and you will feel differently.

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#7 Post by tjanz1418 »

I was also shocked to look in the mirror and find that my "clear" top brackets were not very clear at all. Do you have Damon braces? I'm on month 4 and it truly does get better every day. Now the only thing that bugs me is all the food that gets stuck in them, but buy some of those tiny brushes for braces and even that is manageable! Good luck to you!

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clear braces

#8 Post by sadpanda »

I have metal braces, so I don't quite know what the clear ones are like, but I know they make white wires to make them look invisible almost. If I can find a picture on the Internet, I'll try to post it here. I think you probably have to just get used to the braces. I've seen lots of people with clear braces and metal wires and I don't think it's that noticeable to most people. I only notice them because I'm so obsessed with looking at people to see if they have braces so I don't feel stupid for being almost 30 and having them. :wink:

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#9 Post by peach »

I got ceramic uppers and metal lowers. I felt really embarrassed too, especially because my wire was crooked. I mean when u see people in ads w/ braces, their teeth look great and that wire is perfect. No one ever mentions how crazy it all looks when u first get braces. They also don't mention how odd they feel. I felt like I couldn't get my lips around them easily. When I got home from my first appointment, I was embarrassed to show my husband. He said they looked good and I thought "yea right. He's not going to tell me I look aweful!" I also swore that my cat was staring at my teeth!(LOL) but when I went to work the next day, it took people awhile to notice my braces. One of my coworkers, who had full metal braces, commented "oh, I see you got braces on ur bottom teeth." I had to point out that they were on the uppers too. She said she really wished she could of gotten the ceramics. it'll take some time to get use to them. I use to be pretty self conscious about my apperance before braces and since having them, I don't seem to get as worried about it. I've had so many things done to my teeth that it just doesn't matter anymore. Hang in there. When u start seeing changes and that wire starts straightening out, you'll feel a lot better.

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#10 Post by Leyfy »

peach wrote:I got ceramic uppers and metal lowers. I felt really embarrassed too, especially because my wire was crooked. I mean when u see people in ads w/ braces, their teeth look great and that wire is perfect. No one ever mentions how crazy it all looks when u first get braces.
Ha ha - mine were like that too!! My front left tooth stuck out further than my other teeth, and it looked really weird - my bloke said 'they've stuck them on all wonky'!! However, now my front teeth have straightened out and people who have just noticed them are saying that I don't need braces as my teeth are nice ..... yes, they are nice BECAUSE of the braces ..... :roll:

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#11 Post by Sunshine14 »

funny how we see things differently from other people. I have clear on top and the regular metal on the bottom and the wire is metal on top & bottom. At first when they said clear I was thinking they would be clear on top & bottom but my ortho says she does not do clear on the bottom due to the material. At first I thought it would look weird to have two different types but it doesn't look so bad (this is day 3 for me) people barely even notice them and when they do they love them. I've gotten so many compliments and have been commended for improving a smile they thought was already great! Which I reiterate "funny how we see things differently." Embrace your braces! Do like me and keep telling yourself that the end result will be well worth this experience!

Be blessed! :)

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#12 Post by itsabouttime22 »

Thanks everyone for your encouragement- I am feeling a little better about them today (maybe that's because I don't have to see anyone :)
Like a few of you said- my top teeth are very uneven so the wires are different lengths and the brackets are placed weird- so I think this threw me off more than anything.

But I am still glad I am going through this- I was so embarrassed of my teeth before so the fact that I still am doesn't really change anything- but it's good knowing some day I will hopefully like my smile.

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#13 Post by itsabouttime22 »

oh- and leyfy- my braces are like yours except there is a metal tab on the bottom half of each bracket- that's what is making my uppers look like metal too. Does anyone else have this?

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#14 Post by hal2me »

Hi itsabouttime22,

My braces are as exactly as you described yours. They may look really bad to you, but nobody really notices. I had worn braces for 6 weeks before any of my co-workers noticed. Even in photos, they are not noticeable.

Hang in there. Over time you will forget they are there. Just last week, a co-worker asked when I had my braces off. I still have a few months left to go!

Take Care!

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#15 Post by afpilot313 »

I was feeling the same way after I had mine put on (Jul 1). The clears look so small and nice and clean on the model they show you but it's a whole different story when you're actually wearing them. I just had to keep reminding myself that being embarrassed about having braces was better than a lifetime of being embarrassed about crooked teeth.

Last night my buds asked if I wanted to hit the bars with them. At first I said "No way I'm going out there looking like this." But then I asked myself am I really going to put my life on hold because of braces? No way. It is what it is - lets go have fun.

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