braces .week one

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girl in agony
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Joined: Mon Jul 05, 2010 4:08 pm

braces .week one

#1 Post by girl in agony »

I m 25 yr old female been in braces .for .10 days. Its been awkward ,depressing Nd painfull till now. I m getting used to it hope this site helps me :D

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#2 Post by cgraziat »

I'm 31. I've had mine on for 8 days and I feel the same way. I just wish I could chew again. That's the worst of it.

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#3 Post by yoginbraces »

I felt the same way initially so I do understand. I just wanted my life back again...the ability to chew, swallow, talk w/o feeling the torture of the braces.

I would read other posters saying "it will be fine" and frankly I didn't believe them. Then suddenly the soreness started to fade and I was able to get back to eating and living my life again.

My recommendation is to take Advil about 30 minutes before eating. Also, rinse your mouth with warm salt water. The combination of these two "simple" things worked wonders after 3 to 4 days of it.

I am still very careful how I eat...chewing harder foods only with my backs molars never biting into food direclty....but I can eat, drink and live like normal again.

Hang in there and know it will get better.

Btw, I've had braces for a little over 6 weeks.

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#4 Post by hal2me »

Hi girl in agony,

I know it hurts really bad, but it will pass. If it hurts to eat, take some Aleeve or Advil about 30 minutes before. Anbesol works good for the cuts in your mouth.

Please do not get discouraged, before you know it, you will forget about the braces. I did not believe anyone when they said this, but it is true.

Hang in there!

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