what is the best kind of toothbrush to use?

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what is the best kind of toothbrush to use?

#1 Post by itsabouttime22 »

Even though I've heard electric toothbrushes are good, I don't have that much money to buy one. So as for regular toothbrushes- what is a good kind to buy? I've been using the one the ortho gave me, but I want to know what kind is best to buy next.

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#2 Post by TumbleDryLow »

Doesn't really matter and boils down to personal preference. Buy a few different types and see what you like. Personally I avoid the ones with the hard plastic stuff in them. It's really uncomfortable on the brackets. I try to find toothbrushes that have multi-layered bristles and, if possible, some feathery bristles as those get under and around the brackets pretty well.

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#3 Post by Theresa48 »

I use a super soft toothbrush for morning and afternoon, then I use a sonicare at night ... for some reason I thought the sonicare was too much to use every time.

Also, I use Tom's toothpaste during the day, and then sensodyne toothpaste at night. I rinse with regular mouthwash in the day, then ACT floride rinse at night.....is this to much information or what ???

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#4 Post by wired nana »

I love my sonicare. My dentist, peridontist and ortho all recommended it.

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#5 Post by afpilot313 »

I bought a Sonicare Flexcare about a week after getting braced. It makes brushing 10x easier and I feel like it leaves my teeth a LOT cleaner too.

The way I see it - if you're paying 5G's for the metal might as well go in an extra $150 for something that'll keep your teeth that much nicer during the process (and afterwards).

The Dental Do-Dads message board on this site had some pretty good reviews/recommendations last time I checked.

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