Braces coming off but...

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Braces coming off but...

#1 Post by magster »

I am starting to worry.

1. My main concern is that I show up at the ortho on August 19th and they tell me my braces are not ready to come off yet :( this will kill me - did this happen to anyone?

2. So my cleaning/grooming habits were really great for the first 6 months of being braced and then after that it all kind of went downhill. Dont get me wrong I went for my regular cleanings at the dentist but well its really hard to get everything cleaned with braces on! SO I am worried that I'll have a cavity or something and that will drive me insane.

3. My wisdom teeth are coming out --- both the dentist and ortho said that I can get these removed after my braces - but I am scared that after I get my wisdom teeth out my teeth will experience some kind of a weird relapse? any thoughts?

Spacers: 8 - 4 top, 4 bottom on 04.04.09
Braced on: 04.09.09
Sentence: 18-24 Months



SDFD TSchott
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#2 Post by SDFD TSchott »

Oh don't be nervous, all I can say is wear those retainers and I will say it over and over and over again "wear those retainers, wear those retainers, wear those retainers, wear those retainers, wear those retainers, wear those retainers, wear those retainers, wear those retainers, wear those retainers"

Enough said, just wear the retainers religiously and you should be fine. My wisdom teeth came in and I failed to wear my retainers and now I have a case of re-lapse. I'm getting re-braced on August 30th for round two and I will religiously wear those retainers so I don't have to go through the trial for the sentence of my teeth.

BTW Round two jail sentence has been told but awaiting orders to arrest and throw them behind jail on August 30th :)


Adjustment Sept 14th, 2018
Braces back on August 06, 2018
Braces off April 02, 2008

Posts: 338
Joined: Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:05 pm

wisdom teeth

#3 Post by sadpanda »

I'm surprised you didn't have your wisdom teeth out before braces. You shouldn't have a relapse when you get your wisdom teeth out. However, I guess I can't give you advice because I don't actually know if your wisdom teeth are impacted or if they've already come through or if they're trying to erupt...stuff like that. If they're just surfacing and you don't have enough room in your mouth for them, they could cause crowding. If they're already there and you're just getting them extracted, you should have no problem at all. :)

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