I just had my second adjustment a week ago. My teeth have been uncommonly tender so I haven't really been flossing. However, I thought a bit of extra fluoride paste might help the soreness. As I'm brushing it on I realize my gums are extremely tender. When I look closer, I see that the gums on my bottom front tooth is receded and bleeding.
I've had serious teeth issues before, so this scares the crap out of me. Is this normal? My bottom front teeth have moved a lot (mostly twisting straight), but anything with my gums worries me.
Should I call the dentist or ortho immediately? Should I wait to see if it goes away? I'm so tired of braces right now. Any advice is appreciated!
What's going on with my gums?
Moderator: bbsadmin
u may be brushing too hard.... you should generally use a very soft brush.. i dont know why they sell anything else but soft brushes, but the medium and firm ones are way too stiff.. the majority of people brush their teeth too hard. i think my dentist told me that a toothbrush should last at least 6 months and up to a year when used properly.. i have some recessin on a couple molars due to when i had braces.. i wanted to make sure the back teeth were clean so i was brushing TOO hard. if it worries you, get it checked out.