Any TIPS on preventing broken brackets?

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Any TIPS on preventing broken brackets?

#1 Post by bottlecap1990 »

I have heard so many horror stories about people breaking their brackets off. Some have to wait a long time to go in again to get it fixed which will delay the treatment length. My brother has had his for 1 year and has never broken his brackets. I just got mine about 5 days ago and I feel kind of stupid after eating regular food (hamburger, fried rice, chicken SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM). I know I shouldn't be eating these types of food. I always put them on the back of my mouth though.

Any tips?broken bracket.

anyone has experienced broken brackets? any tips to prevent it?


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#2 Post by catgyrl »

Why would you feel stupid eating those foods? Kudos to you if you're able to eat those without pain, after only 5 days!! Those foods aren't typically on the "no-no" list (like popcorn, pretzels, etc.)

Sometimes brackets come off because the glue wasn't strong enough; or the tooth may be turned in such a way that when the wire puts pressure on it, the bracket may pop off. In my case, my bracket was glued to a porcelain crown, which has a very different texture than a regular tooth. It popped off after a few days, after which I went back in and he re-glued it on, and it's remained in place ever since.

As for preventing the bracket from coming off, just use common sense. Cut harder foods into small pieces and continue eating with your back teeth. Chew a little more slowly and carefully, and you should have no problems!


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#3 Post by bottlecap1990 »

I have heard that certain types of braces are not likely to lose their brackets. Is this true?
Like for example metal braces are stronger than let say ceramic

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#4 Post by jackjack »

I only lost a bracket once and that was at the beginning of treatment and due to the assistant not glueing the bracket on properly. I have metal braces and have not lost a bracket since. I've had them on for 2 years.

I wouldn't start eating hard foods until maybe a couple months into treatment. Stay with softer foods for now.

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#5 Post by acidcookie »

I've had braces for a year and started venturing into the no-no foods list several months in. I haven't had any trouble with my ceramic brackets (and never broke one).

My best tip is (if you MUST have that pretzel), wait until you're used to chewing with braces on. Don't chomp as hard as you can and just go gentle with what you're eating. For example, after 3 months, I couldn't handle life without popcorn. When I did eat it the first time, I was super careful. I didn't shovel it into my mouth and I sucked on the kernels instead of mindlessly chewing them. I'll let a lot of foods sit in my mouth and soften before chewing them. Which drives me crazy because it slows down my eating but it doesn't hurt my teeth or put my brackets in danger.

And seriously if you're eating after 5 days....more power to you. It took me about 3 weeks to eat normally.

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#6 Post by wearetheborg »

I have eaten peanuts etc without breaking brackets.

I did break one bracket but thats because my upper molar was hitting on it. I had told the assistant this when she put on the brackets but she didnt listen. Then I came home, ate a banana and the bracket came off :rolleyes:

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#7 Post by VA5 »

I think avoiding foods on braces is WAY overrated. I have eaten everything on the no-food-allowed list and I'm fine. I think that is just a precautionary list. Your brackets COULD fall off if you eat anything... you just have to be careful how you eat. Just don't eat with total abandonment, no matter what you're eating. And, you'll be fine.

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#8 Post by TigerLily »

I pretty much ate most stuff, french bread was ok if it had mayonnaise in it which softened the bread overall.

I did pop a bracket off once and that was on a hard nut in a japanese nut mix. Unfortunately it was when i was away and it was a nightmare experience.

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#9 Post by Margie »

I have had my braces for over a year and I haven't broken a bracket off. I eat pretty much anything I want, I'm just careful about how I eat things. And I do avoid biting into apples or corn on the cob and those sorts of foods.

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#10 Post by yoginbraces »

I have been wearing ceramic braces for 3 months and I now eat almost anything I want -- except biting into apples and I don't eat chewy candy. However, nuts, nachos, popcorn, etc. I eat but I chew slowly and only chew on my back molars.

I agree with the poster who suggested giving yourself time to get used to braces before jumping into harder foods.

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