do i have some say so how i want my teeth?

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do i have some say so how i want my teeth?

#1 Post by believer1964 »

my top teeth were recessed in due to tipping back. they have come toward alittle to the front and make me look better.

I dont want him making my teeth recessed in, just to correct an overbite. i want my teeth toward my lips , not set back in my mouth. I dont look good with my teeth set back in my mouth.

its only been a week.

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#2 Post by TumbleDryLow »

Since it's only been a week, you need to be patient. A lot changes over the course of treatment. Where your teeth are now is not necessarily how they will end up.

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#3 Post by yoginbraces »

Yes, you should be patient but you should also let your ortho know what your expectations are. During my consult I told my ortho that I didn't want my teeth looking like tiny chicklets and that I preferred a slight overbite (I think overbites happen to make a woman look more feminine). I even went as far as clippings a few pics from magazines to show him. He said he appreciated knowing exactly what I had in mind that way we could both be on the same page as far as my treatment.

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#4 Post by macgirl4ever »

I agree it is too early to be seriously concerned about where your teeth are now. It seems as though I always go through one month of loving my teeth to another month of not even wanting to look in the mirror.

One thing to keep in mind though is that your orthodontist is looking out for the overall health of your teeth and malocclusion. Sometimes what we think is esthetically pleasing may not be best for our overall dental health. I don't know if this is the case for you but it would probably be a good idea now so you will know what is and is not possible in your treatment.
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#5 Post by UGHBRACES »

No harm in asking to have your teeth a certain way. But its not like ordering a steak, the ortho is going to have limitations with what he/she can do.

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#6 Post by evilnel »

I agree with UGHBRACES. You should let your concerns be known, but understand that you won't necessarily get what you want because the ortho is limited by the shape of your teeth and face to some extent. I definitely let my ortho know that my teeth still seemed somewhat tilted in to me and that I'd like them to flare out more, and she made the appropriate adjustments!

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