It has been 5 months

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It has been 5 months

#1 Post by yoginbraces »

and I haven't seen much progress in the last few months. :(

I initially had braces put on in May and I noticed change immediately (not significant change but at least noticeable) but nothing has really changed at all in the last few months and I have even been wearing power chains which I thought were supposed to create a lot of movement.

My teeth protrude so maybe I won't see much change until I start wearing elastics.

Waiting patiently....

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#2 Post by Snowglobe32 »

I had major movement in the beginning then around month 6 it didn't seem like anything was happening. Now, at just over a year, things have changed a lot.

Hang in there! Things are happening that are so noticeable.

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#3 Post by pigonthego »

its like watching a clock..just give it time :D When I had my braces put on I swear I looked at them every 30 minutes

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#4 Post by VA5 »

I am past month 20 and I feel like my teeth have looked basically the same for a YEAR. I'm not kidding. I've been in powerchains for a long long time, and my ortho said that it takes a while for them to really start moving your teeth. My ortho said there is a time when all of a sudden your teeth will start to move, and then you'll see changes. But honest.. the powerchains take quite a long time if you have gaps from extractions. You must be more patient :)


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#5 Post by yoginbraces »

I guess my concern is my ortho told me I would only be in braces for 12 months so if I'm already half way there with no real noticeable movement in the last several weeks then I am a little concerned the 12 month estimate might be a little too hopeful. Btw, I didn't have extractions. Perhaps I should have. I am hoping elastics make a difference bcuz the power chains have done very little.

My next appt is in 2 weeks (I go in for adjustments every 12 weeks) so I will see what happens then. Hopefully I will get elastics then.

Thanks everyone.....

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#6 Post by VA5 »

I'm curious how they're going to fix your protrusion w/o extractions? Are they doing ipr? Do you have gaps in between your teeth?

Well, 12 months seems kind of short... unless there are only small gaps and they intend to just retract a little bit so the gaps close, i don't see how they can fix protrusion in that short a time. I am getting the same done and my sentence is 24 months. Honestly, I see it going longer than that though.. I'm crossing my fingers for late winter. But, it's super slow going for me.


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#7 Post by yoginbraces »

I didn't have any natural gaps between my teeth to start with so the ortho suggested IPR. I had my first bit of shaving in late August and had power chains put on at that time. But surprisingly not a lot of movement since. Being half way finished with treatment and not a lot of movement I am becoming concerned that either my treatment time will be longer or worse my results won't be that significant. If I am told that my protrusion will only be slightly corrected with IPR then I may go ahead and look into extractions (which the ortho thought he could work around but may he can't??)

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#8 Post by VA5 »

yoginbraces wrote:I didn't have any natural gaps between my teeth to start with so the ortho suggested IPR. I had my first bit of shaving in late August and had power chains put on at that time. But surprisingly not a lot of movement since. Being half way finished with treatment and not a lot of movement I am becoming concerned that either my treatment time will be longer or worse my results won't be that significant. If I am told that my protrusion will only be slightly corrected with IPR then I may go ahead and look into extractions (which the ortho thought he could work around but may he can't??)
I'm sure he can switch over and do extractions.. however you don't want to have smaller teeth AND extract.. i would focus on one or the other. try to make a decision now, before more shaaving is done. Unless there is a lot of protrusion, then maybe ipr is the way to go. do you have any pictures of your profile?


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