Eating Is Hard For How Long?

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Eating Is Hard For How Long?

#1 Post by Brandyrenee »

I can not eat and its making me really testy and have been told that it takes up too two weeks to be able to eat solid foods! How long did it take you?

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#2 Post by Kristyar0 »

hey brandyrenee!
i'm on day 3 and still unable to eat solids. i know that is not helpful to you, but i also want to know how long it will be! :D

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#3 Post by felicia »

It took me about a week.

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#4 Post by Want2smile »

I suprised myself by eating a pizza last night, 3 days after having braces fitted. It wasn't painful but not very comfortable either and I didn't particularly enjoy it, it just seems like too much effort having to pick everything out the braces after :( Is food ever enjoyable again after having braces?

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#5 Post by hj55 »

Food does become enjoyable after having braces! It's OK immediately after but for proper chewing and muching it took about 6 weeks for my teeth to really settle down.

Now it's great 4 months on - I love apples and crusty rolls again! :D

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#6 Post by ashesgap »

I was eating everything a couple days after i got my braces on and didn't have many problems. The worst part is when i'm done eating and the food is packed into the brackets. But one quick trip to the bathroom with a WaterPik or RediBreeze gets everything out. I still avoid some things cause i hate the feel of it stuck in the brackets, but i eat mostly anything i want.
29 years old
2-18-10 baby canine pulled
3-15-10 got braces
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#7 Post by VA5 »

I too eat pretty much whatever. You learn to manage. For example I can't really eat apples whole anymore, but sliced up I definitely can. Same goes for just about everything else.. chop them smaller than you normally would eat them. But yeah, you definitely have an initial waiting time of at least a week or two. For me, it was a little longer than that. And really, after that you can pretty much eat whatever, but getting food stuck in the brackets and worse--in between, is really annoying for me. At home you can take care of it easily, when you're out it's a different story.


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#8 Post by naijaman »

Took me about 5-6 days...since then no problem. Still can't bite into apples though, so I cut them up into small pieces.

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#9 Post by VA5 »

I'm still cutting apples. I think it's too risky to be eating apples whole or in big chunks, when you are braced. So, I try to slice them up into 1 inch slices.


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#10 Post by NervousNewbie »

After a month I still can't bite in to anything using my front teeth (different teeth hurt on different days but there is always at least one sore one on either the top or bottom), but chewing with my back teeth causes no pain or discomfort at all.

Braced September 23, 2010
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#11 Post by orangeracer »

The first couple of weeks I felt every particle of food stuck in the brackets and under the wires. But just be careful and patient and it will improve. Using sore teeth helps!

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#12 Post by blackapple »

It took a full month for me to get back to eating as normal. Reason it took so long I feel is because I wore dental spacers for two weeks which essentially made my back molars very painful to eat on. Coupled with all the pressure of the new braces it was too much. Now I eat everything with no problem at all.

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#13 Post by andywired »


Might be a little late of a response, but I had my braces put in a little over 3 weeks ago and I was able to start eating most normal foods after about a week.

I'll admit that the week after getting braces I felt pretty malnourished and spent most of the week sipping on smoothies in my bed...but after calling my ortho to complain almost daily and even asking him to remove my bottom brackets completely after the 3rd day...he re-assured me that I would be able to eat soft foods like chicken and fish after about a week.

Now I have weened off my mashed potatoes and smoothie diet and am eating pizza, chicken SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM, and fish sticks almost daily!

Good luck with your transformation and stick through it!

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#14 Post by RedDress »

I like linguinies.. but they perfectly aligne along my bracess all over my mouth... What a waste of food. Have to switch to pasta of different shape

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#15 Post by smartygirl »

i got my braces about 6 weeks ago and i still have trouble eating a lot of things (and i only have them on the bottom!!)

pasta is fine if it is well-cooked and not whole wheat

reese's peanut butter cups are good too :) and pancakes

other than that it's a lot of soup, scrambled eggs, yogurt, porridge...

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