painful teeth!!

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lu lu
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painful teeth!!

#1 Post by lu lu »

Finding it too painful to eat anything today after having my brace fitted yesterday.

There's so much pressure on my back teeth.

I'm going to go buy a smoothie maker later so at least I can have them & soup but was just wondering, when my teeth settle down & I can eat again does this happen each time you have an adjustment?

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Wearing Lower Ceramic Brace / Upper Lingual Brace (Incognito) / Sentence 18 - 24 months


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#2 Post by Emmauk »

Im feeling it too today :cry: .

I had soup for dinner last night and weetabix for breakfast - tonight i was going to try some steamed fish but i think i'll probably stick to soup for longer.

My teeth are also so sensitive, i put some wax on my molar brackets last night as they have hooks on and the sensitivity pain was awful!!

I dont think it'll be quite as bad as this for normal adjustments.

lu lu
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#3 Post by lu lu »

I was told to eat soft food / liquids yesterday because the cement takes 24 hours to dry! But I was so hungry i had a curry (had soup for lunch) Hope I haven't ruined them. didn't hurt really to eat last night but OMG today :cry:

I hope it's not like this after every adjustment because My first adjustment is the 23rd DECEMBER .... would mean no xmas dinner or treats :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I'm sooooo hungry :cry:
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Wearing Lower Ceramic Brace / Upper Lingual Brace (Incognito) / Sentence 18 - 24 months


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#4 Post by Emmauk »

I wasnt warned about the glue not being set it was more about the pain. Did they use a light thingy to dry the glue for you?

Surely if the cement hadnt hardened enought then they wouldnt be able to put the arch wire in and apply pressure to the brackets?

lu lu
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#5 Post by lu lu »

I'm not sure if they used a light thingy as you put it lol :P

I had my eyes closed lol.

I remember they sanded my teeth down (and it felt like bits of my teeth were flying off :? ) & then they put the glue on & told me to wait for a minute whilst it dried. They might have used something I honestly don't know.

Then he wired me up.

Put a pic on of your braces. I'm not that happy with mine. Not as discreet as I thought they'd be. There's alot of metal but then I don't have brackets on the first 4 yet just plastic tubing so maybe it'll be better then I don't know.

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Wearing Lower Ceramic Brace / Upper Lingual Brace (Incognito) / Sentence 18 - 24 months


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#6 Post by Emmauk »

I have added my picture see post above, well it will be below now.


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#7 Post by yoginbraces »

I have been wearing braces for 6 months and for the first week or so I was in excruciating pain due to the normal throbbing of being braced for the first time, and I also had severe tooth sensitivity. I can't even begin to describe the pain it was so bone chilling. It was so painful and sensitive I thought I was going to need several root canals. Well, my dentist (not ortho) gave me some flouride medicine and encouraged me to hang in there and he was right. Within 10 days the pain subsided and I resumed my normal life and eating habits (with some difficulty but eventually I was back to normal).

In the beginning I almost ran out and bought an expensive smoothie machine thinking I would never adjust to eating solid foods but little by little I began eating everything....raw veggies, apples, and even some of the items on the forbidden list (nachos, kettle chips, etc.)

I've had two adjustments so far and while I prepare myself for the level of pain I experienced initially it's not nearly on the same level. Yes, it's uncomfortable but it doesn't compare or last as long as the initial placement of braces.

So my suggestion to all newbies is to hang in there and unless you really love smoothies don't invest in an expensive smoothie machine until you have been wearing braces for at least a month. Also, avoid biting into anything. Cut food into bite sized pieces and chew using your back molars. Also to toughen up your gums and the inside of your mouth RINSE WITH WARM SALT WATER. I can't stress this one enough. It works wonders.

Note to LuLu: scheduling an adjustment so close to a major holiday may not be the best plan. You may consider going in a few days earlier, or after the holidays. There is no getting around the fact that for the first day or so after an adjustment you will probably feel some discomfort.

Good luck to you all!!!!

lu lu
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#8 Post by lu lu »

OMG I want to cry.

Your braces are so much nicer than mine.

I'll post a pic when I get chance but like I say I haven't got them on the front teeth so maybe they'll look nicer.

I've got them on my twisted canine's but can hardly see them as they are so twsited (the back 1's are metal) I have a lot of metal on mine but again his trying to pull my canine teeth into the gaps so his wrapped about 2 wires round my twisted canines & my 2nd premolars.

hopefully when they start to straighten & move & my 4 front brackets are on it'll look ok :? Also mine aren't as white as yours. Yours are really white. Mine are more yellowish looking & quite dull. They look like dull stones :?

At least it's not on my top teeth I guess
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#9 Post by poppy123 »

hi lu lu. dont cry. i was in pain after i first had them fitted and i expected the same after each adjustment but ive had 3 adjustments now and had the soup all batched up ready but havent needed it as so far all my adjustments have been pretty painless (i know its not like that for everyone tho). It'll be worth it in the next few weeks when you start seeing some movement. do you have ceramic braces? i've been meaning to post a pic of mine, i'll try and do it today. i was pleased with mine, i had expected them to look more noticible. mine are ceramic with a white arch wire (teflon coated)- but got a feeling as the arch wire gets thicker it wont be white any more.

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#10 Post by poppy123 »

just read your story lu lu so know that you have ceramic bottoms and are getting lingual uppers on the 17th. if your mega worried about the linguals, couldnt you change your mind and go for ceramic uppers? where abouts in the uk are you from? im from manchester.

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#11 Post by Emmauk »

Try not to worry too much i bet people cant see them being the bottom row.

Presumably he needs to move them a bit more so that he can get them into the arch? Is that why they dont have brackets on?

I expect i'll have something similar on my bottoms as one of my teeth has rotated so much there is nowhere to put the bracket.

How is your mouth generally are you getting sore spots/ ulcers yet?

lu lu
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#12 Post by lu lu »

Well I thought they were ceramic but I don't know if they are now :shock:

I only thought they were classed as ceramic because I googled them & it said they were. He didn't refer to them as that.

They are clear or at least they will be apparently but they are still noticeable & there is alot of metal on the brackets & alot of wire. I have 2 clear brackets but they aren't what I expected. Have a look at my story, i've posted a pic :oops:

Poppy i've paid over a £1000 now for my lingual brace as they have to be specially made for each person so guess I can't. To be honest i'm only worried about my speech with them but i'm glad I won't have the brackets rubbing my lips / cheeks (just my tongue instead lol). I'm from birmingham :)

Emma my mouth is sore, i've covered my whole mouth in wax & it feels like if I hadn't have done it then I would of got an ulcer. It def feels like somethings brewing on my lip where the corner of the plastic tubing is rubbing me (the end is metal connected to the wire) my painkillers wore off over lunch & I had terrible jaw ache. Dosed up again now thank god!!
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Wearing Lower Ceramic Brace / Upper Lingual Brace (Incognito) / Sentence 18 - 24 months


lu lu
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#13 Post by lu lu »

Sorry Emma they don't have brackets on because his trying to straighten up my twsited canine's & pull them back into my extraction gaps.
He said if they were wired up it would pull the teeth forwards & we don't want that, we want to pull them backwards. My front teeth are sticking out of my arch as it is too.

Not getting brackets on them for another 4 or so visits :shock: :shock:
For my Braces Story - with photos click here
Wearing Lower Ceramic Brace / Upper Lingual Brace (Incognito) / Sentence 18 - 24 months


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