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To speed things along, the orthodontist put a much thicker archwire in my upper arch. Both he and the technician acted like I was going to be in a world of hurt today because of this. Well, it is 8 hours later and I don't feel a bit different.
Has anyone else felt no change after being told to expect the worst? Maybe I haven't given things enough time?
It's not that I want to be in pain, I just want to see things move (I have an ugly gap where my right biscuspid was removed to correct my midline).
Sometimes the ache doesn't start right away. Usually with my earlier adjustments, it took a couple days for it to start hurting. Now it hurts a bit sooner after the adjustment, but for less time.
I just had an adjustment today and they gave me thicker rubber bands that they said would be super painful and I have yet to feel anything. It happens every once in a while that way for me and then strangely a few days later the pain's so bad my head hurts. The body is amazing in how it works!
De-Brace Day: May 31, 2011 WOO HOO!!!
Essix retainer; Bonded Retainer on 2 Front Teeth
Braces- upper- October 1, 2009; lower- December 1, 2009
18 months to the day!
I have never had any pain. Every now and then I will have temperature sensitivity, but that seems to come and go. Today I had my first cleaning since braces on, and I have some discomfort from taking arch wire off, getting cleaned, putting arch wire back on...ugh! Lots of tugging on my teeth for a day, but it was only when they were being touched, nothing lasting.
I have had moments a month or so after an adjustment when all of a sudden there are achy spots, but nothing horrible. Your , our, teeth are always moving,so ya never know!