Elastics Question

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Elastics Question

#1 Post by 38Illinois »

I have had elastics for a month or so and all of sudden the other day the top tooth where the elastic hook is very sore. Has anyone else experienced soreness in the tooth from elastics? Also should I keep wearing them even if the tooth is sore? Thanks.
Braces on July 31, 2010
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#2 Post by hal2me »

Hi 38illinois!

If your teeth is sore, the elastics are doing their job. This happened to me when I wore elastics. Take some Aleeve and keep wearing your elastics! Not wearing your elastics could increase your time in braces. However, if the pain is unbearable, call your ortho and see what he says.

Hope this helps!!!

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#3 Post by yoginbraces »

I have been wearing elastics for three weeks and for the most part my teeth are sore on one side only (the side that needs the most movement). It seems the more sore my gums/teeth the more progress I am making. Even though my ortho tells me that pain isn't necessary for progress. Anyway, hang in there but as suggested if the pain is truly unbearable after several days make an appt to see your ortho.

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#4 Post by Spurfy »

Yup, mine are sore too. :( Feels like the top one is about to fall out!

While we're on the topic, what are these elastics supposed to be doing? My ortho has my elastics from 6 on the bottom to 3 on the top (canines) on both sides, and he did the same for my daughter. I'm trying to figure out where the movement is expected to occur and what it is. I'm not very good with physics and it's not making sense to me. And he never has time to explain things unless you can grab him then and there when your mouth is full of people's fingers...

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#5 Post by Snowglobe32 »


My class 3 elastics are supposed to pull my lower arch back & in while bringing the top arch forward so my teeth fit together and fix the crossbite.

I have elastics connecting 5 to 27, 4 to 28, 13 to 22 and 14 to 21. 2 elastics on each side. My ortho said to expect a slight overbite.

You can find alot of good info online if you g**gle, elastics and class 1, 2 or 3.

The teeth should hurt in the beginning. From what I have researched, if teeth continue to hurt as you wear them for some time, it could mean that the elastic isn't on the hook properly or that you are not wearing them continuously.

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#6 Post by pinkiipromise »

Your elastics are doing its thing. I love it when my teeth are a little sore because I know it means movement.

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#7 Post by DrJasonKTam »

Keep in mind that soreness may also increase if you are not wearing the elastics often enough. By wearing them as close to 24hrs as possible, you will likely experience less discomfort. Wearing them less regularly is like getting an adjustment every time you start using the elastics again.

Good luck!
Dr. Jason Tam
Toronto Invisalign, Scarborough braces, and Markham Orthodontist
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#8 Post by hanzie »

the elastics caused me some soreness

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