how often can i get my braces tightened

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how often can i get my braces tightened

#1 Post by lilly »

Hi there,
I've had my ceramic braces on 2 weeks now, and am just getting used to them. I have a query though about how often I should get them tightened. My orthodontist said to come back in 6 wks. However they had no appointment free for 8 weeks due to christmas. I am a little annoyed about this as I feel this is too long and the sooner I have this treatment done the better. My friend told me she had hers changed every 4 weeks, so I feel a little hard done by! My orhto initially said to me that I'd be in every 4-6 weeks. If I was in every 4 weeks, am I right to assume that this would definetely speed up my treatment time?

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Re: how often can i get my braces tightened

#2 Post by believer1964 »

Mine are done every 7-8 weeks. I don't question it too much. I figure there is a reason for it.

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Re: how often can i get my braces tightened

#3 Post by BraceFace2o1o »

We have to remember that no two mouths/treatment plans/Orthos are the same. So someone might have adjustments at first every 4 weeks and someone else every 6-12 weeks. One boy who had his braces fitted just before my appointment today didn't need to have his first appointment until March next year!

I got my braces fitted on the 18th November and my first adjustment is booked for the 20th December, so just over 4 weeks. I have no idea whether the next adjustment will be about 4 weeks, it could be longer.

Your Ortho will have their reasons for certain time frames between appointments.
But if they are that booked up then I guess there isn't much they can do. My Ortho is really busy too and it's a bit of a struggle to get appointments.
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Re: how often can i get my braces tightened

#4 Post by fraid090 »

I felt the same way when they booked my first adjustment for 8 weeks time, but sitting here now with my appointment only a week away I'm not in the least bit concerned... my teeth are still moving as fast as ever and the pain is increasing (a good sign?). By the looks of things I could leave it another few weeks before the pace finally relents!.

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Re: how often can i get my braces tightened

#5 Post by smilelikeyoumeanit »

I got my top braces on November 8th and don't go back until January 10th. At first I thought that was a long time, but my ortho told me that she wants a specific tooth to move a specific way before moving to a thicker wire, putting my lower braces on.

Everyone is different. Try not to stress too much.

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Re: how often can i get my braces tightened

#6 Post by lilly »

Thanks everyone. I guess I might be stressing too much about it, it was just when my friend said to her ortho that she was getting married he brought her in more often which made me wonder about the whole length of time etc. I'm not loving my braces today!!!

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Re: how often can i get my braces tightened

#7 Post by bp88 »

There was 2 months between getting my braces on and my first scheduled adjustment. I got so excited to go in for it then when I got there it had been canceled because my ortho's flight had been delayed. They rescheduled me in 6 WEEKS later. So that's 3 1/2 months altogether till my first adjustment. I'm not happy. :(

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Re: how often can i get my braces tightened

#8 Post by RedDress »

bp88 wrote:There was 2 months between getting my braces on and my first scheduled adjustment. I got so excited to go in for it then when I got there it had been canceled because my ortho's flight had been delayed. They rescheduled me in 6 WEEKS later. So that's 3 1/2 months altogether till my first adjustment. I'm not happy. :(
If they delayed my treatment in such a way I would have delayed on the payment then. :ThumbsDown:

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Re: how often can i get my braces tightened

#9 Post by pinkiipromise »

I get mine adjusted every 8 weeks. It has been 8months now since I first got my braces.

Traditional braces may require more adjustments, hence patients may need to get their braces tightened more frequently.

Self-ligating braces such as Ovation C or Damons require less adjustments and therefore patients may require less appointments.

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Re: how often can i get my braces tightened

#10 Post by drrick »

FWIW, the more often you have adjustments often the slower the teeth move.
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Re: how often can i get my braces tightened

#11 Post by bp88 »

RedDress wrote:
bp88 wrote:There was 2 months between getting my braces on and my first scheduled adjustment. I got so excited to go in for it then when I got there it had been canceled because my ortho's flight had been delayed. They rescheduled me in 6 WEEKS later. So that's 3 1/2 months altogether till my first adjustment. I'm not happy. :(
If they delayed my treatment in such a way I would have delayed on the payment then. :ThumbsDown:

I'm lucky enough to get this for free on the NHS in the UK. I'm the last young adult in my area to be getting this treatment on the NHS, they only said they'd do it for me because I've been on the waiting list for 5 years since I was 17! I know I shouldn't complain about anything because I'm so lucky to get this done for free but it's just so frustrating!

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Re: how often can i get my braces tightened

#12 Post by chocomorsel »

drrick wrote:FWIW, the more often you have adjustments often the slower the teeth move.
Say it ain't so Dr. Rick. But why?

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Re: how often can i get my braces tightened

#13 Post by fraid090 »

Maybe if you have slow moving teeth they need attending to more frequently to speed things up.

I had my first adjustment yesterday. Only the ligs were changed which I wasn't over the moon about but I've woke up this morning to be greeted by the most rapid movements to date in the mirror. :dance:

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Re: how often can i get my braces tightened

#14 Post by fraid090 »

"Early in treatment, the orthodontist may use a flexible wire that also has a longer activation time. The wire provides a way to keep a gentle force active over a long period of time. Therefore, appointments could be scheduled anywhere from 4-12 weeks apart. Later in treatment, as the wires become less flexible, the time between appointments may be scheduled 4-6 weeks apart for more frequent activation and to keep the forces active. "

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Re: how often can i get my braces tightened

#15 Post by RedDress »

fraid090 wrote:"Early in treatment, the orthodontist may use a flexible wire that also has a longer activation time. The wire provides a way to keep a gentle force active over a long period of time. Therefore, appointments could be scheduled anywhere from 4-12 weeks apart. Later in treatment, as the wires become less flexible, the time between appointments may be scheduled 4-6 weeks apart for more frequent activation and to keep the forces active. "
that is good to know :idea:

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