Second guessing

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Second guessing

#1 Post by jb183 »

Hi all, I have been lurking on this site for just over a month. I am 30 yrs old and got braces in November for the first time. I have ceramics but they are only on the top 6 uppers, the plan is to do full ceramics however we are waiting on my bite to adjust.

My problem is, as I am sure all of you have gone through, I am extremely self-conscious about my braces. I know everyone says it is worth the wait in the end but I really struggling with the idea of having full braces. I am just finishing up my maternity leave and return to work in about 3 weeks, my job requires me to deal with the public on a daily basis and requires a lot of confidence as I need to always be in control. I know that my braces are really going to hold me back because I have zero confidence with them on. Yes, I know this is silly and shallow but I can't help this feeling. I am absolutely dreading going back to work.

I guess my question(s) is, how have you made it through this? Has anyone switched from ceramics/metals to linguals? I am not a candidate for Invisalign. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks for reading.

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Re: Second guessing

#2 Post by Syllerina »

I was in your same boat. I just got my braces last Tuesday. The top 6 on top are ceramic and the rest are metal.
But let me tell you, when you smile, you only will see the top 6 teeth. REALLY! ive had so many ask, you have braces... and when they come closer their like oh their your tooth color!
believe me, when you smile only your 6 teeth show and your bottom lip usually covers the metal on the bottom.
I paid 300.00 for the top 6 teeth to be ceramic and im happy that i did.

youll be fine :)

ps. congrats on your baby

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Re: Second guessing

#3 Post by TumbleDryLow »

I agree with the previous poster in that the "social six" are the only teeth that will show prominently when smiling or talking. As for the self-consciousness, I was self-conscious at first as well, but it wore off. Once you have a few interactions with people and realize that no one cares you are wearing braces (some, amazingly, won't even notice) wearing them will become much easier.

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Re: Second guessing

#4 Post by smilelikeyoumeanit »

I got ceramic braces on my top teeth in November as well. I'm getting metals on my bottom teeth in January. I too am 30 and work with the public (mostly with high school students, and they can be judgemental!) I'm also getting married in April. I was extremely self-conscious at first. I didn't feel sexy or attractive with my new braces. But now that I'm a month in, it really doesn't bother me as much. I have my moments, but overall, I think the knowledge that I will have a beautiful smile when I'm finished is pushing me through. Also, I've already noticed an improvement, which is very encouraging. That and the I think giving it some time really helps. I've also found that a lot of people don't even notice.

Good Luck!

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Re: Second guessing

#5 Post by equaeternal »

I get how you feel. I have full metal and when I first got them I had to fight the urge to run and hide for 24 months. I am sure most people notice my braces but 99% no one says anything at all or even makes a big deal out of it. The only time people ask is if they have braces themselves or to say how nice my teeth are looking. I think because its your mouth and your have to deal with braces everyday it seems like a bigger deal than it really is. Most people I have met (who have said anything) told me that they wanted braces!

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Re: Second guessing

#6 Post by luchababe »

When I saw someone with braces, the only thought I had was "Hm, they're straightening their teeth". Big deal! I need glasses to see. I need braces to fix my teeth. It's the same thing for me. I'm not embarrassed by either.

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Re: Second guessing

#7 Post by jb183 »

Thanks everyone for your responses! I know it's silly and that nobody cares but me. I was out doing some Christmas shopping today and one of the cashiers had braces, I didn't even notice until she said "have a good day" and that was after we had a conversation. I see other people with braces and think nothing of it, yet I think everyone is judging me for having them. Yup, I feel about 10 yrs old right now!

I am really glad I found this site, thanks again!

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Re: Second guessing

#8 Post by Snowglobe32 »

I was at lunch today and I noticed a woman at another table had ceramic tops and metal bottoms. Well, I looked at her many times as she was talking and eating with her coworkers only because I also have ceramic/metal and I wanted to know what I looked like while doing the same things she was doing. She was so cute! She was older than me, probably in her 40's but she still looked darn cute.

I would bet the only people who look twice at braces are those of us who have them. We check out the wires, the brackets, if they are metal or ceramic, if there are ligs, one else cares.

I told my co workers what I was doing and they thought I was nuts. They looked at her and didn't even notice her braces!

I bet your braces are cute too! I have had mine for almost 15 monts, they have become like my arm. You know it is there but it doesn't get in the way.

Most people are interested when you first get them, they ask a lot of questions...then the "attention" just fades away. I feel like screaming "Hey- look at me, I have braces!" I also think that as time progresses and your teeth start looking great, people get envious of your teeth! If they are interested, they don't say anything.

I have two coworkers who are always complimenting me on how great my teeth look. One had braces as a teen, (didn't wear her retainer and now has to get bonding done periodically on her front teeth) the other, wants braces.

If you are confident in your braces, it will show and no one cares - seriously. Those of use who have had braces for some time, can't say this enough. No one has ever said they are ugly, they make me look ugly or that I made a bad decision. I have gotten nothing but compliments. When I first met someone, and they notice I have braces, I can see them look at my teeth so I smile real big and they usually smile back.

Don't worry about your braces, smile big and be proud of your teeth!

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Re: Second guessing

#9 Post by bracesagain2 »

Hi JB183 - I can totally relate to you! I feel like my braces are just sticking out and everyone can notice them. I don't even want to smile or laugh.
But I think nobody really notices it and if you think in your mind, it's not a big deal, then I think it won't be. Like everyone has said, eventually you just get used to it. And I think most people, if they do notice, they ask out of curiosity & also share that they had thought of getting braces too. And they move on.

Once I got mine on, afterwards I went shopping and try not to see it as a big deal and most people don't even notice or care. I think it's more ourselves that we feel self-conscious. But I can empathasize with you! :lol:

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Re: Second guessing

#10 Post by katiemcb09 »

I definitely understand what you're going through! I got ceramic on the top 6 and metal everywhere else put on yesterday. I got in the car afterward and just wanted to cry. 28 months!? But then I sent a pic to my girlfriends who live in another state, and they could barely even notice. Even my family (who can be very, very harsh) said they wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't pointed them out. I think they're much more noticeable to us because we get the pain and everything else that comes with getting them on.

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