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For all you gun-shy, clear/ceramic brace wearers: I introduce the "Obscure" ligs:
They look absolutely NOTHING like they do on the color pallette I posted. I think they look like a cross between Clear and Pearl. I rather like them, myself! They blend in better with my teeth than the Pearl because Pearl was a lot whiter and shinier than my own teeth. LOL! They're supposed to be a bit more resistant to staining. I'll let y'all know...
Hey everybody. Remember at the end of October we were having a discussion about how often ligs can be changed? I saw my Ortho for my 1st adjustment on Nov 15th (since getting braces Oct 6th) and here's what went down.
To refresh: There had been a minor bit of drama at my ortho's when I had to have an 'emergency' lig change after one popped off shortly after first getting braced. The assistant who worked with me tried to tell me they only change the ligs every six weeks. [I had asked to have all my top elastics changed while I was there. This was just over a week into treatment and I wasn't digging the silver ligs I'd chosen.] This was news to me and I told the asst this. The original asst who put on my braces and both of the front line staff had assured me I could come in for lig changes.
Of course, I had been jonesing to see the Ortho and get the scoop. Frankly, it had been my personal opinion this particular asst was being a -- rhymes with witch -- and, yes, this was proven to be the truth at this appointment. I asked the Ortho if I could come in for lig changes between appointments, he said "Yes" I asked if there could be any adverse effect to getting the ligs changed and he said "No." So, there you go. Maybe it's different for various cases, but I am happy to have the go ahead, if I like, to swap out my lig colours.
I stayed with the spiffy metallic blue on top and tried sky blue alternating with the original hot pink I had on the bottom. Not my best choice. It's a slightly creepy look for someone of my advanced years -- although my 30-something hairdresser was like, "80's all right!"
The asst put wire ties on 5 (6?) of my teeth. She then put ligs over every bracket like usual, she pointed out the teeth with wire, I can hardly tell a difference a few ligs do look a little lumpy <grin.> These wire ties were on 3 top and 2 (3?) bottom. She said they did this combination for a few of the teeth to have extra pressure help "yank out" the tooth and also to keep the brackets from popping off. None have ever come off yet.
I'll try to include a pic next time. I think I might just go with 'shades of gray' on the bottom to help decide which, if any, of those colours I like.
These are my purple Ligs (not on all teeth, as 5 teeth have wire ties) at day 5 and day 28:
Excuse the dry lips on the left. For some reason my top lip appears to be swollen in the right picture , doesn't normally look like that! I've always had pretty thin lips.
Braces: Metal fixed upper and lower Estimated treatment time: 18-24 months Braces Removed: August 2013 (after 33 months in braces) Retainers: Upper & lower essix and lower bonded My Story / Before & After photos
I have teal on the top and light blue on the bottom. That's actually the wildest combination I've had because I tend to stick to subtle colors, but I really like them. How do you make a picture small enough to put on this board?
I'm *TOTALLY* getting a rainbow next time! That's so awesome!
Anyway, I've done a kaleidoscope of colors, I love them!
Also in this picture you can see how a receeded gum CAN heal itself with proper oral hygiene. Check out that lower incisor... #8 shows it well, and it had already started healing in that picture!
29 years old
2-18-10 baby canine pulled
3-15-10 got braces
12-22-11 Moving-SO EXCITED!!
1-2-12 Meet new Ortho
1-5-12 Begin finishing treatment
3-5-12 Canine Implants...dun dun dunnnnn
4-9-12 Deband!
I had braces for Two Years and TwentyFive Days
Love this thread! Before I got my braces I swore I'd not get colours. Started off with silver then at my first adjustment I tried light blue on bottom with silver on top. My 2nd adjustment is next week and all I can think about is what colours to get.. I'm thinking black on bottom and a bright-ish pink on top! Knowing me I'll chose something completely different on the day, lol I'll be sure to post pictures of whatever I get!
The fuschia pink blends in really well with your gums, i actually like it, and thats coming from someone who really isn't into PINK. I will not try hot pink though, thats just too much. I still love red though. I put red or pink on top. Then for bottoms i use colors that i like, but don't want to be too noticed. So right now i have turquoise on bottom.
If you're really nervous about a color, put it on your bottoms first, take a look and see if you want it on top. That's what i did with red the first time.
29 years old
2-18-10 baby canine pulled
3-15-10 got braces
12-22-11 Moving-SO EXCITED!!
1-2-12 Meet new Ortho
1-5-12 Begin finishing treatment
3-5-12 Canine Implants...dun dun dunnnnn
4-9-12 Deband!
I had braces for Two Years and TwentyFive Days
Just went through this whole thread and I'm regretting getting the clear brackets now lol. I originally did it to keep my braces on a low profile however now I wish I would have gone with the metal to try all the wonderful colored ligs out there lol. I'm nearing the end of my treatment however I'm planning on going out with style and trying as many colors as I can before then . But I have to wait another 4 weeks till my next appointment to get my power chains changed out .
ngarner0717 wrote:Just went through this whole thread and I'm regretting getting the clear brackets now lol. I originally did it to keep my braces on a low profile however now I wish I would have gone with the metal to try all the wonderful colored ligs out there lol. I'm nearing the end of my treatment however I'm planning on going out with style and trying as many colors as I can before then . But I have to wait another 4 weeks till my next appointment to get my power chains changed out .
I understand what you mean, but I'm glad you decided to "go out with style"! I'm getting a Plum Crazy powerchain (if they have it in stock) next Thursday, so I'll post a pic here so y'all can see what it looks like. Yes, I've had that color ligs before, but I think it might look cooler with the color going all the way across instead of only on the brackets. Sure will beat the nasty yellow stains I have on the sides of my teeth right now.