Braces has ruined my face and my bite

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Braces has ruined my face and my bite

#1 Post by kimous »

Hi All,

Firstly i do not want to scare anyone about braces. I think its just my particular case has been a nightmare and I am at my wits end with it and dont know what to do at this stage. If i can help someone with my case than that would be good. If someone can help me work out what to do at this stage it would even be better.

When I was 16 I had braces. There was no dramas there when the braces came off it looked great and I never had any issues with my teeth throughout. I wore my retainers on like they said the bottom teeth had a permanent fixed retainer at the back and the top had the ones that you put in and out when you finish eating and brushing your teeth etc. Well i was told at that time that i needed to wear my retainer for 2 years and i did all those things in fact the bottom retainer was on for nearly 8 years and was taken off. However a few years later the bottom started getting a little crooked again and I hadnt take my wisdom teeth out so over the years the bottoms mainly became slightly crowded again but still my face and teeth and smile still looked great to me.

Then one of my molars had and old cavity that has gone to the root so i had a root canal. This is when the nightmare began. It got infected and they had to pull it out so i lost that left top molar. No harm done there i can either get an implant or bridge i opted for bridge at that time as my dentist told me that i might develop sinus issues if i place inplant in there. Fortunately a year or two later after the bridge my wisdom teeth came out and so for some reason someone told me that the gap can be closed by pushing the wisdom teeth forward and closing the gap. That is when i thought wow orthodontics can do that so i consulted an ortho about it and he said that i can remove the bridge and bring my molars into the gap to close it and i will be having a real teeth there instead of a bridge in that gap so i thought that pretty cool i trusted that he could do that so i agreed.

Little did i know that it wasnt that straight forward. So after a year i notice the gap slowly closing so nothing major happenned until slowly slowly i noticed a dent on the left side of my face that wasnt there before up to this point i was a perfect client. I didnt think much of it until the orthodontist came in one day and noticed that most of my top teeth started moving to the left. So then he had abit of a panick look on his face and told me that i needed to get a metal implant on the far top right in order for them to pull my teeth back to the right again. that cost me clost to 1500 extra I had to go under GA for it and everything so again i didnt know what to do at that stage but to comply. So he booked the surgeon in and I went along with it and folked out another 1500 dollars to get an implant which was pretty painful.

At this stage i was fuming to no end. I thought gosh why do i have to pay for his F*575 up which at this stage it is clearly a stuff up. Anyway got my implant in hoping they can fix it I went to the next appointment as usual anticipating that they can pull things back but instead i get another one of his dentist wanna be orthodontist in the clinic and their conversation went like this. So what do i do with this implant. THe other goes I dont know maybe put elastic on that and attach it to canine and pull it. So they told me to wear the elastics that way and I did. Next appointment came and i notice my canine started to collapse go in and there were gaps forming definately but the right side of my face started looking strange also.

I started to panick and booked an appointment to see the orthodontist and it takes weeks because he is never in the office. I asked him why is there a dent appearing on the left side of my face he goes it shouldnt be. He also told me that if i am that concerned about it then botox can help. I thought again what is going on here. I never needed botox before I had a beautiful smile before what is going on. Then he proceeded to tell me that my teeth and midline was off at the very begginning of treatment but clearly it was never the case so he kept spinning crap up and taking no accountability for anything thats happenned.

I am now at another orthodontist using invisalign. Half way through the gap is opened so the dent is now gone. However my midline is still off and now i cant seem to bite down and I have and occlusal cant which was never there before. Ive got another 8 trays to go but my smile just doesnt look the same and my bite feels really skewed. My top arch does not look good and central to my face. Im worried that with invisalign what you see on the video is not how it looks at the end. the video shows your teeth but it doesnt show the relationship of the teeth to the rest of the face. I dont understand also why i need 18 trays for the bottom when there is nothing wrong with my bottom teeth. Bottom teeth and arch is the only reference point left of getting the top back to where it was before if that changes i am soo scared that my face is going to look assymetrical forever.

What do I do now??? Top arch is feeling really wrong and its making the tip of my nose tilt to the left when i smile, my face muscles are beggining to ache, front teeth looking like its flattenning and moving back and bottoms are being pushed back also so my profile is looking flat. more and more problems as i go along... I need help should i just stop orthodontic treatment all togethr and let it come back or should i keep going and watch it get worse and worse help. I dont know what to do money wasted and things are worse then ever.

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Re: Braces has ruined my face and my bite

#2 Post by rhomboid »

I wouldn't know how to advise except perhaps an independent professional opinion. God bless you and good luck, you will prevail with perseverance.

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Re: Braces has ruined my face and my bite

#3 Post by Lanna »

Well, I really hope you can find some answers! This may not be very helpful, but I didn't think invisiline (sp?) could help with midline correction? I would just give it time though. If you aren't finished with the trays then you still have a while to go before you should get panicked! As when you had braces before, your bite will change a lot over the course of treatment. You said that your bottom teeth were crowded, so there is an issue there that needs to be corrected and so it will not look the same as when you had braces off at 16 right now. If you have 18 trays and are on number 17 and still don't notice a difference, THEN I would be worried. But for now, you're still in the middle stages of getting things corrected that were messed up before. Good luck to you and take a deep breath! :)

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Re: Braces has ruined my face and my bite

#4 Post by mentos »

Go to the local dental school clinic; I went there with a dental complaint and while it is annoying to wait for an hour, the good thing is that the dentists there are teaching and not making money directly off of you, so they give an objective opinion. Also you usually have multiple dentists giving opinions on each case, which is useful. Only thing is don't come in with a tirade of everything that has happened; they might think you're litigious and hesitate to evaluate you. Just say your face feels off and you'd like it checked out...let them give their ideas and then you can discuss.

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Re: Braces has ruined my face and my bite

#5 Post by Sadjaw »

Braces have been a disaster for me too. I followed my orthod advice, I got even hit bimaxila surgery. He didn't took care of things. Now I have chronic pain from TMJ. I looked better before now I look worse, have pains and numbness in my jaw after a year of surgery

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