Haven't posted in ages! Poss debrace date

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Haven't posted in ages! Poss debrace date

#1 Post by seriousthinker »

Hi guys,

As the title said I haven't posted in a while because I've been plodding along. I had an adjustment the other day and I had a thick wire put it. Heard him say we're swapping the 18 to 19?? I also had a clear powerchain put on. Not great so I've given up foods that might stain. Got caffiene withdrawal symptoms already.

Because I've had no extractions or IPR and have a 'cosmetic' brace I now have a slight overjet. I know it's quite common and although I'm not 100% happy that I'm not perfect I feel like I look much better than before. He said he'd rather not do ipr because there's a danger of pulling back so that my upper lip loses volume and drops slightly, Anybody else have this issue?

Towards the end of the appointment I had a bombshell dropped on me. I wasn't listening as well as I should have so not sure whether he said 3m or 3 visits and he can debrace me!!! Scary! That will make it 10-11m out of estimated 12-14m.


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Re: Haven't posted in ages! Poss debrace date

#2 Post by MissTippyToes »

I will get my braces off in about 3-4 months from now. Was hoping for a an early date, but my ortho always says next visit. I finally just asked the tech and she said, "drs. always say it's much earlier because they time it in the # of visits not in reality." lol.

Tip:Try a straw to avoid stains that what I do - love it

-Miss Tippy Toes

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