Lig Colours that dont fade?

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Lig Colours that dont fade?

#1 Post by holly »

Hello All,

Ive had my braces on a year now; cannot wait to get rid of them - only another year to go!

I keep having purple ligs put on however by the time 8 weeks comes around to my next appointment they have gone an awful stained colour.

Does anyone have any recomendations of colours that dont fade as bad?

I was thinking maybe red as then they may go a darker red? but cant find any pics online of red bands so not sure what they would look like.

Any advise would be much appriciated!

Many thanks

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Re: Lig Colours that dont fade?

#2 Post by ashesgap »

I love my red ligs, and have used them exclusively for months now. I'll link you to the page that got me wanting red....
The red never fades and doesn't stain at all.
29 years old
2-18-10 baby canine pulled
3-15-10 got braces
12-22-11 Moving-SO EXCITED!!
1-2-12 Meet new Ortho
1-5-12 Begin finishing treatment
3-5-12 Canine Implants...dun dun dunnnnn
4-9-12 Deband!
I had braces for Two Years and TwentyFive Days

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