Figured some people here might enjoy this.
I'm 23, with braces. Didn't wear my retainer as a kid and have to deal with some orthognathic surgery to fix everything up. Not really documenting my experience with braces, I've done it all before so it's not too exciting for me. But figured I might be able to give some inspiration to adults looking to get braced again. It's not that bad --- it can be pretty fun, actually! Don't be afraid to be yourself.
Just a video of me being silly, with braces on I repeatedly get mistaken for being much younger than I actually am.
(Regarding the braces: I've had them on for about a year now. I think I have a year left. I have a LeFort I osteotomy coming up in a few months to put everything in place. Feel free to ask questions or leave comments!)
Braces are fun! Can still make youtube videos with 'em.
Moderator: bbsadmin
Re: Braces are fun! Can still make youtube videos with 'em.
Nice one
Though the voice should be a clear indicator that you are NOT 12 ...or 16...or a Bieber fan XD.

- Posts: 8
- Joined: Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:26 am
Re: Braces are fun! Can still make youtube videos with 'em.
Haha!!! Too cute! I just got my braces on yesterday. I'm 24, with a birthday in March and already have a young face and get told I look like I'm in my late teens regularly. But NOW... I look like I'm in my MID-teens. I'm somewhat excited about it, in a humorous, deceiving way.