My story

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My story

#1 Post by AquarianDragon »

I'm 35, female, from California and started with my braces 02/06/12 to correct a class II malocclusion. I currently have upper metal brackets. Yesterday, I had impressions made for an expander plate which I "pick up" in 2 weeks.... *groan*

I never wondered what other people were going to say when I became an adult in braces. I work in the medical field, so maybe that helps. Many of my coworkers asked me why I was getting braces when my teeth are "reasonably straight". I would say that I have a horribly deep bite, I bite into my palate... right behind my front teeth, and I risk losing them. Not to mention I break off one of my bottom incisors from time-to-time. People get it when you say your jaw alignment messes with your teeth.

When I was a teen, the dentist sent me to an oral surgeon for eval of my malocclusion because of biting into my soft palate. The oral surgeon felt I should have repair. However, the insurance rejected his request. Perhaps in the end this was a good thing.

Fast forward to October 2011... my current dentist brought up the subject of seeing an orthodontist. She said there's a lot of new things in orthodontia that can be done to correct my bite without surgery. She said one of her patients had a horrible cross-bite with great results with braces. My dental insurance doesn't cover adult orthodontia, but I just married in June 2011, and my husband's coverage does provide a $2000 benefit (we have the same dentist, she looked at his coverage).

Since we missed the enrollment window for my husband to add me to coverage, we had to wait until December to add, and I had my orthodontic eval on 01/30, spacers on 02/02 and uppers placed 02/06 (which was awful). I still have moments when I think about how oral surgery would be a "quicker fix".

I already had sensitive teeth, probably from the physiological retardedness of my mouth, adding to my love of acidic things, haha! Now my mouth is even more sensitive!

I look forward to getting to know all of you!

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Re: My story

#2 Post by lau »

Hey there- Welcome to the Club!
It was great to read your story. You definitely have the right attitude! This board is amazing, it really makes this journey much more pleasant (for a lack of a better word) :-)

AD: Post some 'Before" pics so we can follow your progress

All the best!
Wore Top & Bottom traditional metal brackets, wore elastics both sides 24/7
Brace day: Oct 4 2011 / Sentence: 18 months - DONE in 16 months
My story + progress pix

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Re: My story

#3 Post by klobird »

Welcome Aquarian!

Well, I'm 56 and work in the medical field also. I'm not ashamed to have braces either--I love them!
I like it when people ask me why I have braces--I look straight at their teeth and tell them it's because I want to grow old with nice looking healthy teeth. I don't do it mean or anything--but you will begin to notice that not a whole lot of adults have really gorgeous teeth. Before asking why you have braces, they should be asking themselves why not!!

Really,very few people have asked me about my braces--I really could care less if they do--I'm doing this 100% for me!!! Something expensive for me!! Finally!!! :- :-)o * :crazy: :wink: :tingrin:

Anyway, welcome to the forum!! :HugeGrin:

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