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Hello guys! I have braces on my bottom teeth in which i got away without having any extractions despite having all 16 teeth! lol
However, this is not the case for my top teeth and i have to have two pre-molars out, Okay, so my question is, do i get these teeth out a week before my spacers are put in... or a week before my brace is put on? My ortho said get them out a week before my next appointment, but thats for spacers... im confused..
In my case I had to wait 3 weeks after extractions before I got my spacers. I have the spacers now and will have them a week before the braces are put in.
So it wouldn't be a problem if i got them out a week before my spacers?
She said something about if i get my teeth out too early i will lose the space or something... hmmm
I had two first bicuspids removed about 3 weeks ago on the bottom and I already had my spacers and brackets on the bottom. They wanted me to heal 2-3 weeks before they put the wire and band on in which I get this Tuesday. I would call the office to confirm exactly how they want it done.
Thank you. I am going to schedule my dentist to take out my teeth a week or 2 before i get my SPACERS, my orthodontist said she is going to write to my dentist, and i have a dentist appointment in 2 weeks so I am going to ask.
You stated you had no problems with your lower jaw despite having wisdom teeth, do you still have your wisdom teeth in your upper jaw as well? If so wouldn't it be more logical to have them removed to make space rather than premolars? Seeing as they dont leave a gap that needs to be closed- (which takes a long time) and they are much larger than premolars hence freeing up more space.
starbobby, spacers are to make space between your molars so they can put the bands around your first molars...
FFWM, I do have all 4 wisdom teeth in, they are not removing them until surgery, i don't know why they are not removing my wisdom teeth yet, They aren't causing any problems so far and im not having upper jaw surgery... well... my ortho said she is going to review that
I had all my 4s (first premolars) out at 16 and the gaps closed OK, even on lower arch where I didn't have a brace. Advantage of still having wisdom teeth is that, now I'm going full metal in my forties, I can use them for chewing when the 5s 6s (and probably 7s once the wire reaches that far) are not happy bunnies.
Hi oi, yes all four in one sitting. Blood everywhere for three hours, I probably made a mess of the car seat on the way home, but was too wrapped up in my own misery to take much notice. Not a pleasant afternoon. I gave them to my biology teacher for research. D.