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#1 Post by JavaMan »

Hi all,
So, at my next adjustment I will be getting two TADs put in.
I was wondering if the Ortho will start using the TADs right away, or do they have to ”sit a while” before the Ortho will put the TADs to use?

Thanks for your input!

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Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2008 8:43 am

Re: TADs

#2 Post by luckeeesmom »

I think it depends on the type you get. Some require immediate loading and others require time to integrate with the bone...

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Re: TADs

#3 Post by CJP »

I began using Class 2 elastics immediately. The TAD, once put in was as though it didn't exist. (As in no pain or issues at all). The elastics (I wear 24/7) made eating for a few days a little sore, but other than that, it just all just fine.

But - as the other posts stated, it depends on your plan of action from your orthodontist. Good luck!
Braces on June 21, 2012
Original estimate 18 to 24 months.
Ceramic uppers Replaced Sept. 19, 2012 with metal
Metal lowers
TAD #1: July 5, 2012


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